Approved Alekos Nephus - DankLaDank

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by DankLaDank, Dec 18, 2019.


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  2. It's not bad.

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  3. Could be better..

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  4. Garbage.

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  1. DankLaDank

    DankLaDank Verified Traveler

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    DankLaDank's Character Bio


    : DankLaDank
    Discord Username: DankLaDank#1409
    Full Name: Alekos Nephus
    Nickname(s): Alek
    Gender: Nonbinary (they/them)
    Age: 28
    Date of birth: Oct 21 2377S
    Place of birth: Mainland
    Job: Cartographer, navigator
    Interests and Hobbies: Sailing, games of chance
    Religious Belief: Marventa
    Signature Items: A compass, given to them by their father Arkantos when they first set sail; it is engraved with "May you port in warm waters, always", and a map of an island; their first discovery with The Hatzi.



    Alekos Nephus was born in Patraeia in 2377S to a loving father, Arkantos Nephus, and a caring mother, Callista Nephus. Arkantos served as a soldier in the Mainland's millitary, providing funds for his family while Callista cared for their child. The three lived near the coast, and they were happy. Though Arkantos wasn't home as often as Callista and Alekos would like, they still managed to find happiness and comfort in each others presence.

    As they grew older, Alekos learned they loved the ocean. It offered freedom and new discoveries, two things they felt they'd never find on Patraeia's shores. Sure, the Mainland had a wealth of opportunities and was incredibly prosperous, but with such a prosperous nation comes stagnation. In Alekos' mind, everything to do in Patraeia had been done. It was this philosophy that lead to their career choice; they were going to sail, and map out everything they saw.

    It took several years of dockwork and working on various trade ships, and not to mention a lot of favours cashed in, but in 2398S Alekos found himself as the cartographer and navigator of a small ship, The Hatzi. They practically lived on this ship, and became very close with the captain, Katsaros. For the next 8 years, The Hatzi sailed the waters surrounding Patraeia, with Alekos dutifully and joyously mapping everything they saw.

    When Alekos heard about the founding of Elpida on the mythical island of Insulera, they knew they had to go. A brand new world waiting to be discovered, to be charted? It was almost too good to be true. The crew of The Hatzi agreed, and for 5 years they all worked up the funds to get Alekos to Elpida. When the day finally arrived, Alekos bid a bittersweet farewell to their family aboard the ship, knowing they would one day meet again. But until that day, a new frontier called to Alekos Nephus, and they were destined to answer.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2019
  2. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    Welcome to the server! This bio is very well written and I see no problems with anything lore related. Just know that a sailor/cartographer job you wish to fullfill will not be supported by plugins at server launch. As I said the bio is well written, but it's a bit short. Could you add at least 1 more paragraph to your backstory so I can approve it?
    If you need inspiration, some ideas are:
    How was he raised?
    How and where did he learn to sail?
    Who taught him?
    Does he have any special stories about something that happened while sailing?
    Who were his parents/family?
  3. DankLaDank

    DankLaDank Verified Traveler

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    @eragon43 thanks for the review! Is there a place I can see what occupations would be supported, so I can find something similar to make that part of my backstory functional? As for the rest, I'll get on it!
  4. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    The wiki is in the process of being updated. There is some information on there but a lot of it is outdated. You are free to do any job you want, at the end of the day, all you really need is food. There are no restrictions in what you are allowed to do as long as it fits in the roleplay setting. If you want you could start a circus and earn money by letting people watch it. It probably wouldn't work, but it's possible. Their are some crafting professions thoug. Atm those are architect, blacksmith, juwellery maker and cook. More will be added later. You could also make money by fighting in the dungeons and selling the loot to blacksmiths, juwellery makers traders... Some political jobs are also supported by plugins.
    What I was saying in my previous post is that you are absolutly allowed to roleplay a sailer exploring Insularis' coasts, but don't expect to make money from it or that a plugin will be implemented to support it.
  5. DankLaDank

    DankLaDank Verified Traveler

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  6. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    Awesome! This is a very nice read. I look forward to seeing you on the server!
    This bio is accepted!

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