Approved Vroglathorgn

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Vroglathorgn, Dec 8, 2019.

  1. Vroglathorgn

    Vroglathorgn Verified Traveler

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    IGN & RP Name: Vroglathorgn
    Discord: 駝鳥#0001
    Sex: Male
    Age: 23
    Birthdate: January 14, 2382S
    Birthplace: Distant steppe region on Mainland
    Residence: Patraeia
    Job: Retired raider turned trader
    Hobbies: Pillaging, but also a decent at the lute
    Deity: Ignarus - Fire and War
    Signature Item: Skull of Noropdargn, a rival clan leader

    Born in the mainland steppes, known as Latorik in his tongue, Vroglathorgn quickly became one of the strongest of the Vroglin, a warlike clan who values strength and independence above all else. He was not raised by his parents, but by the entire clan, as is tradition. By the time he was 16, the group had conquered or formed alliances with the majority of the neighboring clans, and Vroglathorgn led the final battle against their greatest rival, the Noroplok, earning him glory amongst his people. Revered and respected, Vroglathorgn had become a man, and the unified clans celebrated their triumph.

    His transition into manhood was standard of his clan's traditions. He was sent out with two other youths to kill and eat a bear. This is to keep the clan strong and healthy, as the weak are weeded out. As the great beast fell, the party was successful and welcomed among the clan elders.

    There was relative peace for a few years, but with no neighbors to raid they went for travelers and nearby villages. This was their downfall.
    The violence against these small villages caught the attention of the empire, who quickly sent forces to deal with the clans. Over the course of a couple months, the empire had all but wiped out the peoples of the region. Hundreds died or fled, as clan after clan was crushed by the empire.

    Following the fall of his clan in 2401S, Vroglathorgn struggled to find purpose. He got by, staying with former allies from time to time. Like the rest of the survivors, he eventually integrated into the small nearby villages out of necessity, slowly moving his way up to the capital, forming a bit of a career as a trader along the way.

    While he understood the empire's reasons for decimating his people, he did not forgive and was eager to find his way out of Patraeia. News of the new land reached him on his way to the capital, promising new hope for the survival of his people and culture. As one of the few who found wealth after the collapse, he was among the first to secure passage.
    He wants to revitalize his culture, to start a new empire to rival Patraeia, and to create a lasting legacy. The name Vroglathorgn will be known.

    Edited to add length and expand on my background. While I wanted to expand on the culture, it feels more appropriate for custom lore than character bios.
    I went for more of an outlander background here, somewhat inspired by actual history of Attila the Hun or Genghis Khan, except being nowhere near as successful, leading to integration to society. I found the side note of barbarian tribes in the story interesting and thought it would be fun to get into that. I tried to keep the naming scheme of things in this culture consistent for believability, and I may expand on it more later.

    Any input to help this fit better into your world is much appreciated :^)
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2019
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Hello and welcome!

    Couple of points regarding your bio. First one is that it’s a bit short. Can you please add a bit more about your character itself? Secondly, your character seems a bit violent, which isn’t too much of an issue, especially since you balanced it out by stating that they aren’t that successful and maybe don’t fit into society that well. Just wanted to let you know that PvP isn’t fully enabled in all parts of the land, so that may interfere with your characters story.

    But yeah, apart from the length, I don’t see too much of a problem.

    Let me know when you’ve added to it :D
  3. Vroglathorgn

    Vroglathorgn Verified Traveler

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    I added some more to the story. Hope this is enough! Big thanks to Robin Moore in Discord for giving me ideas to expand on!
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Awesome, thanks. :D


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