Approved Constantinos Komnenus Biography

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Fouldingo, Dec 21, 2019.

  1. Fouldingo

    Fouldingo Verified Traveler

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    MC Username: Foul_Dingo
    Discord Name: fouldingo1042#3312

    Full Name: Constantinos Komnenus
    Nicknames: Constantine, Constant, Con

    Gender: Male
    Age: 27

    Date of Birth: 2378S, 27th March
    Place of Birth: Sunsent Groves, Mainland
    Job: Hoplite
    Interests/Hobbies: Due to necessity, took an interest in learning of the economy and trade. Greatly enjoys fighting and devoted to enforcing the law.

    Religious Belief: Largely Legaros, believes in enforcing law and prioritising order above all other things. Ignarus due to his battle prowess, sees him as a way of better doing his job but dislikes the treacherous parts of his story. Also believes in the Godling Usson looking to him for moral guidance.

    Signature Items: A charm bearing the sigil of Legaros, crafted by Constant's parents when he was young. One of his few mementos of his mother, and supposedly gives him protection from those who would do him harm.

    Constantine's life on the mainland was in moderate luxury. Having come from a military background, his father was a veteran commander who allowed him a comfortable upbringing, but one that also demanded a lot from him. His mother, Maria, died of an unknown illness when Constant was only 7 years old, so his father was the main figure who made an impression on him. Having consistently been in contact with military officials and veterans who came to visit his father, Constantine took quite an interest in warcraft and wished to grow up like his father, a man he considered his role model. Luckily for him, Constant's father also wanted him to have a career in the army, and thus he was trained into the Patraeian Army, joining up when he was 18. He had achieved his goal of joining the Mainland's legendary forces, and to carry his father Alexios' legacy, but he had yet to prove himself in a difficult situation.

    After a short time in the army, having gained experience in dealing with petty criminals and barbarian raiders, Constantine finished his first period in the army and was returned to a home guard force, allowing him to spend more time with his father and sister. Opportunity first arrived at age 22, when Constantine was given an opportunity to visit the relatively young colony, Elpida. Having enlisted to join the expedition, all was well until Constant's father was implicated in a brutal murder. Alexios was arrested and sent off to prison, and the family's belongings were taken.

    Con was left to take care of himself and his 16 year old sister, Anna, and the two were forced to adapt from a comfortable lifestyle to one of poverty. The Komnenus family's belongings were taken and Constantine was discharged from the Patraeian Army, as well as the expedition to Elpida. He decided to move to Patraeia's capital, seeking opportunities to recover what he lost. Despite this setback, Constant never gave up on his plan of making it to Elpida, seeing it as his only chance to achieve true redemption and a fresh start, his family name having been sullied among his peers. Having learned the abilities to trade and offer his military skills in exchange for money, Con finally saved up enough to bribe a merchant captain to smuggle himself and his sister to Elpida. With little space on the ship they boarded, they could only bring the clothes they had on their backs and little more, Constantine brought his armaments and a pendant from his parents, the only thing tying him to his family.

    In Elpida, he dreams of taking the office of Executive Magistrate, such that he may dish out his own brand of justice, and attempt to prevent the pain inflicted on his family from being inflicted on others as well.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2019
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Hello there!

    A very well written bio, but it collides with the official lore quite a bit in places, especially the part about the Senators and the 78th Phalanx. Could you please remove those parts or change them so they are not affiliated with the official lore.

    Thank you!
  3. Fouldingo

    Fouldingo Verified Traveler

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    I think I've fixed the stuff you noted, but I'm not 100% sure haha.
    Alir99 likes this.
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Consider your bio approved :D
  5. Fouldingo

    Fouldingo Verified Traveler

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    Thank youuuu!!!

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