Approved Character Bio: Josh Hick

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by JoshHick, Dec 19, 2019.

  1. JoshHick

    JoshHick Verified Traveler

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    Username: JoshHick

    Discord: JoshHick

    Character: Hendrix Aetós

    Nickname: The Serpent

    Gender: Male

    Age: 19

    Date of Birth: 21st June 2386S

    Place of Birth: Mainland

    Job: Thief

    Interests and Hobbies: Hunting, spying, climbing

    Religion: I worship Phaedron for my anger and rage can be funnelled and controlled by his assaults. The battle above our heads provides a reminder of our insignificance and that safety remains in the shadows of the unknown

    Item 1: A worn leather hood to conceal my identity but reveal my piercing white eyes

    Item 2: Bow and quiver of arrows, my preferred weapon of choice due to its manoeuvrability and adaptability to various encounters


    I want what is best for the many, to give those without a voice hope. And if that requires action, I will not back down.

    My life has been a battle from the day I drew my first breath. My mother died during the birth. My father forced to live alone, toiling each and every day to teach my valuable lessons to give me a chance. I remember the long summer evenings spent hunting for food and then roasting it on an open fire in the woods. This was before he was injured, during the carnage of an invasion when I was just six years old. Beyond that gruesome day, my life has not been a luxury. But a survival. My father became a burden. He was no longer the man he once was. I had to fight for our right to live. I only knew one way to succeed. I became a thief. Stripping fellow citizens of their coin. Raiding market stalls for bread. Intercepting trade wagons for materials. This became my life. I was a rat amongst a sea of mice.

    My father passed away later that year, but his last words have made their mark. “Sacrifices must be made for treasure to be found”. And to this day those words instil a deep determination to be more than just a thief. But a thief who helps balance the cards dealt to us and takes justice into his own hands. To avenge my father. I cannot be controlled. I am a free spirit and a dangerous one at that. Everyone has something to hide. I will stop at nothing to correct your misdoings.

    I pushed my body to the limits. Awaking before sunrise to train and hone my skills to be the deadliest I can be. Hours and hours of sweat, blood and tears were spent in the training ground. My marksmanship was by far my best quality, closely followed by my close range combat; however, I could yield any weapon of any form. I became a known hunter of the land. Many bounties were on my head. The pressure of hiding out of everyone’s view was becoming crushing. I needed to move on. I needed to escaped. I needed a fresh start.

    So I bribed my way onto a ship leaving to Elipda to escape my life on the mainland. The ship was crowded, but no one took any notice of me. It was an opportunity to become what Phaedron intended. A warrior of the people. A silent vigilante. A force not to be ignored. I found fellow outlaws here that go by the name “Children of Phaedron” who share my ambition and understand my loss. Elipda became my home. And that is where my adventure started.

    P.S. This character is inexperienced and his arrogance will lead to bad decisions
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2019
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Is this your new bio? Cause you have another bio posted.
  3. JoshHick

    JoshHick Verified Traveler

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    Yes this is my new bio, sorry for the confusion, I had written my old bio based on the old structure so had to update it. It’s based on the same character though
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Alrighty. Can you add a full date of birth for your character first of all, as in date and month. Rest of your bio seems fine. I will delete your old bio to de-clutter the forum.
    JoshHick likes this.
  5. JoshHick

    JoshHick Verified Traveler

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    Changed my DOB
  6. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Thank you!

    Welcome to the server :D
    JoshHick likes this.
  7. JoshHick

    JoshHick Verified Traveler

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