Username: ChrisBotArmy72 (Minecraft account was hacked, will change this as soon, as possible) Discord Username: CornDog#6945 Full Name: Rolar Schattendolch Nickname(s): Roley, Cutthroat, Sly Fox Gender: Male Age: 23 Date of birth: April 11th, 2382S Place of birth: Temple of Phaedron Job: Merchant Interests and hobbies: Gambling and getting wasted with friends, Fishing, Archery Religious Belief: Phaedron Signature Item (s): The dagger he has inherited from his father Background Rolar was born in the Temple of Phaedron, which his pregnant mother came by to collect gems for her profession as a jeweller. He grew up in a nice family with almost everything he could have wished for, except for his father, who always thought about making more and more profit before dying not even being able to spend all that money he made. That is not what Rolar wanted to do in his future, he went out and played in the nasty streets, slowly growing up to be a thief. The feeling of pickpocketing someone has always brought him the thrill he needed, even though he did not need or even want the money. This is the reason, why he either gave it to the people in need or was living out his other thrill-giving hobby: gambling. It was not about making as much money as possible in one night. Rolar rather win to be superior to the other. But as time passes, Rolar changed. He did not want to steal anymore, since he made quite a fortune from selling goods, his silver tongue comes in handy for that. But he still needs his thrill. This is the reason why Rolar still visits the pub every once in a while to drink up and gamble all night long. Reason for religious beliefs Since Rolar's father used to be a merchant back in the day, his family raised him towards praying to Metus, god of wealth. Yet because Rolar was born in the Temple of Phaedron and he despited his father's greed, his heart has always been beating for the dark paths. Despite his parents' hard tries to convince him of Metus, Rolar could never believe in any god other than Phaedron. He always felt like he carries a fragment of his god inside of him, like they are soulbound. The dagger rolar inherited originates from the Temple of Phaedron, Rolar always wonders where his father got it from since the only source of deep purple crystals is the area around the Temple in Elpida. This is what he is trying to find out in Elpida.
Welcome to the server! This is a good story! It is however a bit short, and some information is missing. I would like at least a paragraph more. The story needs to end with you leaving for elpida and why your going. If thats doesn't make it long enough then you can also maybe elaborate on how you were raised.