Approved Henri Altier

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Luxembork, Dec 16, 2019.

  1. Luxembork

    Luxembork Verified Traveler

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    Username: Hunt_Plays

    Discord Username: Le Chonke#6899

    Full Name: Henri “Fari” Altier

    Nickname(s): Fari. Similiar to “Farnia”;meaning oak in Italian.

    Gender: Male

    Age: Twenty-One

    Date of birth: June 07, 2384S

    Place of birth: Major Port-city located in Patraeia.

    Job: Fisherman and Navigator of the Seas.

    Interests and hobbies: Fishing, Navigation, and Storytelling.

    Religious Belief: Devout follower of Marventa.

    Signature Item (s): Sturdy Oak Fishing Rod, obtained from his late grandfather. Named Donatella, meaning beautiful gift of god in Italian. Gold Amulet obtained by his late grandmother. Has engraving on it but in a foreign language unbeknown to Henri.

    Henri was born into poverty and lived in the slums of one of the major port cities of Patraeia. Henri lived alone with his grandfather and grandmother after his parents got lost at sea when he was the age of Three. He and his grandfather worked as a fishermen making enough for the necessities but nothing more. During a foggy morning at the docks, his grandfather suffered a stroke and later died leaving Henri his oak fishing rod, Donatella. Henri, now with the burden of taking care of both him and his grandmother, would struggle greatly pay for rent and would save money by not eating for days so he could feed his grandmother instead. Henri sought to gain an apprenticeship on board a fishing vessel as it paid far more than fishing solo. His grandmother worried, however, that working onboard a vessel would leave him stranded at sea just as his parents had died. She tried to convince him to look somewhere else for a job but it was for nought as he felt that he should follow his family's love for the sea and exploration of the unknown. Henri worked without thinking of himself and gave all his earnings to his grandmother, although she forced him to keep some of the cash.

    One foggy morning, akin to how grandfather died, he’d set sail with his crew. Suddenly, before they realized, their ship was caught in a storm. Their vessel struck a rock and caused the small vessel to shatter. He was left alone, no shipmates insight and Donatella strapped to his back, did he begin swimming for his life amongst the eye of the storm. Henri, after what felt like a century of swimming, managed to make it to an island and passed out. When he awoke he found himself in a cottage of two fishermen. He’d asked them where he’d crashed and discovered that he ended up on the island not too far from the mainland. Henri and the fishermen exchanged stories and asked the fishermen if there was a way back to the mainland.Fortunately, for Henri, the two fishermen were headed to the port-city in Patraeia in about a week to trade. Henri asked the two fishermen to allow him to ride back with him and in exchange he’d give them money but they declined graciously as they felt as though they owed Henri as fellow fishermen. While Henri rested he remembered his grandmother and felt a great pang of sorrow as his grandmother had not known where he was and was most likely in a state of anxiety. Henri asked the fishermen if they had a spare vessel to allow him to leave immediately as it was of immense importance. The fishermen gave him a vessel, that although was beat up and old, would be the key to reunite him with his grandmother. Henri felt empowered , with Donatella in hand, to get back to the mainland but before hand he thanked the fishermen for their hospitality and that one day he repay the two for all they'd done for him.

    Henri arrived at his port-city about three days later. Once he came home he found his grandmother not breathing on the floor and immediately rushed to her side. He rushed her to the nearest hospital where she’d be declared deceased; the cause of death being poison. Henri returned home and noticed a letter on top of the coffee table. Inside it held a gold amulet and a letter with her final will. He felt lost and left wondered why his life has been full of grief and loss; first from the loss of his parents and now his grandparents. He realized he needed to change his life and turn himself around or he’d only face more loss living in the port-city that cause him to grieve so. He remembered how the two sailors described an island far-away full of riches and adventure; a place to start anew. That day he pulled all the money that he had left to his family name and bought a ticket heading to this fabled land named “Elpida”. He left in the foggy morning, but not alone: he had with him the items of his grandparents and a strong will to survive. So he set off from the sea-port in an old ship with hundreds of other emigrants hoping for a new start in the “new world”. This was the beginning of his story...

    Last edited: Dec 16, 2019
    Alir99 and eragon43 like this.
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Beautiful bio.

    2 small problems however though. 1) It is a tad bit short, so please add at least 1 more paragraph. 2) Your character needs to have arrived on Elpida on the ship that everyone else arrives on, so the end of your story needs to be changed.

    Apart from that, like i mentioned above, its a beautiful bio.
    Luxembork likes this.
  3. Luxembork

    Luxembork Verified Traveler

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    alright just fixed it. Hope you enjoy it ^ - ^
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Welcome to the server :D

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