Approved Tomas' Character Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Tomas, Nov 5, 2015.

  1. Tomas

    Tomas Owner Owner Administrator

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    Full Name: Nysa, the daughter of Geleon.
    Gender: Female
    Age: 21
    Place of birth: Mainland, Trade Quarter
    Current residence: Elpida
    Job: Priestess of Marventa
    Interests and hobbies: Worship, watching the sea, astronomy
    Religious Belief: Marventa - dedicated follower
    Signature Item (s): a friendship bracelet

    And you shall follow in her footsteps. The waves on the beach her nimble veil, the wind in the sky her fresh breath, and the stars her language that speaks to us every night. Through our worship she sets us free.

    The Childhood
    Nysa was the first an only child, born to a well known trader named Geleon. Her childhood was full of expensive gifts from far away lands, boring parties where the nobility mingled, teachers and servants with their life lessons noone was interested in. If that wasn't terrible enough, each day the cooks were tasked to put together an evening feast. Geleon would invite his trade partners. They would talk over dinner, while Nysa was left with an impossible task. The dreadful predicament of choosing which selection of courses to eat this time. Can't the servants put together something interesting for once? Nysa has heard of new blends of spices carried in two months by sea. The spices her servants used were only from an island two weeks away. What a waste of time she thought.

    At least she had her friends. Elpir, a daughter of a trade partner, was her best. Much like Nysa, she didn't spend time with nonsense. Things like education, reading and work were beneath her. They would instead stroll around the city streets, chatting about what boy looked the best that day. There was one thing that they loved the most though - sneaking around the various temples, giggling at the pointless lives of the priests. Nysa would hide around the corners, watching them babble their nonsense. It was so much fun they did it every day!

    After months of listening to the priests' words, Nysa learned a very valuable lesson. The temple was where all the handsome boys were. It didn't take long before she came up with a plan. She would pretend she was interested in worship. She would pretend she didn't know much, let the handsome young priests pay attention to her. In fact, it was a bulletproof plan - skipping all her lessons meant she honestly didn't know all that much.

    From Riches to Rags
    Perhaps it was the fact that she was excited about going to the temple each day. Perhaps it was her young age and the fact that she had learned very little before. Nysa was actually quite good at this whole worship thing. Doing things right meant the boys would notice her, even if they weren't supposed to. Soon all the little rituals were second nature.

    It was too easy. She quickly got one boy to fancy her. Then another, and another. All of this without any of the pesky nobility that was lingering at home. It was a dream come true. Quickly it stopped being about the boys, it was something Nysa was genuinely good at. The waves on the sea were slowly taking on a new meaning. The stars in the sky were starting to speak.

    Nysa grew tired of the young boys. The older priests knew a lot more about astronomy, the seas and exploration. Their stories placed roots deep down in Nysa's heart. As months passed by, the little rituals were replaced by complex traditions. It felt as if her "ordinary" life has become her new little ritual, a small boring fraction of her day that let her devote the rest to what mattered.

    The Journey
    The words spoken by the old priests filled Nysa with awe, but they were just words. It was the stars that truly guided her path. They spoke to her on a much deeper level than any word ever could. She could spend the rest of her life in that temple. Maybe she even would have been happy. But her soul wanted more. She wanted to devote her life to Marventa in a way Nysa thought was true. She would devote her life to exploration and to the study of the stars.

    They shared their goodbyes with Elpir, her best friend. The bracelets they exchanged would signify that even if apart, their friendship would always travel with them. Elpir promised not to tell anyone what Nysa was up to, her father would surely disapprove.

    Nysa snatched a pouch of gold coins from her father's drawer and headed for the docks. Walking into the docks, Nysa realised how little she knew about the world. She had no idea where she was going - or even where she could go. A group of sailors was talking of a city filled with riches. A city both new and ancient at the same time. Surely exploring such a strange place would satisfy Marventa's desire. Buying a passage to Elpida was no difficult decision. Nysa stepped on the boat, full of expectation, a spark of curiosity shined bright inside her, much like the stars in the sky.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2015
    eragon43 likes this.
  2. Cldfire

    Cldfire Citizen Retired Staff

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    Looks like we have our first heavily religious character ;)

    I like what you have going there. Great emotion.
  3. jamestiger

    jamestiger Known Citizen

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    YEEAAAHHH, I won't be the only young, optimistic go getter to step off the boat! Everyone else has had pretty serious backgrounds. Nothing wrong with that of course.
  4. Zhalo Aurn

    Zhalo Aurn Citizen Retired Staff

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    i like it ;)
  5. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Loving the background. I like the fact how she goes from riches to rags, and not the other way. Just shows that you might have everything, but you can still lose it.
  6. Thorvald_Eriksson

    Thorvald_Eriksson Verified Traveler

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    A real contrast from my character's view on Maventa, I like the high priestess title.
  7. Tomas

    Tomas Owner Owner Administrator

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    Great bio man. Approved x 1000.
    FloThePony likes this.

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