Approved Gallio Morelli's Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Mr. Vinclair, Dec 11, 2019.

  1. Mr. Vinclair

    Mr. Vinclair Verified Traveler

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    Username: Mr_Vinclair

    Discord Username: Mr. Vinclair#1027

    Full Name: Gallio Morelli

    Nickname(s): “Snake Eyes”

    Gender: Male

    Age: 24

    Date of birth: August 13th 2381S

    Place of birth: Slums in a mainland urban center.

    Eye Colour: Blue

    Hair Colour: Black

    Hair Length: Somewhat short.

    Hair Style: Swept Back.

    Body Type: Somewhat tall (5'11'' or 180cm) and thin (130-140lbs or 59-64kg)

    Personality?: Controlling, skeptical of government, and pragmatic.

    Current residence: Homeless.

    Job: Unemployed. Former crime family under-boss.

    Interests and hobbies: Gambling and Calligraphy.

    Religious Belief: Metus

    Signature Item (s): A set of loaded dice made to land almost exclusively on ones and a set of normal dice nearly identical to the loaded dice. A falsified birth certificate as well as other identifying documents.


    Morelli was born to impoverished parents who lived past their already meager means, gambling away most of their money. They were able to do this due to the debts they took on from the Capello Family. However, every well eventually runs dry and when the Capellos came asking for returns, Gallio’s parents had nothing to offer but their lives. After “absolving” their debt, Anton Capello, Don of the Capello family, adopted Morelli, raising him as his own, as a Capello.

    Over the years, Gallio was groomed to be Anton’s heir. Able to live a life of excess only capped by what his people could provide, he insisted on working for his money. He was introduced into the multiple “businesses” run by the Capellos; loansharking, extortion, protection rackets, the works. However the Capellos never sold drugs, and never performed assassinations, they were businessmen not predators and hitmen. In his city, the Capellos were the city. They maintained the roads, kept the infrastructure running, provided medical services, even kept crime off the streets, as long as taxes were collected. There was more than one occasion in which Gallio was to collect taxes in the form of fingers.

    Gallio never questioned his lifestyle, until his sixteenth birthday. He met with Anton on that fateful day, he was informed that he had been adopted. That the judge, the only man not in the Capellos’ pocket, had been responsible for his parents’ disappearance. Anton gave his blessing to take care of the judge however Gallio saw fit, heavily implying murder. He took his leave and began planning.

    It had always been against his moral code, but there must have been an exception for the man who caused the death of both his parents, at least he thought so. Days passed, and one night Gallio found himself confronting the judge in his home. With a dagger to his throat, the judge produced a bound book, incriminating evidence against Anton in the disappearance of his parents. Filled with rage after realizing Anton’s betrayal, Gallio went home that same night and killed his adopted father. Leaving the case file on his deathbed beside him, he saw two sets of dice resting on a paper headed,

    "Gallio Morelli"

    He grabbed the dice, fled the building, acquired a new identity, and stowed away on a ship to Elpida to escape his former family before Anton was even found, as a Morelli.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2019
    eragon43 likes this.
  2. Mr. Vinclair

    Mr. Vinclair Verified Traveler

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    It's my first time doing any sort of creative writing in quite a while so feel free to give criticism or point of inconsistencies. I also may not be entirely lore-friendly with this, please tell me if that's the case so that I can edit it. Thank you for reading.
    eragon43 likes this.
  3. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Interesting bio you have here. I don’t see anything that doesn’t make it lore-friendly, just that you may have some problems with the falsified documents, but that’s not guaranteed.

    However since I don’t see anything wrong with it, I’m going to approve it.

    Welcome :D
    eragon43 likes this.
  4. tcvs

    tcvs Administrator Administrator Developer

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    @Mr. Vinclair Looks like your MC username is incorrect (there can't be any spaces). Please update and ping me here.
  5. Mr. Vinclair

    Mr. Vinclair Verified Traveler

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