Approved Basil Gracchus - Character Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Vaudian, Dec 19, 2019.

  1. Vaudian

    Vaudian Verified Traveler

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    Username: Vaudois
    Discord Username (only if you want to be verified in the Discord group): Vaudian, #2972.
    Full Name: Basil Gracchus
    Nickname(s): N/A.
    Gender: Male.
    Age: 25 years old.
    Date of birth: February 14th 2380S.
    Place of birth: Mainland, Patraeia.
    Job: Scholar, Politician.
    Interests and hobbies: Philosophy, Literature.
    Religious Belief: Legaros
    : Basil believes in justice and order, choosing Legaros as his Patron God.
    Signature Item (s): N/A.

    Story Paragraphs: Basil Gracchus was born to a moderately wealthy urban family on the Mainland. He began his education from a very young age upon the order of his father. Basil was educated in stewardship, philosophy and science. Basil had a very easy life growing up, he never worked on a farm or worried about his next meal. Basil's older brother had a very similar childhood and their relationship was quite healthy. It was not until Basil's teen years he began to engage with more radical political ideas, such as land reform and support for the humilis class.

    Basil was always a diligent student and took his studies very seriously. He actively engaged with the philosophy in his classes and often thought of practical ways to apply them to his everyday life. The extrapolations Basil took from his studies lead him to believe the current system was flawed. More importantly, Basil held anti-summa class views and thought his family, particularly his father was propagating this system. Remaining diligent in his studies Basil would often get in arguments with his professors even though he was a top student. The Gracchus family all believed in Legaros, however, Basil took his faith and flipped it upside down. While his family believed in Legaros to maintain the current system, Basil believed the only true way to achieve justice and order was an overthrow of the system.

    Most of the Gracchus family found the politics of Basil abhorrent but the new theology of Legaros was the final straw. Basil was very outspoken in his beliefs, at the dinner table as well. Basil and his father would constantly get in arguments while his brother and mother stayed silent. Basil's brother was somewhat sympathetic and would at the very least, behind closed doors, take the time to consider Basil's beliefs. Basil's brothers did not entirely believe what Basil believed however Basil did influence him. Basil's father's company invited the Gracchus family to a banquet where Basil embarrassed his father in front of all his colleagues, his family would put up with him no longer.

    Basil's political convictions and beliefs would sour his relationship with his family. His family was particularly conservative and unempathetic towards the plight of the humilis class. Basil's family was embarrassed by him and his family soon wanted nothing to do with him however his relationship with his brother remained strong. Basil's father told him he would be cutting off his financial aid and was severing all ties with him, Basil stuck to his political beliefs. Basil's brother who still had a good relationship with the family told him his only hope was to seek success on Elpida. Basil's brother gave him a meagre amount of money and sent him on his way.

    *The wealthy family, education, the money that was given by brother etc.. is all for roleplay/background purpose. No power gaming, metagaming or anything like that.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2019
  2. Jackson G.

    Jackson G. Citizen

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    Hey! Your bio is similar in traits and personality to my character. Would you be interested in teaming up in the game, things would be easier that way! No pressure though, it is entirely up to you.
  3. Vaudian

    Vaudian Verified Traveler

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    Hey, for sure! We'll see what happens, see you there!
  4. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    Welcome to the server! This is a good start to your bio, however it is a bit short. Could you add at least 2 more paragraphs (about the same size as the paragraphs you have now) to your characters backstory?
    If you need inspiration some ideas might be:
    How did his education go?
    How did he get his political ideas?
    Did he have any other interests?
    Maybe his father kicked him out of the house after a big fight or something?
    Did his brother share the same believes?
    Vaudian likes this.
  5. Vaudian

    Vaudian Verified Traveler

    Likes Received:
    Thank you for the advice! I've written two new paragraphs outlining a bit more about Basil and I sought to answer most of the inspirational questions you gave me.
  6. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

    Likes Received:
    Nice! Amazing read.
    I'm approving this bio!
    Vaudian likes this.
  7. Jackson G.

    Jackson G. Citizen

    Likes Received:
    I look forward to it! Best of luck!

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