Full Name: Draconis Pratton Nickname(s): Draconis, Draco Gender: Male Age: 18 Date of birth: 15 July 2367S Place of birth: Mainland, Village of Lakemont Current residence: Has a house within the town but usually stays in a hidden cavern Job: Blacksmith, Trader, Assassin Interests and hobbies: Eavesdropping, Lurking in the shadows, honing his skills with the dagger, Keeping tabs on the latest rumours. Religious Belief: Was a devout follower of Legaros Signature Item (s): Sword of Pratton (Sword passed down from generation to generation though due to its age has become too brittle for actual use) The Younger Days I had always been proud of the family I was born into. A father who was the head guard for our humble village and a mother who was known as the best baker in town. Sure, compared to all the nobles the things I am considered proud of could be considered horrendous but for me knowing that my father was a man who had the power and righteousness to protect our village Lakemont was more than enough for me. Our village was a fairly small one but though it may be small in size it truly was one which always had a mellow and peaceful atmosphere about it. Our house wasn't very big but I've never complained about wanting an extravagant house. All that mattered to me was my family and me and a little bit of fun on the side. At noon, my father would usually come home for lunch and we would dine together but before our meal, we would always pray to Legaros to bless our village and to guard us from those who may wish to harm us. During the day, I would usually help my mother with the bread making and buying the wheat from the local farm and for me, this was always my favourite time of day as I would usually meet (in my opinion) the most kind and beautiful girl in our whole village! Her smile had always made me feel as if I was turning into jelly right on the spot. At first, I could have been mistaken for a completely mute child as whenever I was in front of her I would lose all ability to speak and words couldn't even be made into a coherent sentence within my head, though this lead to me being able to hear that laughter that has captivated me even until now. Overtime we ended up becoming close friends and I had also finally learnt her name, Sophie! I'd usually have to come by their farm to buy the wheat for my mother so we would normally talk and play for a while, though I couldn't play for long as keeping my mother waiting is one thing I would really prefer avoiding... If I want to keep my ear intact and make sure the belt is where it should be. The Massacre A few months later It had been quite some time since I met Sophie and I finally had the guts to invite her over to my family's house a few days ago. Though it seems my parents already knew about me being very close to her as they didn't seem shocked at all that I asked if I could invite her over but instead... had a little glimmer of mischief in their eyes. Today, me and Sophie were at my house playing hide and seek and it was my turn to hide after I won the coin flip. I was really determined this time to give her a hard time as the last time we played I hid in the kitchen and a bucket of flour fell on my face after that pesky cat pushed it over the table. It was seriously embarrassing seeing her laugh at me while I was completely covered in flour so this time I decided to hide inside the wardrobe we bought from the chieftain as he complained that the two small holes in it made it far too "inelegant" for a household such as his but if you ask me I think that's just a bundle of ratpoop but hey, it gave me one of the best places to hide so I guess I can't complain. I climbed into the wardrobe and carefully closed the door trying to make as little sound as possible. I'm pretty confident that it'll take her a while to find me as no kid in their right mind would usually hide in a wardrobe unless they want a beating after being caught for ruining all the clothes. I sat there trying to breath as shallowly as I could. Time seemed to flow so slowly... a minute... 5 minutes... 10 minutes... just when I started feeling sleepy inside the wardrobe I hear a quiet sound. As I tried to focus on it, it sounded like... someone touching two forks together but constantly doing it. I was beginning to wonder what was going on when I heard a loud Crash!! It sounded like someone just dropped a plate and that's when I heard Sophie shriek out loud. I was just about to run out of the wardrobe when I glimpsed through the hole in the wardrobe that a man was walking through the door while manhandling Sophie. He looked really muscular and had a large scar on his right arm with another scar on his left eye. He kept his mouth closed in a thin, straight line and he gave off a menacing aura that caused me to shrivel up in fear. I literally froze inside the wardrobe, fear taking a hold of me and gripping me into stillness even when I could hear Sophie quietly sobbing. After a few minutes, four more guys came in. Two pushing my mother through the door with a gag in her mouth to stop her from screaming and the last two dragging my father into the room. My face turned ashen as I saw the state my father was in. His face was bleeding and his nose in a crooked shape that looked as if he was barraged with many punches and his left eye so swollen that it seemed it would cause immense agony just to try and open it. The two men dragged my father and forced him to sit on a chair and the man who manhandled Sophie into the room stood in front of him and then spat on the floor to the left of my father. "Do you remember me!" He said, "I bet you don't. I told you I'd make you regret the day you left this scar on me and threw me into jail" "Threw you into jail?" Dad croaked, "I... I don't remember your face, what on earth are you talking about!" The man laughed so loud but you could hear the sinisterness within it. "I knew it, I just knew it. You wouldn't even be able to remember me. I was just an insignificant little crook to you ain't it but now look how the tides turned on you, you pesky guard!" He smirked at my dad. "All you had to do was leave us alone. I even said I'd give you a portion of the money we stole from the bank but no. You go around preaching that Legaros would smite us for our wrongdoings but where's your god now!" The man then suddenly pointed towards my mother and Sophie. "Bring those two here! Now!" and his lackeys quickly moved to follow his orders. They dragged them towards the man and forced them into kneeling positions "Let's see if I can get a good reaction out of you now. I've been waiting for years until my release to do this!" Then he suddenly yelled at the top of his voice "Chop off their heads!" At that moment... I felt so many emotions at the same time I didn't know if it was a ridiculous nightmare or if this really was reality. I had become so terrified that I began feeling a wetness leaking through my pants but even still I kept myself as silent as possible, though at this point I didn't even know if I was capable of screaming let alone say a single word. My father was in complete anguish, tears were flowing down his face and I could hear and feel the curses he was yelling at this sick disgusting man for what he had done to my mother... and to the girl that I liked. The man guffawed, "Ah... For how long I waited to hear you in pain and agony." Then he suddenly lunged forwards and brought his sword straight through my fathers chest. "Don't worry I ain't such a cruel man, I'll help you meet your family again." My father tried to scream but all that came up was blood from his throat and after a few minutes of struggling, he became still. "You lot let's go! We're done with this place. We better leave before other's find out what happened here." He jeered. As they all began to walk out, one of the lackey's said in a quiet whisper "Hey. I thought the kid was a boy. That's what that man told wasn't it?" "Shut the hell up! The informant was probably wrong you idiot. The boss will have our heads if you tell him that!" the other man hissed. Once they had left, it felt as if the world has stopped. I couldn't discern time any more and minutes melted into hours. I don't know how long it had been but when I brought myself back to my senses I could hear people talking in outrage in the room. I became terrified, what if they realised that there really was a boy and now they were coming after me! I took another glimpse through the hole and I saw some familiar faces. It was my dad's subordinates, they must have come to look for my father! I used all the strength I could muster to push the wardrobe door open but my energy was so drained that once I opened it rather than stepping down, I had fallen instead. The guards were at first alarmed, placing their hands at the hilt of their swords in a panic but once they recognised what actually happened only pity remained in their eyes.
My Vengeance It had been years now since the murder happened. I got adopted by my father's brother who worked as a blacksmith but back then it wasn't really the time for me to be grateful for someone taking me in. I was a emotional wreck, I barely ate and I hardly talked. Every night I'd roll in my bed and wake screaming after dreaming about that day. The blood, the heads of my mother and the girl I loved... I couldn't get it out of my head and I don't think I ever will. I cursed Legaros. Where was he when a man who upheld his beliefs was being tortured. Where... where on earth was he and his divine protection! WHERE WAS HE! I casted my love for Legaros into the very pits of hell and cursed him over and over again. After weeks of having the same dream again and again, I felt a slight change within me. Why should I be like this in this crippled state of mind. What did I do to deserve this. That's when I thought that the cause of this was that man. That despicable man who murdered them. I resolved myself to find him one day. I might be small now but I swore on my life that even if I have to move the whole Earth I will find him and I will exact my vengeance on him. Over the years I had began to help my uncle out with the blacksmithing work he did and during the years he had also decided to begin teaching me the basics of blacksmithing. He showed me how important it was to temper the sword at just the right temperature and that moulding the sword together was not just as simple as grabbing two ingots and chucking them on a stick. It was frustrating at first and the temperature of the smithy caused me to profuse immensely but overtime I had become accustomed to the temperature and I felt myself begin to really start absorbing the knowledge my uncle was earnestly trying to teach me. At some days I could still see the pity in his eyes for me but he knows that I really dislike it when he does that as it brings up that past of mine. Once I had grown old enough to hold one of the swords steadily I began sneaking out at night to practice on how to swing the sword at first. Then slowly practicing how to accurately slash, lung and block my imaginary foes. I think my uncle knew that I did this every night but I think in his mind, I was aspiring to be a guard like my dad but how wrong he was. When I had turned 18, my uncle had told me he had taught me all he had learnt and how proud he was to have a son like me. I smiled at him as I had begun to get quite attached to my uncle but the word "son" had always felt unnatural for me. I know it caused him agony to never hear me say father during all the time we had been together but for me, it was not a word I could easily say. Not after all that happened. After that time... I felt a peace of me break, I could no longer truly feel love for people as I had become paranoid about what could happen to them and what could happen... to me. If such a thing was to happen again I don't think I could continue to live. Not without having only malice and hatred consume my every breath and my very soul itself. I headed down to the tavern in the nearby town after a long day of work to grab myself a pint of beer. I'd normally come with my uncle but he said that we had more orders than normal today so I should go ahead and take a rest. I went and ordered my pint of ale when I heard this sailor begin talking about this island of Elpida. It caught my curiosity as he kept saying how marvellous it was there and how there was barely any inhabitants there but I thought if it as not my business. A life of bliss is not the road my life will lead me to. Right after I thought this the sailors friend began talking about how his friend was lucky and didn't have to sail the seas with this ridiculously scary man. He kept saying how it felt as if he'd throw you overboard if you even met him in the eye and the scars on his arm and his eye made it feel as if he really would do it! I heard from my mate that he was going there to try and rule a village but if you ask me, he probably meant terrorise it. I began to laugh to myself, bursting with mirth. The sailor thought I was taking the mickey out of him but in actuality I was laughing at my own fortunes. I know that the man the sailor was talking about could be someone else completely and that I might just be chasing the sunset, however this was one of the best leads I had since then and there was no way in all of hell I would not capitalize on this information I heard, even if Ignarus was after my hide. I didn't want my uncle to worry about me so I told him that I was leaving this country not for the sake of my vengeance but for a start of a new life and to improve my skills as a blacksmith. It pained me greatly to have to lie to the man who to me was almost like a father to me but to see him agonise in fear for my life would be something that I couldn't befall such a man as him. My uncle was glad that I had finally gotten some life back in me and gave me a purse full of coins. "You don't really believe I made you work for free during all those times you were with me in the smithy did you?" He smiled at me. I gave my uncle a hearty hug and felt I am truly a lucky man to have him as my adoptive father. One who cherished me rather than deserted me. As I went to my room to pack my belongings my uncle came into the room holding a long box. "I know you don't like bringing up the past but I think you might want this with you. It's been a sword that's been passed down through our family for centuries now and even though it might not be combat worthy any more it is still an important heirloom for us. Your father was the last one to have it and now I am passing it down to you, his son." It pained my uncle to say that word but he continued, "Maybe in your journey as a blacksmith you might be able to restore itself to its original splendour. It might not have been the most powerful sword out there but believe me... if you can restore it, it will be more than enough to protect you." I was completely speechless. I had never known that such a sword had existed let alone that my father was the last owner of it. I became tearful as I accepted the sword from him and I told him, "Thank you... Father." The light in my uncles eyes shined so bright for a moment as to him, this probably was a word I had become incapable of saying. I myself thought I was incapable of saying it but it seems in my heart, he truly was like a father to me and he deserves to at least be called that by me... even if this is the last time I may see him if fate does not side with me. As I began my journey to the pier to where the boat that would change my life will be waiting, I told myself... You bastard who killed my family, ruined my life, destroyed my childhood and killed the girl I love and now... it shall be your head on a platter once I find you, and nothing will stop me, Nothing will until my vengeance is fulfilled and this burning, seething anger of mine has dealt its share with the blade I wield. With it I will end you by driving it through that repugnant heart of yours and honour my father's legacy. Wow that sure took some time to write. Ended up becoming more like a story I guess than an biography but it explains my character in a fairly good detail (I believe) and why his goals is... well his goals XD This was my first time writing an actual character biography so if I made any flaws anywhere please tell me where I can improve it and I will try to (Note to self. Decide what to do with the cat, make it a stray cat or a companion)
Wow this is big! Not surprised you ain't seen any comments yet, probably still reading it! I think as long as you stay lore friendly I see some really great potential! Very detailed and well written I cannot actually get you on the list for the beta but I can feedback
Thanks I literally just finished this an hr or 2hours ago XD was writing it bit by bit and now its completed Was quite fun to write as well, never really wrote that much for something like creative writing since 3 years and that was for an english exam XD Thanks for the feedback, I think I did try to keep it lore friendly. Involved the gods a bit in the text and tried to keep it as medieval as I could. It would be nice if I am inlisted for the beta but I will patiently wait for the server release if I don't get accepted but thanks for saying that
Very interesting read! Definitely more of a full story but you can still follow your character development. Great Job!
Thanks, glad you found it interesting. I knew by the time I was writing in the middle of the part for The Massacre it would probably turn out story based but I had no clue how else to relate what actually happened to my character other than that way
Sorry about that I'm more of an avid book reader and I never really touched on biographies before so while writing it, it ended up turning into a story
Nicely detailed, long and flushed out story-bio. Welcome to the community! (I just got around to reading everyone else's bios)