Approved Aspasia Kazan - Character Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Hopelesslist, Dec 21, 2019.

  1. Hopelesslist

    Hopelesslist Verified Traveler

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    Username: Hopelesslist69
    Discord Username (only if you want to be verified in the Discord group): AffectionateGanche#6800
    Full Name: Aspasia Kazan
    Nickname(s): Pasia
    Gender: Female
    Age: 25
    Date of birth: September 7th, 2380S
    Place of birth: Mainland
    Job: Farmer
    Interests and hobbies: Learning, Taking care of others in need,
    Religious Belief: Follower of the God, Metus
    Signature Item (s):
    Walking Stick that was passed down for generations on her Father's side
    A heartfelt note from a traveler who passed through before she considered to leave the Mainland.

    Story Paragraphs:
    I was born to a seemingly simple farming family, my father worked with the livestock and in the fields while my mother stayed inside all day, making sure the house wasn't a mess and delicious food was always in our bellies. The only difference between us and other families was that we often opened our home to anyone who may need some food in their mouths and a roof over their heads. To my father, it was his true calling. My father is one of the greatest men that has ever walked among us. He is strong and tough yet has the most gentle voice and touch that even rivals the smoothest of silk.

    Because of how far our farm was from others my age, I was a very lonely and strange girl, which ended up following me to adulthood. While other girls my age stayed home, honing the craft of housework, I've always been a wild child. Jumping out of trees, rolling in the dirt, and always running back home with a new hole for my mother stitch-up. As expected, I never followed in my mother's footsteps. Instead, my father took me under his wing and taught me the ways of farming the land and raising livestock, which I was always happy to do despite my mother's protest.

    I finally started my formal education at age 14, though it isn't what others would expect. As my family was constantly busy and hard at work, the countless visitors that ran in and out would take up the liberty to teach me during my free time. I viewed them as family and found great comfort in the humble strangers. They often would give me books or notes that were at many times of poor quality and worn down but I cherished them and would study hard in all my free time just to make them proud, just as I promised.

    Leaving the Mainland to Elpida wasn't even my plan at all. It was my father who thought it would be nice for me to leave our farm and see new things and people. I was hesitant to leave him and my mother, worried about who would help with the heavy lifting and taking care of the farm because of his illness, but then I finally looked him in the eyes and realized what he meant. He didn't want me to see him like this. So weak and fragile. And finally, I agreed to go to Elpida, packing up my things and saying my final goodbyes, but I made them promise to write me. Coming to Elpida, I hope to build a new life for myself as well as pass on my father's legacy and help those who may be in need.
  2. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    Welcome to the server!
    This a very good bio. Congragulations are in order, your approved!

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