Approved Efiega Loboi

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by mmocz, Dec 19, 2019.

  1. mmocz

    mmocz Verified Traveler

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    Username: mmocz
    Discord Username (only if you want to be verified in the Discord group): [Discord Name and #]
    Full Name: Efiega Loboi
    Nickname(s): Efie
    Gender: Female
    Age: unknown, sth between 17-23
    Date of birth: unknown
    Place of birth: unknown, was discovered floating in a fruit basket near the port
    Job: mostly one time jobs, whatever needs to be done
    Interests and hobbies: archery, finding her real parents
    Religious Belief: none, but when someone asks then Marventa
    Signature Item (s): a ring which is the only thing her real parent left her with

    The first thing I always tell people, and the one thing no one can believe is, that I do not have any memories of anything that happened before I was 5 years old. My first memories are of me laying in the arms of a women who I thought was my mother until I reached the age of 15, when my thought-to-be parents told me, that they are not my real parents and that they found me floating on the water at the nearby port. They took me home and raised me as their own.

    They also gave me the ring, which was in a pocket of the coat in which I was wrapped, when they found me. The only thing, my parents left for me. From the day they told me this, I spend every single day thinking about who I really am and why I have never seen my parents. Or have I? Maybe its someone I am meeting daily in the market? Who knows? But I will always keep searching.

    A tragedy struck me, when last year my adoptive parents died. On their aniversary, my "dad" took my "mother" out to the sea on a boat and then the biggest storm in decades came and killed them both.

    From that day I am alone. Getting by, helping others and making money whatever way I can. Hoping for a better and happier future. Never loosing my optimism. Lately I have been practicing archery, because I found out, that hunting and selling hides and meat is a great way to make money.

    During the funeral of my adoptive parents a stranger came to me and told me, that he was a long time friend of my adoptive father. And that my "father" once told him, when he was drunk, that I might have been born on the island of Elpida. But he did not have any more details to share.

    As I currently have nothing holding me back where I am now, I found a ship heading to Elpida and I want to continue my adventures there, and maybe even find out something about my past.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2019
    Alir99 likes this.
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Hello mmocz!

    Really interesting bio layout. However it is a bit short compared to what we normally expect of a bio. Also, your character (at the time of writing the bio), must be about to board the ship to Elpida, so the last paragraph needs to be changed :D

    Hope to see you around!
  3. mmocz

    mmocz Verified Traveler

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    Oh, sorry. I kinda missed that detail. I updated my Bio and even made it longer. I hope this meets your high expectation! :) I am really looking forward to spending my time in Elpida with such a great group of people!
    Alir99 likes this.
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Welcome to the community :D
  5. mmocz

    mmocz Verified Traveler

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    Thank you very much, it feels really good to be a part of such an inspiring community. I have heard a lot about you Mr. Alir and it will be an honor to spend some time in Elpida with you!

    I am really hyped about the game we will experience tomorrow. I have heard great things about the server. Its great, that you have finally managed to bring that great new world to life!
    Alir99 likes this.
  6. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    I hope you enjoy your time here and we’re glad to have you join us :D
    mmocz likes this.

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