Approved Jin Laurent - Character Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Statikin, Dec 23, 2019.

  1. Statikin

    Statikin Verified Traveler

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    Username: Statikinn

    Discord Username: Bananarama#8521

    Full Name: Jin Laurent

    Nickname(s): Ji-ji

    Gender: Male

    Age: 20

    Date of birth: January 4, 2385S

    Place of birth: On the caravan roads of the Mainland

    Job: Explorer for the Alchemysts Guild

    Interests and hobbies: Field art (keeps a book to draw all his findings), fishing (the quieter things in a hectic life), reading through ancient texts, taming pets, dissecting the alchemy of the fantastical beasts and artifacts that came before

    Religious Belief: Initially a follower of Phaedron due to parents but soon becomes a follower of Marventa in discovering his true calling

    Signature Items: Storm Chains and the Tidal Stars- Fitting items of his heritage but not of his nature, Jin was first given the Storm Chains by his mother (long and shackling chains that are said to ring with the sound of thunder when struck upon the ground, they shine a bright silvery/cobalt), and three Tidal Stars by his father (small, metallic stones carved into the shape of a four pointed star). Jin was only ever shown how to use the chains as weapons, and the stars simply as denoting relics symbolising “luck”, but his belief in this was never certain. (Jin uses the chains and tidal stars in tandem to create traps and whips, the chains follow the movement of the stars if they are close enough, allowing Jin to use them in a variety of creative ways***)

    Jin’s mother was a creature-wrangling bounty hunter who used the Storm Chains to capture her way into profits through her proficiency in chaining up dangerous beasts and bringing them to wealthy employers who paid for her journey. Jin’s father, however, was only a gambling man, getting through life with the help of luck and trickery in decisions he claims was foretold for him by the ‘impossible’ movements of his Tidal Stars.

    Not a gambling individual, nor a fighting one, Jin had always been timid. Born amid the construction of a mining town, his Phaedron-following parents had to adopt a family lifestyle of impermanence and exploration as they assisted in the development of caravan trails from settlements to mines. Often being on the road as a toddler had quite the effect on the young Jin, who would come across many different animals and environments. This fascination was only bolstered as he grew.

    One day, Jin discovered that former acquaintances of his father had pursued them across Patraeia, turned into cultists of an unknown order, following orders from higher ups to assassinate Jin’s father for past wrongdoings of which Jin did not know. His life continued to be one on the road, of impermanence and exploration, but only now, it was for survival. Defended by his mother, Jin and his family went on the run from the cultists, seeking to find their leader to end their peril.

    At the age of 8, Jin had to be taught how to wield the Storm Chains for his defence, but fighting was not his strength. His father also tried to teach him how to read and guide Tidal Stars, but more often than not, his faith to Phaedron did not move the stars. Then one fateful morning, his father was gone. Figuring out that only Jin’s father was wanted by their pursuers, his mother explained that his father headed for Elpida to keep them safe.

    Jin lived for years with his mother. He would learn, in his fishing and hunting, how to use the chains and stars but sought to further understand their nature so he could help his mother if a situation ever went poorly. Jin would tame beasts he trapped with his tools for companionship and study, leading to handfuls of potential meals turned friend living under the same roof. His odd sorts of creatures caught the attention of a travelling Alchemyst Guild who believed he would do well under their tutelage. Jin’s mother knew he could not remain safe in the Mainland forever and as such sent him with them, bestowing him with the Storm Chains and Tidal Stars. As his mother leads a seperate quest to track down his father, Jin decides that Elpida will give him the wealth of skills he will need in joining her in the search.

    Taking this opportunity to learn more about the Tidal Stars he now believes to be mystical and further explore the secrets surrounding the cult trying to kill his father, Jin heads towards Elpida that he does not know, with alchemysts he does not know. An Elpida flourishing with a decade of time and a decade of knowledge. Perhaps it is in Elpida that he will discover properties, alchemy, potions or beasts that may lead to more answers about his heritage and the cult. His father had told him once before that it was from Elpida that the Tidal Stars originated, and that more may be hidden in temples known only to certain followers. Jin knows that it is not Phaedron, but Marventa that will lead the way in his exploration of Elpida- to find more Tidal Stars, uncover religious secrets and reveal the context behind the world’s ancient past.

    ***these are heavily implied to be highly magnetic stones that cause the metal chains (and other objects) to interact with them mistaken for the will of the gods. The sounds of thunder that come from the chains are more akin to stories of exaggeration told by employers about his mother
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2019
  2. HeyitsTalon

    HeyitsTalon Citizen Ambassador

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    Hey there! Awesome bio for sure! one of the most interesting I've seen. There are a couple problems that I can see though. So unfortunately players aren't allowed to interact with the lore like you've done.Basically no saying what lore characters are doing. A simple fix would be all you need. Just replace any mention of Phaedrons cult with "A" cult. Keep them nameless sort of thing, I think it could also benefit you. Adds more mystery to the story. Also, characters cant be born on Elpida so that is going to have to change as well. I'd recommend taking Elpida completely out just to avoid any confusion. Anyways, just fix those and it should be good to accept!
  3. Statikin

    Statikin Verified Traveler

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    I've amended the changes and hopefully it fits more in line with the lore :)
    HeyitsTalon likes this.
  4. HeyitsTalon

    HeyitsTalon Citizen Ambassador

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    Thanks for making those changes! There's just that mention of Elpida at the beginning. If you want to change that to the mainland then that would be awesome. Ill accept this immediately after!
  5. Statikin

    Statikin Verified Traveler

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    All good now, thanks for pointing it out definitely missed that haha
    HeyitsTalon likes this.
  6. HeyitsTalon

    HeyitsTalon Citizen Ambassador

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    Awesome! A C C E P T E D!!!

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