Approved Cldfire's Character Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Cldfire, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. Cldfire

    Cldfire Citizen Retired Staff

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    Full Name: Tymek Georgiadis
    Nickname(s): Ty
    Gender: Male
    Age: 23
    Date of birth: August 16, 2362S
    Place of birth: Mainland
    Current residence: Private information
    Job: Mastermind
    Interests and hobbies: Reading, biology, plotting, spying
    Religious Belief: Atheist
    Signature Item (s): The first invention I ever made, a mechanical wheat harvester

    Gifted from an early age, I found opportunity around every corner. Raised in a home that believed the attainment of wealth was the only thing worth living for, pushed to succeed and prosper, I was able to sharpen my talents in an atmosphere that promoted competition between my family and my friends. I left my private educational institution at the age of 13 over a violent struggle with an insolent brat, a complete jerk. I was undoubtably right to make this decision, as it freed me to walk other paths, paths that led to something... greater.

    I worked hard at life as a teenager. Inventions flowed from my mind; my hands were never idle; my feet, constantly taking me to places smarter, stronger, and darker. I absorbed knowledge as if I'd never seen polished steel formed into such elegant shapes in my life. Functionality? Cost-effective? Strong branding? Creative? I delivered on every mark, to the point where I became full of myself. Religion held nothing for me; why bother with unseen beings when I am the very one that created the technology to bring us out of the dark ages?

    Unfortunately, something (or someone) went horribly wrong, something that haunts me to this day. My permanently scarred body holds me captive; nightmares render the pleasure of sleep a constant torture; daydreams kill my time as if they were throwing stones at birds. My life is a slideshow, a constant struggle to answer the question: why? A struggle I lose daily, and yet return to every dawn. Oh, how it pains me!

    On top of the game. Dominating the market. Reaping the rewards of hard labor. All of these could describe me. And yet...

    I have a darker side. A side I never wanted you to know about. A side that threatens to consume me, to utterly destroy my fortune, my fame, my life. I never knew how cruel the inner man could be; so heartless, so vile. A criminal, some would say, even a murderer. I use the term mastermind; a man prefers such a title to the uglier alternatives. However, in order to feel right in using such a distinctive categorization, I must remove myself from hiding. A reputation must be won, cash must be made. It's what I live for.

    Soon, I will make my move. You will feel my pain, my sorrow. You will learn of my character, discover my talent, reveal my flaws. You will hear of me in the streets, hear of me in the papers, hear of my glorious plan wherever the sun rises and sets in a day.

    And you will try to annihilate it, brother, just as you always have. Wreck my years of waiting, my hope, my dreams.

    No. You will never break me. I will triumph over all doubt. I cannot let you take my final gasps of life, my chance to reclaim the honor that once rested upon my name.

    In the end, brother, one of us will remain alive, and one of us will not.

    Screen Shot 2015-11-04 at 12.53.11 PM.png
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2015
  2. jamestiger

    jamestiger Known Citizen

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    Coming 12.04.15
    "Pre-order now and get the Eccentric Engineer Crafting Pack!"
    If you didn't get it already, say that in a trailer voice and it easily sounds like a game trailer script. As of right now mine isn't nearly on par with this. Interesting read, can't wait to see you in game!
    Cldfire likes this.
  3. Cldfire

    Cldfire Citizen Retired Staff

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  4. Tomas

    Tomas Owner Owner Administrator

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    Elpida is shaping up to be the home of some very twisted personalities! Love the bio. :D
  5. Cldfire

    Cldfire Citizen Retired Staff

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    Thank you :)
  6. Thorvald_Eriksson

    Thorvald_Eriksson Verified Traveler

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    I should add that my character carries suspicions and is notoriously prone to attacking out of instinct, sleep with one eye open.
  7. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    I really enjoy the dark side that your character has. I mean it would be kinda boring if everyone was just good. We need some people with dark personalities like me and you just to occasionally make things interesting. You want to like make a dark side army or something just to haunt Elpida? :D
    Cldfire likes this.
  8. Cldfire

    Cldfire Citizen Retired Staff

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    We'll see :D
    Alir99 likes this.
  9. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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