Approved Arch Giovanni's Biography

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by ArchGiovanni, Dec 16, 2019.

  1. ArchGiovanni

    ArchGiovanni Verified Traveler

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    Username - GioGio134
    Discord Username - Josuke Higishikata#7078
    Player Name - Arch Giovanna Joestar
    Nickname - Gio, Arch, JoJo
    Age - 21
    Date Of Birth - 30th November 2384S
    Place of Birth - Coastal Mainland
    Jobs - Ruin Explorer, Historian, Mercenary
    Interests and Hobbies - Cave diving, ancient history, ancient military tactics
    Religious belief - Mainly follows Marventa, but prays to Phaedron and Ignarus if entering a fight/battle/war
    Signature Items - The Sabre of the Phoenix, Betrayal's Sting

    Arch spent most of his time on the mainland exploring ancient ruins with his brother Josh. If he wasn't deep in a cave, he would either be practicing with a sword or brushing up on his history or making money as a mercenary. A smooth talker and an avid swordsman, he was always grabbing the attention of someone. Normally that wasn't good attention either. His main find was an ancient sword, which has gotten him out of many significant altercations.

    As he gained fame, he caught wind of Elpida. Knowing the Mainland was running out of ruins he set about finding how to travel to Elpida with his brother. It turned out he needed funds, the last of which he had spent on ensuring his families future. To do this he decided he would raid a temple and sell the goods on. Though he knew the risks he spent weeks planning this. By the time he was ready almost a year had passed. Whilst he was deep in the temple an ancient bow caught his eye. Not the prize he wanted but the prize he kept. With the ancient crown, he managed to gain the funds to travel to Elpida.

    He knew this was going to be his big break, he could finally make his stamp on the world and make his legacy known. With his sword and his bow, he decided to set sail, certain this travel would bring about fame and fortune. Though his tongue may be sharp, his sword was sharper. If ever there was a war to be waged, Arch would want to be involved.

    Arch Giovanni's sword, the Sabre of the Phoenix, was an ancient relic he found amongst one of the first ever ruins he explored. He wasn't sure why he decided to keep it but ever since then he has tinkered and had it worked on until he was satisfied with it. Forever hanging off his hip, it will always be his go to weapon, regardless of who he faces. Rumour has it this weapon belonged to the gods, but whether this is true or not, nobody knows.

    His bow, which was revealed to be named Betrayal's Sting, once belonged to a smalltime thief. The thiefs name has been lost to history but the bow was known to kill many people, both good and evil. The reason it is named as such is because the thief only had a single friend, who just so happened to kill him with this bow. Since then, it has become an old folks tale that whoever owns this bow will be killed by those closest to them.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2019
  2. org36

    org36 Citizen Ambassador

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    Approved. However, note that Signature Items are unavailable at the start (lore reason is that they're confiscated when players arrive in Elpida, if you have it when you arrive), so you won't be able to actually use those weapons until they're "given" back to you.

    Welcome to the community!
  3. ArchGiovanni

    ArchGiovanni Verified Traveler

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    That's perfectly okay, I won't be making any troubles until I retrieve them.

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