Approved Alastair Junius

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Axisymmetry, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. Axisymmetry

    Axisymmetry Verified Traveler

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    Username: Axisymmetry

    Discord Username: Axisymmetry#0182

    Full Name: Alastair Junius

    Nickname: Al

    Gender: Male

    Age: 29

    Date of Birth: September 19th, 2376S

    Place of Birth: A small mining town on the outskirts of Patraeia (Mainland)

    Job: Publican by day (Tax Collector for the Government of Insulera), political philosopher and written bard by night.

    Interests and Hobbies: Philosophy, alchemy, poetry, and politics.

    Religious Belief: Being a man of logic, reason, money, safety, curiosity, and thought, he is primarily a follower of Legaros as well as Marventa and Metus.

    Signature Item: Father's Swan-Feather Quill

    Story Paragraphs: Alastair grew up in a poor mining town on the outskirts of Patraeia with his mother, Cornelia Junius, and his father, Seneca Junius. His family was one of the wealthiest in town, which isn't to say much. Cornelia, his mother, was the heart of their community, and the loving advisor to its people. She enjoyed writing, singing, and managing community tithes, celebrations, and other events. His father was a man of logic who taught the town's children basic sciences, mathematics, and popular philosophical principles of the time. Alastair lived a joyous and comfortable childhood. He had friends, a family, and a keen willingness to learn (and especially write). Unfortunately, when he was the age of nine, his mother fell prey to a rare and incurable illness. She died in the arms of her sorrowful husband and the hands of her only son.

    As the years went on, life became increasingly dreary. The town had fallen into a deep recession; its people fleeing, and Seneca, lost without his wife, gave in to a life of mourning and hatred, devoid of purpose. Alastair was without a mother, and for the most part, without a father as well. To keep his mind off of the painful past and the possibilities of what could have been, he became completely invested in his studies and his writing- the only thing that brought him happiness. At the age of seventeen, Alastair left his home, his father, and his old life, and journeyed to the capital city. He continued his studies at a prestigious school where he studied finances and gained a passion for politics. Years later, he became an accountant for a wealthy banker and learned of the deep influence and corruption of Patraeia's political system.

    One day, Alastair received a letter from his hometown notifying him of his father's passing. He had grown ill while he was away. Alastair returned home to settle his father's affairs, and when he arrived, he was greeted by a family friend who presented him with his father's favorite swan-feather quill. He had seen his father use that quill his entire life. The family friend told Alastair that his father had left it to him and that his last words were to tell Alastair to use the quill to forge a better world and to continue his mother's legacy by advocating for philosophical values in the "New Land" (Insulera) through his gift of writing. Alistair knew in his heart that this was his calling. He had never truly cared for finances or alchemy or serving the malevolent whims of his employer, and instead was concerned with the greater good.

    Wasting no time at all, Alastair took the little money his father had left him, quit his job, gathered his belongings, and set sail for Elpida.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2019
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    A really nice bio, however since your bio has to finish before your character reaches Elpida, please amend your last paragraph.
  3. Axisymmetry

    Axisymmetry Verified Traveler

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    Thanks! Changed that last paragraph- I see how that works now, aha. :D
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Welcome to the community :D
    Axisymmetry likes this.

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