Approved MasterGiles' bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Master Giles, Dec 21, 2019.

  1. Master Giles

    Master Giles Verified Traveler

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    Username: MasterGiles
    Discord Name: Master Giles#6969
    Full Name: Fletcher Howl
    Nickname: Howling Night
    Gender: Male
    Age: 22
    Date of Birth: 6th December 2383S
    Place of Birth: Mainland
    Job: Criminal, will commit Assassinations for a high price however mainly trades in theft such as highway robberies
    Interests and Hobbies: Knife Throwing and Exercise
    Religion: Follower of Phaedron
    Signature Item: Jewelled Dagger, the dagger he stole from his old guild on his escape to the new land

    Story: Upon the Mainland the Howling Night was a name of some merit in the South; recognised for his work as an assassin for many years before being discovered. He had been dealing with criminals since the age of 5, committing petty crimes such as stealing food, until one time he was caught by a soldier and thrown in a dungeon. In this dungeon he met a man named Dractis who had been sentenced to death. This man was well known in town as the local baker and people had come from all over the local area to try his food, however no one was prepared for his secret life as an assassin to be revealed. Upon learning about the man, Dractis told Fletcher about a criminal guild in town that could train him in the art of stealth. Over the next few days Dractis was executed and the following year Fletcher was released.

    Years went by and Fletcher eventually joined the a criminal guild who trained him and treated him as one of their own. He would steal from rich men and taverns alike, and was trained in the art of stealth. He was happy with his work until one day he got a contract to assassinate someone. He thought it would be easy like the rest of the jobs he had done, but he remembered every second of it, knowing that the man would never return to his children. Although, it disturbed Fletcher, it now meant that he was a fully fledged member of the guild and was given a small plot of land to set up a fake blacksmithing business. So Fletcher continued to commit murder under the guise of a blacksmith producing quality swords.

    One day Fletcher heard from some travellers about the boat to the new land. He decided that with the money he had saved up over the years he would go on the voyage to the new world to seek out fame and fortune there. Upon discovery of this the criminal guild sent some thugs to rough up the blacksmith shop with bats in hand they smashed everything to pieces. Angered by this Fletcher sort o it revenge and decided to steal a jewelled dagger belonging to one of the leaders of the criminal guild. Once they discovered it was missing Fletcher was already away on the boat.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2019
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    An interesting bio but quite a few things that need to be changed. Firstly your character needs a full date of birth. Secondly we don't have any magic in our world, so any phasing through walls and teleporting can not exist. Your character also seems to be extremely op and violent, so that needs to be toned down considerably.
  3. Master Giles

    Master Giles Verified Traveler

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    So I made the changes you asked reworking basically the entire backstory behind Fletcher is this any better?
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Much better :D

    Consider yourself approved!

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