biggles2010 Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by biggles2010, Jan 10, 2016.

  1. biggles2010

    biggles2010 Traveler

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    • Your character's name.
    • 1-2 paragraphs about your life on the Mainland.
    • 1 paragraphs about your decision to go to Elpida
    • 1-2 Signature Items (you may write a story on them as well if you want)
    • Pick at least 1 god your character follows.

    Character Name: biggles2010 (that's my username but can drop the 2010 for roleplay)

    Life on the mainland:

    Life on the mainland was fairly simple, biggles came from a long line of crafters/blacksmiths and learned the craft at a very young age. During his youth he managed to get quite talented at the crafting a variety of weapons, armors and tools. The only issue biggles ever had was the competition, he produced high quality merchandise only to have it sit on shelves because the other crafter 2 doors down kept undercutting prices so much.

    This undercutting was a drain on biggles wealth, he even tried moving the shop to various parts of the city but would always face the same competition. There were customers that he had that would come in search of his merchandise simply for knowing the quality was one of the better ones available and this kept him going, this let him amass enough of a nestegg for something big. Biggles always thought of leaving but always came across the question, where do i go? who would buy my things? The answer would someday come he just didnt know when.

    Decision to go to Elpida:

    One day while biggles was busy crafting another fine blade for a new customer, a genteman walked in to speak to the customer biggles was crafting for, intrigued biggles listened in on this conversation. Elpida..... a name that would stick in biggles mind for a long time. These gentleman talked about a land of oppurtunity a land of wealth a land of well fortune. This made biggles believe that the answer to his questions was solved. "Im going to Elpida" he spoke aloud the two gentleman turned and looked at him and chuckeld " its an expensive run boy it would most certainly leave you pennyless and in a foreign land" biggles looked at the men and said "would that be all for today? your total is..." the men just looked at him and picked out a few things and dropped money on the counter. biggles just smiled and knew his day to go to this new land would be coming real soon.

    Signature items:

    biggles left for Elpida with very special items to him.
    "The hammer" this was the first axe that his father gave him as a boy, a little rough around the edges but this has gathered some of the best materials biggles used for his crafting.

    "The Judge" ccrafting is not only about making a perfect item but it is also about spending your time gathering what you need to make those items... a saying his father told him when he gave him this pickaxe and sent him into the mines.

    both of those items biggles needed and would use to gather his wealth in this new lands

    One God:

    Metus... a name that biggles heard throughout his life and grew to admire and decided very young to follow for everytime he prayed at the shrines good sales and good harvests and good finds would folllow.

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