Approved Ulsario Dunivio's bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by treechickens123, Dec 20, 2019.

  1. treechickens123

    treechickens123 Verified Traveler

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    Username: treechickens123
    Discord Username (only if you want to be verified in the Discord group): treechickens123#6899
    Full Name: Ulsario Dunivio
    Nickname(s): Ul Dun
    Gender: male
    Age: 33
    Date of birth: 2372 16th of march
    Place of birth: Mainland
    Job: sailor and fisherman and farmer hunter
    Interests and hobbies: fishing and learning about animals and how to tame them and hunt dangerous ones
    Religious Belief: Marventa and Metus
    Signature Item (s):
    Ultaram (first fishing rod)

    i am Ul Dun. ever since i was young, i have been fascinated by the sea. since then i have been dead set on becoming a great sailor, learning all about the intricate design and how to ride the sea. i have made a living by giving others opportunities to see the beautiful views from boat-side for a small fare to keep me eating, as well as my family. they aren't poor but they couldn't survive happily without me and my brother, Leonidas. leonidas has been my biggest supporter, ever encouraging me and, once, taking a big blow for me.

    As my family weren't poor, I had a decent childhood. At 4, I spent most of my time with my brother, having no other friends. To me, he wasn't a just a brother - he was my bestest friend. Together, we would journey around the mainland, discovering all the possibilities I could become. One of my favourite memories was when I was 9. I was walking around on my own, my brother was working, and I saw a shop being robbed! I then saw the thief escaping so I ran into him and threw him into the sea! I got rewarded by the butcher and he gave me amazin food! When I got home however, my mum scalded me and locked me in out house for a week. My brother entertained me throughout the week. It was probably one of my favourite weeks ever.

    When I was 13, my brother finally convinced me to make some friends. I found my first and only friend that's not my brother and we played together all the time. Unfortunately, his father got sick and he had to leave for a better climate where he would have a better chance of survival. I haven't spoken to him since

    when i was 18, i was just getting used to the bigger life and i was stupid. i let some 'friends' encouraged me to sneak upon a boat and set sail. i was doing great until an unseen rock smashed the bottom of the boat to pieces. it was only because of my brothers' quick thinking that managed to save me for getting imprisoned. instead, he got taken into custody but later got released after they found out it couldn't have been him. they still might be searching for me. i don't know.

    after that, i questioned many others about how i could make enough money to buy a boat. many said it was impossible, one or two said the only way was to rob and steal, but i would never do that. the others suggested farming, so i took that up and became very successful after a lucky harvest. straight away, i went down to the harbor and bought a reasonable boat. i have loved Neridis ever since.

    I loved to explore new lands and discover more animals. I saw most animals like fish: aimlessly wandering around in the general direction of food. I was fascinated by their peculiar movements but I never properly studied them, I was too busy sailing.

    One day, when I was 28, I was tracking an animal I didn't know until it leapt out at me! I ran to my boat and thought of a way of killing it. In the end I settled upon a piece of meat tied onto the back of my boat. When the animal pounced and grabbed onto it, I sailed away to show others my catch. One day, I would like to fight and hunt dangerous animals but for now I need to save up money for the new land.

    when i was about 25, a storm damaged my boat and i didn't have enough money to repair it. i tried farming again but a drought bought an end to that. i was seriously considering being a criminal until a met an old man. he looked as if he was the poorest person ever yet he had a rod in his hand and looked as if he was as happy as the kitten who ate the cream. from him, i learned all about the easy, calm lifestyle of a fisherman, catching all kind of sea creatures. soon after, i told him my story and he gave me his fishing rod, Ultaram. i have treasured it since and it has helped me get enough money to repair my boat and earn some extra cash to eat nicely.

    unfortunately, i left the mainland in a rush because i'm quite forgetful and i slept in late. I only just managed to arrive on the boat on time, literally 3 seconds until it left, but I was used to this. On the way, the captain even let me steer the boat! It was incredible. I fished some of the food for the others on board and we all had a great trip. I can't remember any of their names unfortunately. However, in the rush, i left my rod. I wonder if I'll ever find it again.

    One day, I would love to find an unexplored island and call it my own
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2019
  2. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    Welcome to the server! This is a good start to you bio, however there are some problems with it. Firstly could you remove the poseidon character from your bio (remove the name). I like the reference, but greek gods are not part of our lore and I don' want it causing confusion. Secondly, could you add a bit of backstory to how your character was raised. This bio just starts when he's 18. Also the bio has to end with you on the ship going to or arriving at the docks of Elpida. You spawn on a ship at the docks so thats were your bio has to end and where your roleplay on the server begins.
  3. treechickens123

    treechickens123 Verified Traveler

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    Please see adjustments
  4. treechickens123

    treechickens123 Verified Traveler

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    Added my final touches hopefully
  5. treechickens123

    treechickens123 Verified Traveler

    Likes Received:
    I have made adjustments
  6. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    This is a really good bio, nice and long.

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