Approved Blade "Slain" Wulfang

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by DragonOtakuRoxy1, Dec 9, 2019.

  1. DragonOtakuRoxy1

    DragonOtakuRoxy1 Traveler

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    Username: DragonOtakuRoxy

    Discord Username: What, You Egg?#6845

    Full Name: Blade Wulfang

    Nickname(s): Slain

    Gender: Male

    Age: 17

    Date of birth: December 22nd, 2388S

    Place of birth: Mainland

    Job: Blacksmith, Explorer, Cook, Thief[FORMER]

    Interests and hobbies: Blade enjoys cooking himself a good dinner-- he has a quick breakfast, usually something along the lines of tea and a pastry or bread and cheese, and snacks throughout the day. As a former full-time thief, he’s deft with a short sword, and will occasionally go out for some fun to loosen up and pick up materials.

    Religious Belief: Ignarus, Aestheria, Marventa, Phaedron[FORMER]

    Signature Item (s): Short sword heirloom of the Wulfang family, bearing the crest of Lord Wulfang on its hilt-- a Wolf howling at a crescent(fang) moon. He also bares Jacob Wulfang’s best smithing hammer, a prized hammer crafted by the old man himself, engraved with the Wulfang family crest on the bottom of its hilt.

    Blade “Slain” Wulfang was born on a blizzarding winter night-- one day after the solstice and under a new moon. His parents took it as a bad omen-- without the moon, nothing could be seen through the snow-- and the crisp white snow barred their doors and turned the outside world into nothing but pitch-black darkness. A few months passed and summer came around, his parents absolutely adored his existence-- and as they were quite well off they spared no expense on him. However, his parents had caught someone’s ire-- a former lover of his father’s? An admirer of his mother’s? An opposing merchant of his father’s company? Whatever the case, the assassin only cared about the money, and killed the doting parents. Orphaned as an infant, his parent’s assassin had been instructed to do away with any evidence-- so he threw the infant to slums expecting him to die within the day. By some miracle he survived, picked up and raised in a slum orphanage-esque group, he learned to ‘hunt’ to survive-- whether it be simple pickpocketing, to grouping up on a wealthy-looking man or women and sharing what was left, he did what it took to survive. He was called many names, like “kid”, or “sewer rat”, and slurs people liked to call the weak and less fortunate-- but he didn’t have a name. No, well, he kind of had one. “Slain”, that was the name most people called him. A job which had gone array when he was 5 earned him the name-- when his target slashed a blade from above his left eye to the bottom right of his chin. In response to the injury, he slew the man with adrenaline and hate-filled strength-- leaving him de-armed, de-legged, and libido-less as he slowly choked on his own blood from the old, rusty, chipped short sword which had slashed his throat. Like most of the slum-tots, he prayed to and followed Phaedron, every day he prayed for a good ‘catch’ so that he’d be able to eat, or maybe buy new shoes which actually had soles and didn’t have holes in them. When Slain was around 7, he tried to pull his usually neck-slash-&-dash with a wealthy-looking middle-aged man-- only to be caught by him and taken into his home. Jacob Wulfang was the youngest of 8 sons from a low noble family, which gave him the freedom to do what he wished and become a blacksmith.

    The man took the young Slain in and started to educate him on the arts, and the beauty of metal-works. Although he couldn’t use his left eye, Slain progressed rather well in smithing-- although there had been a few incidents with his perception, rendering him crippled for weeks at times-- he became more and more engrossed in the exciting work. When Slain turned 10-- 3 years after he’d begun learning from and living with Wulfang-- his master adopted him and got him the legal name of “Slain Smith”. Slain continued to live and work under Jacob as his disciple and his ward, most of his time was spent working hard to compensate for his lack of perception. However, Jacob Wulfang had been a blacksmith for a while, and since he was from a noble family-- even if he was the youngest of 8-- had the privilege of getting a proper education, so using his excess money he sent Slain to school. During meals and before bed he would constantly nag and test Slain, asking him things like “In what year was Antea destroyed?” to which Slain would have to choke down his food and hurriedly reply “200S!” before Jacob could begin to lecture him on the importance of education for 2 hours straight. By now Slain had taken to worshipping Ignarus for the fire which allowed him to do his work and the strength he had to fight off people and creatures alike; Aestheria in appreciation of the beauty of his craft-- he also took to music, which much like smithing had patterns of rhythms and precise accuracy of the hits, strums, and fingering placements which the artists had to follow; Marventa for the excursions he sometimes took as field trips in school, errands to gather materials, or special lessons from Jacob.

    Slain continued his simple life with Jacob until Partentus died, and a rumor that Phaedron’s followers had a role to play in it spread. Jacob feared that as a formerly well-known slum-kid-thief-- and thus Phaedron follower-- he might be persecuted by their neighbors, friends, and any old enemies. He stealthily sent him over to the promised land as “Blade Wulfang”, giving him a smithing hammer Jacob had made with his own hands-- the very best of his hammers, never ‘used’ before-- and a quality shortsword that Jacob’s father had left him in his will, carrying the Wulfang family crest. Jacob sent his beloved ward and son off with the hopeful confidence that he can, and will, survive.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2019
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Welcome to Minecraft Frontiers!

    A really well-written bio you have here which I could not fault.

    Enjoy your time here :D
    DragonOtakuRoxy1 likes this.

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