Approved Biography of Reeve Alorn

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by who knows man, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. who knows man

    who knows man Traveler

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    Username: tinybitshy

    Full Name: Reeve Alorn

    Nickname(s): Reeve

    Gender: Female

    Age: 23

    Date of birth: 13/6/2382S

    Place of birth: In the middle of the Mainland, in the busiest metropolis

    Job: A farmer

    Interests and hobbies: Fishing, reading, exploring, writing

    Religious Belief: Believes in the codex and the 6 gods, but specifically Metus, not because she believes in him more, her household just raised her that way

    Signature Item (s): A quill, given to her by her grandmother before she passed away

    Story Paragraphs:

    Reeve Alorn was the eldest of three children, raised in a farmers household. She was simply born in the city because her family was there, selling their goods, when her mother went into labour. Her whole life she was told she would be a farmer, and that was that. They weren’t a rich family, but they rarely struggled too much.

    The young girl quickly learned to read and write from her grandmother, a woman who came from an almost rich family, and who believed she could do more with her life than simply farm. Writing poetry was her passion, but her family wouldn’t allow it. She would be betraying them. That mindset caused them to grow further and further apart, the girl spending more time with her grandmother as she grew up.

    However, soon after Reeve turned 19, her grandmother became sick. The following months were agony, as no one knew if she would make it out alive. Reeve stayed by her side the whole time, not wanting to let the biggest role model in her life die. But death couldn’t be stopped. The last conversation they had, her grandmother beseeched her enough money to get to Elpida and do something with her life, as well as a magnificent quill feather pen, to write her works with.

    With a dream, and only a background in farming, Reeve stepped upon the ship, not caring what her family thought anymore. They would no longer hold her back. She would grab her destiny with open hands, and make her grandmother proud.
    Alir99 likes this.
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Very nice bio!

    Couldn't fault it so congratulations on getting it approved!

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