Approved Benny Ucks - Never lose hope

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Benny, Apr 30, 2016.

  1. Benny

    Benny Verified Traveler

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    Full Name: Benny Ucks (Ben-ee Ah-ks)

    Nickname(s): Ben, Ben Ben

    Gender: Male

    Age: Sixteen

    Date of birth: March 24th, 2389S

    Place of birth: A small village in the mainland

    Current residence: Wandering

    Job: Mediocre tasks

    Interests and hobbies: Helping others, making friends, and having lots of fun

    Religious Belief: Legaros

    Signature Item (s): A large stone scythe with the name "Benny Ucks" carved into the hilt

    Background story:

    Benny Ucks, a sixteen year-old boy, came from a small village in the mainland. He hopes to be a brave hero, protecting those from harm and guiding those who seek help. Although not strong, he is determined and willing to fight towards his goal. His mother is caring, and as always, overprotective. She worries about him a lot when he goes exploring. Benny helps out in the village a lot, and likes to make lots of friends (or foes)!

    One day, his father, an adventurer went out on a mission and never came back. The family suffered a permanent wound. Years later, The townsfolk unraveled the secret behind the disappearance. They found out that it was a murder. They also found a gardening tool impaled through his chest. The weapon was easily traced to Benny, because of his name carved into hilt. The townspeople claimed that the writing was stating ownership. Because of this, he was exiled. Nobody knows if Benny killed his father, not even himself.

    Even if lost and forgotten, Benny still has hope. He stumbles upon a small tavern, and meets an info broker. The broker has given information to Benny that would change his life. The whereabouts of his sister, who is currently living in Elpida. A family reunion indeed. Now heading to the city of Elpida, the journey begins. Completing mediocre tasks and surviving out in the open was the first step to becoming stronger. Benny always carries his scythe with him, as it is his only memory of his past. Benny devotes himself to the god Legaros. His decisions are based on what Legaros would do. Every night before he goes to sleep, he silently prays, hoping for a better tomorrow.

    Benny: okay, I'm going out now! (better catch some fish for dinner. It'll be an easy task because I have my lucky fishing bait with me today!)
    Mother: be careful out there! Please come back before night time!
    "I was walking down the stone path and through the forest, as it was the fastest way to get to the river, then I heard a scream to the east. I ran as fast as I could to the location of the sound"

    Benny: (I should probably hide in the brush and see whats going on. I don't want to get tricked by a harpy again)
    ... (Wait, is that a spindler?! Its rumored to have poison so lethal to kill under five minutes, and its strength alone to decimate an entire squadron of foot soldiers! whats worse, is that it's a giant spider! I really do hate spiders. This is the first time I've seen one up close, and... Hey, who is that kid? Golden hair, braided to one side... That's my sister! What is she doing all the way out here? Oh boy. It looks like the spindler wants to have a meal. Well, attacking an innocent little girl will be harder than it thought it would be! I'll jump out of the bush and give it a nice surprise from behind!)
    Benny: hey, you ugly fur ball! Get away from Michelle! (Okay, I really should have thought twice about this. I don't even have a weapon. Think, think! I should probably distract it, then run away with my sister. That's two birds with one stone! Er, two stones.)

    Michelle: Ben? What are you doing here?
    Benny: what are you doing here?
    Spinder: hiss!
    Benny: oh crap. (Great. The splindler has me on my back and its breath stinks.)
    Michelle: get away from him, you big meanie! Take this! And that!
    Benny: Run! A stick wont do anything! (Sooner or later, we'll both end up as spindler food. Think, Benny, think!)
    Michelle: I'm distracting it for you so we can both run away!
    Benny: (She really is my sister. She's kind and likes to play the hero. She's stealing my spotlight. Wait... distraction... Oh, I really don't want to do this. I was planning to use my lucky bait on my dinner, but... Oh well, there goes my afternoon snack.)
    Michelle: what the - is that pumpkin pie?!
    Benny: here, grab my hand! While its eating the pie, we'll run as fast as we can back to the house, and we'll be safe!
    ... Benny: we're home! Hello?
    Michelle: everyone is sleeping. Its past midnight.
    Benny: oh. Well, better go back out there to get my dinner.
    Michelle: wait! I need to talk to you.
    Benny: yeah, what is it?
    Michelle: thank you for saving me. I really thought I was a goner back there.
    Benny: by the way, why were you all the way out from the house?
    Michelle: this. Now you don't have to go find dinner again!
    Benny: oh thank Legaros! Now, lets eat!
    ... Benny: - and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I do hope to meet you one day, Legaros. Well, time to go to sleep. (Hmm. Protecting Michelle felt amazing. I think I know what I want to do when I get older now. I'll protect those in need and become a hero!)

    Last edited: May 2, 2016
  2. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    @Alir99 will get to this ASAP.
    Benny likes this.
  3. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Hi and welcome to Frontiers.
    Bios good so far. Maybe just add a bit more to it, specially for your characters past.
    Also I'm not sure what the date of birth is. We don't have a AL? The current year is 2405S, and since your characters 16 years old, his date of birth should be 2389S. Please change that.
    Best of luck!
  4. Benny

    Benny Verified Traveler

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    Thanks for the feedback! I've added my story of what influenced me to become a hero, and how my bond with my sister increased and developed! @Alir99
    Alir99 likes this.
  5. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Thank you :)
    Message @tcvs for server access and your badge.
    Good luck!
  6. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    Congrats! I hope you have a great time.
  7. Xalveris

    Xalveris Known Citizen

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    Welcome to MC Frontierland! I am now going to give MCF a different messed up name every time I say it until I run out of ideas (which will be a while).

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