Approved Special Dark - Biography!

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by SpecialDark, Dec 21, 2019.

  1. SpecialDark

    SpecialDark Verified Traveler

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    Username: OGKxsaucer
    Discord Username: Special Dark#0740
    Full Name: Special Dark
    Nickname(s): Dark or Special
    Gender: Male
    Age: 23
    Date of birth: January 3rd, 2382S
    Place of birth: Small, since destroyed Town in the Mainland
    Job: Weaponsmith
    Interests and hobbies: Making weapons and fighting monsters to protect others. Likes cheese.
    Religious Belief: Believes in the Holy Codex as well as the 6 gods, in the hope of following Legaros.
    Signature Item (s):
    Trusty Hammer: which has an "ability" to forge weapons much faster than a regular hammer, produced by his father who passed away.
    Scythe: First built item with the trusty hammer, used for harvesting as well as killing.

    Story Paragraphs:
    Special Dark grew up with his father after the tragic death of his mother during birth, he didn't figure out his mom died because of him until his father scolded him one day for breaking house rules. He then kept that burden upon his shoulders for the rest of his life, making it harder and harder to grow up. His father was a blacksmith, always in the workshop outside of his house making tools and weapons for the townspeople to help improve the life of the village. The village was small, little food was available and they used what cattle and crops were available, which was rationed out depending on family size and need. His father, who made the tools for farming and slaughtering usually was given the offer to take extra food since he gave out the tools for free, but he always refused in hopes of helping the others in the town. Dark, looked up to him as an inspiration and became inspired to follow in his father's footsteps in order to make life better and impress him to hopefully make up for killing his mother.

    As Dark grew up it became increasingly obvious that the town wasn't gonna make it much longer and people began becoming sick and leaving the village. But that didn't stop Dark, he began going to neighbor's houses to care and feed them in an attempt to keep the village alive, and after about 6 months of doing so, the village was suddenly attacked by monsters, unknown to the village. The remaining few of the village who still had fight left in them took up the fight against the monsters and they began to be overrun. Dark's father was one of those few that were fighting, Dark watched from a window afar. When it became increasingly aware that his father was not doing so well, Dark runs to his side, grabbing a small sword that his father had made for him as a present. Once he was almost in range to help, his father was struck hard by the monster and sent flying towards a tree in Dark's direction. Dark had run directly at the monster at full speed and pierced his heart in one go. He returned to his father in an attempt to save him, it had been too late, it became aware to Dark that his father was not going to make it. The last words his father uttered was "Under the anvil there is a box, open it and don't let me down. Get out of here." Dark opened the box and found his father's hammer, one that he swore went so much faster than any other. He realized his mission and set out to start a rigorous journey of hell in order to avenge his father.

    And so, Dark trained from that point on, never stopping a minute. He trained vigorously with a new weapon he forged with his fathers hammer, a scythe with the ability to harvest as well as kill if necessary. He trained with the scythe without doubt in his mind that he wouldn't be able to do it, he was gonna slay the monsters and become powerful so that he can protect those that he loves.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2019
  2. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    Welcome to the server
    Very good bio. Im going to approve this, but you do have to remeber that anything magical is not allowed. As long as this hammer's ability stays a superstition i have no problem with it.

  3. SpecialDark

    SpecialDark Verified Traveler

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    Yes of course, its not actually a magic hammer, I thought about adding the fact that it wasn't actually magic, its just a really good hammer that appears to be that way! Sorry for the confusion!

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