Approved Backstory: Thamior Naïlo

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Jordan Riguedell, Jan 1, 2020.

  1. Jordan Riguedell

    Jordan Riguedell Traveler

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    Username: Blazey78
    Discord Username and #: Blazey78 #
    Full Name: Thamior Naïlo
    Nickname: Tham
    Gender: Male
    Age: 26
    Date of birth: December 14, 2379S
    Place of birth: Mainland
    Job: Ranger/Bounty Hunter
    Interests and Hobbies: Adventuring, Charting new lands, and Hunting.
    Religious Belief: A devoted follower of Marventa, making passage twice a year to her blessed temple resting on the ledge of an ocean cliff.
    Signature Item (s): Longbow passed down by his mentor. A gold and Emerald ring with his family name carved into it.

    Story Paragraphs:

    Thamior's story begins with that of tragedy. Thamior's mother raced from their burning house with him in her arms, taking an arrow from a bandit through her shoulder as she fled into the nearby woods. She was still gripping him in her arms, but the life was fading from her body "Say my boy" she said softly to Adrik, a ranger on his way to aid the village under siege. He knew the village was lost, so he grabbed Thamior and made haste from the bandit attack. Over the follow years Adrik took Thamior under his wing and raised him as one of his own, teaching him the discipline and skills of the ranger. Thamior was also taught how to hide in plain sight, by working a small forge repairing armor and weapons. Adrik was a firm believer in the teachings of Marventa and raised Thamior to follow her for she would help guide any adventure they got themselves into.

    He became skilled at the Forge, but also showed great promise in the way of the ranger. He kept to himself for the most part and would train tirelessly, his only true friend was his mentor. He always had a burning in his heart to find the bandits that killed his parents and burned his village to the ground, but as far as Adrik would tell him they had probably fallen to the Patraeia Guard by now. Thamior never believed that to be true, he would go out on his own and take bounties from the towns guard on bandit leaders from the area trying to track down the bandits. He knew even if didn’t track down these bandits he was at least helping make sure there was one less village burned to the ground. Thamior came back from the hunt to find his friend and mentor sick. After Adrik had passed he left Thamior with the forge and all his possessions including one of the finest longbows he had ever set his eyes on.

    Going through his mentor’s things he came across notes in his desk that talked of bandits to the north where Thamior village had once stood. He dropped everything, packed his gear and set off up north to find the remains of his village and the bandits and that destroyed it. He arrived up north to the bandit camp being abused by the Patraeia Guard, Thamior lent his bow and together they took down the bandit camp, around the leaders neck on a gold chain rest a golden emerald ring with the name “Naïlo” and with that the rage in his heart settled. He Traveled Back to his forge with this guards he helped, and upon the journey back the guards spoke of wealth and adventure that awaited anyone able to afford a ticket off the mainland to Elpida.

    Knowing there wasn’t much left for him on the mainland now, Thamior sold his forge and with the money he had made from that and his bounties he had been completing over the years he had just enough to for a ticket to a new life of fortune and adventure in Elpida.
    Alir99 likes this.
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Beautiful bio!

    Welcome to the community :D

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