Approved Chikato's Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Chikato, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. Chikato

    Chikato Citizen

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    Username: ItzChikato
    Full Name: Sasaki Chikahiro
    Nick: Chikato, The Hidden Shadow
    Gender: Male
    Age: 21.5
    Date Of Birth: 2386S June 17th
    Place Of Birth: Rumoured to be in the woods in the Mainland. (Further explanation in Backstory)
    Current Residence: No, he is a wanderer
    Religious: A fellow disciple of Phaedron, Ave Phaedron!
    Job: A mercenary, pay him well and you get a deal!
    Signature Items: Two katana (one black and one white). This is the perfect disguise for night activity. He works during the night (usually). The equipment gives him speed, allowing him to do his "jobs" efficiently. This are the only things that reminds Chikato of the Dark Side Of Society.


    Chikato's real backstory wasn't really known. He was born near Elpida. His parents were said to be exiled because of some 'deeds'. Chikato grew up alone. He was used to the silence around him. He was raised by his foster parents. His current parents found him in the woods one day while collecting wood and decided to bring him in to be part of their family, but when all was well, his new family vanished without a trace when he was just 12 years old, leaving him alone with some clothes and equipments. He found a dark cloak with a strange symbol of a circle and a cross on the right breast, a grey straw hat and a pair of katana, one obsidian black and one shining white. He didn't know where all the equipments come from but he used them and started to work by then. Being a miner, a farmer and pretty much all legal jobs that anyone could think of. He decided to wander around looking for a new job and so sets him a new pathway of being a mercenary.

    People hire Chikato to do some of their basic works, and since Chikato has experience from all job directories, he did it all with no imperfection, but he always works when no one is watching and is active around night time. People started calling him The Hidden Shadow. He was known throughout Mainland, a famous mercenary he was, until……

    Chikato was called up one day to meet a man. The man offered a job for him and the pay was extraordinary. Being curious, Chikato asked the man what job was it. The man was dressed in a dark robe, a black hoodie covering his face, hiding most of his appearances. The man wanted Chikato to do a dirty work. Assassination. Chikato was stunned. He did legal jobs for about a few years and now he had to do a dirty one. Chikato reluctantly agreed when the man reasoned with him for fame and glory. The destination was Elpida. It was near an alley and Chikato was hiding in the shadows as always, then he heard footsteps. Chikato unsheathed his weapons and locked in on target, but when he saw the target’s face, shock surrounded his chest. It was his foster father. He couldn’t bare to kill the man that saved his life. He revealed himself and anger gripped his heart. Chikato raged and demanded why had his family leave him. The answer was more simple than expected. His foster parents were from an organisation that protected Mainland from power hungry people. They were the Guardians. The foster parents had to leave him to make sure he was safe from the evil outside of the world. They knew that Chikato was strong enough to survive on his own.

    That day Chikato vowed to protect the people of Elpida from people like the mysterious man he met the other day. He became part of the Guardians and he knew that his job was far from being done, he had a new life in Elpida. As you guys know about the society... Each and everyone of you isn't safe... The evil is still out there somewhere, waiting for the day to bite...

    P.S Please tell me if there is any part i should improve on and maybe on increasing the length of the story. I am like a novice book writer so this is the best i could think of for a short novel.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2019
    Jackson G. likes this.
  2. Nico

    Nico Known Citizen

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    The server will be dead soon so there is no point in this
  3. Zombie_Striker

    Zombie_Striker Citizen

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  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Thank you for your bio and welcome to Minecraft Frontiers!

    I have approved your bio as we are aiming to release by the 21st of December.
    If you would like to join our Discord in order to track the progress and development, feel free to join:
    Chikato likes this.

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