Approved Shirou Emiya - jamesisacuck

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by jamesisacuck, Dec 19, 2019.

  1. jamesisacuck

    jamesisacuck Verified Traveler

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    Username: jamesisacuck
    Discord Username: Supreme One#5964
    Full Name: Shirou Emiya
    Nickname: Emi
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Date of Birth: May 28th 2388S
    Place of Birth: Mainland
    Job: Blacksmith
    Interests and hobbies: Adventuring and crafting
    Religious belief: Metus
    Signature item: Twin daggers: Kanshou and Bakuya. Kanshou is a black dagger and Bakuya is a white dagger.

    Shirou came from a family of black smiths, his dad forged weapons to make a living and even taught Shirou part of the craft. His mother was a housewife and was very proud of Shirou and his father. Shirou started to learn how to make weapons at the age of 14. He enjoyed the process, but it'd take a couple of years for him to be able to make anything worth selling. He was very eager to help out in the family business.

    His first weapon was a dagger. He began hammering a hot thick metal bar into the shape of a blade on an avil. Unfortunately, the bar wasn't as big as he thought it'd be. The handle was made from the wood that came from a fallen branch near Shirou's house. He cut it into the shape of a handle, lacking a finish and inserted the blade into it. It was terribly short and the handle much too big. It would truly be a disgrace if it was sold it at the shop. But Shirou now had the experience of making his first weapon.

    When he was 16, his weapons started to be finer, they were well sharpened and had good weight to them. His father saw that, and started to make him work at the blacksmith. Shirou enjoyed working there, and did a very good job there too. A year later, Shirou wanted to leave. His father was obsessed with Shirou's work, seeing him more of an employee than a son. Loads of requests for weapons were being asked from Shirou and he did them with his usual expertise. But Shirou could only work so hard. He went to bed exhausted everyday. He saw his father at the shop less and less and the customers started saying that the shop was practically Shirou's. He didn't want to constantly live like this, working day-long shifts and no reward to it.

    He went to confront his father but he dismissed him while talking to Shirou's mother. Not paying attention to the dismissal, Shirou asked for his father to give him a break but he told him to get used to it, and that the customers are still waiting. Shirou earnestly wanted to fulfil the needs of the customers, after all they spent their hard earned money for his work. The next week, he tried again. His father then said that the family was poor and was in debt. Shirou never heard about this before. He couldn't believe it. His family was in debt and despite that his father wasn't working?

    Shirou had only lived in the same village he grew up in and had not visited anywhere else. He felt like all his life was just making swords, nothing else. Shirou had to leave. While his family was asleep, Shirou crafted his signature twin daggers: Kanshou and Bakuya. One black, the other white. The black dagger (Kanshou) symbolised the discontent in his life from blacksmithing and the white dagger (Bakuya) symbolised the good that blacksmithing brought to his life. Shirou grabbed some of the money he earned and used it to take a ship to Elpida, hoping to start his own weapon shop: Unlimited Blade Works.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2019
  2. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    Welcome to ther server!
    This is a very nice start to your bio, but its bit short. Could you add at least 1-2 paragraphs more backstory?
    If you need inspiration, here are some ideas:
    How did his training go?
    How/what was the first weapon he crafted?
    Were there any fights between father/son?
  3. jamesisacuck

    jamesisacuck Verified Traveler

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    I gave it a couple of tweaks, is this better?
  4. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    Very nice!
    This bio is approved, hope to see you soon on the server!

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