Approved Character Bio-Wjexal

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Wjexal, Dec 19, 2019.

  1. Wjexal

    Wjexal Verified Traveler

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    Username: wjexal
    Discord Username (only if you want to be verified in the Discord group): hgwyn4#8553
    Full Name: Jexal Arenforth
    Nickname(s): Jexal
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Date of birth: 19th September 2387S
    Place of birth: The edge of a forest on Mainland
    Job: Hunter, explorer.
    Interests and hobbies: While he has always had an interest in exploration, Jexal was forced to live in isolation by his adopted father, but his heart still yearns to explore and travel.
    Religious Belief: Marventa
    Signature Item (s):
    An bow given to Jexal by my adoptive father.

    Orphaned as a baby and abandoned along the edge of a forest, the child was taken in by an experienced hunter who lived by himself in isolation, except for his own biological son Sintal. The hunter named his adopted child Jexal and raised him as his own, teaching him archery and the ways of the hunt. The three of them continued to live isolated from the rest of the mainland out of fear of war and violence. Yet despite not being allowed to interact with the outside world Jexal and his brother yearned for it, they would begin travelling just a little further every time they went out to hunt, slowly but surely over time exploring every inch of the forest that they lived in. Jexal's father had taught him how to survive of the land but now he was learning how to truly live off of it. Him and his brother began sneaking out late at night to explore and discover new towns, however they would always stick to the shadows out of fear that they would be noticed, their fathers fear of strangers was engrained within them. This pattern of exploration and discovery that continued to enthral Jexal continued until one fateful night.

    While out exploring one night, Jexal and his brother discovered an encampment deep within the woods. On further inspection the camp appeared empty with all it's occupents out hunting. Sintal edged closer to the tents dispite Jexals concerned, all of a sudden a bandit charges out of the closet tent tackling Sintal. As they grapple on the ground Sintal manages to scream at Jexal to run, to go get father. Sprinting home Jexal saw that their small cottage had been ransacked. Rushing in Jexal noticed the attackers had trashed the house and taken everything of value. Lying on the floor was Jexal's father, blood dripping from a wound in his stomach. His father used the last of his strength to break one of the floorboards by his side, and withdrew a pouch from under the floor. He shoved the pouch along with his own bow into Jexal's arms and with his last breath told him to run, to live his own life now, for here was not safe anymore. As he ran through the forest Jexal opened the pouch, and inside were an abundance of coins and gold his father had acquired in a past life.

    After days of travel Jexal arrived at a port city on the coast of Mainland. As he walked the streets, careful to keep to the shadows, he heard the whispers of a new continent called Elpida, far away from the horrors of Mainland. Using the majority of the small fortune and believing his brother to be dead, he acquired voyage to the new land. Jexal no longer wanted to live a sheltered life, he wanted to explore this new land.

    On the voyage to Elpida, Jexal overheard the captain praying to their god. Upon further inquiry Jexal learnt of the gods of Elpida, living an isolated life meant he had learnt the basics to survive, hunt and read but not anything further. The captain told him of the goddess Marventa that protected his ship, granting them safe passage and luck on their journey. Having heard nothing like this before, Jexal became enthralled in the tales and stories of the goddess that the captain told. The captain told of the endless unexplored lands of Elpida and Jexal was instantly hooked. He vowed to himself that with the blessing of the Goddess Marventa, he would explore every last inch of Elpida and discover all the secrets that it has to hold.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2019
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Hello and welcome!

    I like your bio so far but unfortunately it is a bit short. Please add a bit more description to it and then let us know when you've updated it.

    Good luck!
  3. Wjexal

    Wjexal Verified Traveler

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    I have updated my bio with more description and to give more of a background and motivation to my character.
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Welcome to the community :D

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