Approved Penelope Vasco - Character Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Millie, Jan 13, 2020.

  1. Millie

    Millie Verified Traveler

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    Username: candylamb6039
    Full Name: Penelope Vasco
    Nickname(s): Nellie
    Gender: Female
    Age: 22
    Date of birth: February 3rd, 2384 S
    Place of birth: Mainland
    Job: Tailor, Seamstress
    Interests and hobbies: Clothing/Fashion, the arts, singing, reading, and writing poetry
    Religious Belief: Devout follower of Aestheria
    Signature Item (s): A ring given to her by her mother

    Story Paragraphs: Penelope Vasco and her six younger siblings lived happily - poorly, but happily - in a poverty-stricken coastal fishing town of the Mainland. Her mother taught her, and then her sisters, how to sew and mend clothes so that she could help supplement the income her father and brothers gained by fishing. Though she didn't sew very well at first, soon Penelope could earn small profits off the tunics, moccasins, pants, and hats that she made. This was also the time when Penelope began to scribble little bits of poetry wherever she could - it helped connect Penelope to her inner self, and she found it helped make her happier as well. The sense of pride that this gave her, and her desire to improve in her 'art', led her to start worshipping Aestheria, goddess of the arts and patron of beauty.

    So she lived until 2405 S, when tragedy struck. A stray torch, abandoned cooking oil - whatever the cause, her family home caught on fire. When Penelope awoke to the flames, the fire had already consumed the rooms housing her youngest siblings and her parents. Fearful of losing her own life and anxious to escape, Penelope immediately left the house using her window and took a few unsinged bolts of fabric with her, as well as a nearly-empty wallet and her cloak.

    Greiving, homeless, nearly penniless, and alone, Penelope knew there was nothing left for her in the Mainland besides the ashes of her family. She decided to use her last pennies to buy access to a ship she knew was leaving for Elpida not too long for now, in the year 2406 S. Perhaps there, in a few months, she could use her tailoring skills to make a life for herself from scratch...
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2020
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Your bio checks out so far, however can you add a bit more to it regarding your character's personality? Also, your character must be on the ship to Elpida in the current year (2406S), so I'm not sure if your final paragraph means that she immediately moves to Elpida or if she waits.

    Let us know when you've added to it!
  3. Millie

    Millie Verified Traveler

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    Does it check out now? Thank you for moderating!
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Thank you for the cooperation :D

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