He who weaves tales should be careful lest he thereby become a tale himself. Aye, such poetic words fill me with reverie~ But woe is me, such words are not befit of a hypocrite. Tales of old, Tales so bold, Tales I have told. Sights speak words of the thousands, but I, I good sir, speak sights Painting without a brush, Creating without manifesting! Bestowing sight through thine ears. Gather 'round and garner thy whit as I play upon a tale untold as it continues to unfold. None knows of his birthplace nor of his home, No mind remembers, not even his own. In front of many but not the focus, Laid bare in front of the myriad, he lies clothed. Whether it be at a tavern or in thine own streets, he sent you off as though you were in your sheets He told of dreams, of heroism, of darkness, of wisdom, of stupidity, and of love. Each tale unique, untold to a virgin world. But as time progressed and stories ceased to unfold, the young man had nothing to tell. And so, he made his own stories to sell. Budding heroes were forged and guided. Passions dormant were alighted. Each new tale told were fabricated, but never fake. Apart of each tale was a story untold. However, when each story unfolded for those who listened, the missing piece that none knew omitted, was in front of them, hiding from being fitted. After years, however, tales freshly forged were rusty and old And so, like had done all his life, he walked onward in search of tales to tell. ... Years later, the now old man now truly stumped and could no longer feel that fleeting euphoria. His road unraveled and his path traveled, he felt as thought he, himself, had been told. He had witnessed and caused many avalanches throughout the vast land known as Patreaia but all are now settled. But the calm only severed to accentuate the waves. Waves that came from a new land - a new path Tales of riches, of knowledge, and of palaces made of gold flowed throughout the mainland. Before many had even come upon the knowledge that travel was possible, he had purchased a ticket for the next ship. When ask his name so the organizers could catalog such an expensive purchase he replied... "Hahahaha, Must I have to? Old bones as worn out as mine have no use for a thing such as a name." "Sorry Sir, but regulations are regulations. I have to at least catalog something or I'll lose my job! The pay isn't much but safe jobs like these are so hard to come by..." "Fine fine. No need to guilt this one here. This old head here can still listen to reason. Ah, how long has it been since I've told of myself? Hahaha. I can't even remember. These bones may be old but lad, this thing up here." The old man tapped his head with a sly, slightly prideful expression. "This thing here does not forget easily." "That's great and all senior, but I still need your name." "Ah, fine fine. You youngsters nowadays are so hard to get to sit down and listen. Very well. My name is.. Y'Fantis..." Writing it down upon the parchment given to him by his superiors, the young man looked up to thank the old man and ask him to move along to his assigned boat but could only widen his eyes as the old man was nowhere to be seen. The man who stood next in line moved forward. Wondering where the old man went and if he needed to tell him where to go, he asked the new man before him. When confronted with the question, the other man responded with a confused: "What old man?".... -------- My intentions with this character: I wanted to build a character as carefree but forceful as the wind. All the wind needs is a slight push to fall a teetering giant. But the wind is furthermore random. It could even decide to help stabilize the giant or simply lay dormant. Honestly, design wise, I wanted the character to be a Master of all jack of none. This concept is quite overpowered for a character, however, I think it could work well because: The character is too old to engage in extended combat. Too brittle to work in the forge for long. And too shaky to create crafts. But also too impartial to gift his knowledge unto others. The only time in which the trait "Master of all, jack of none" emerges, is when he will selfishly decide to set gears in motion like: Training a potential hero. Imparting brief tidbits of knowledge to passerby's. etc. In short. I want to create a wizened old grandpa that doesn't really give a damn about all the problems around the world and selfishly pursues the only thing that gives his brief life meaning - telling tales. For a signature item I was debating on either shoes or a walking stick/instrument The shoes would be of Japanese origin and would look like a basic table honestly. Wherever he walks you can hear a distinct clopping sound that accompany's him. for another option, I was thinking of a lute that served as a walking stick as well as an instrument that was carved out of a single branch. IDK, something to give him that old man story teller feel. Another idea would be a rapier like item that he utilities as a weapon and walking stick called Argaleiós which means "loom" in Greek. You know, cause you use a loom to weave. In Game, I plan to do random things that suit my fancy. Give a great sword to a new arrival, tip others of potential spots filled with glory, mischievously lie to several groups to create confrontation, and by association, a victor. Anything to have fun. When encountering a thief... imagine Iroh from avatar:the last air bender and how he dealt with that thief in the earth kingdom. ( For those who don't know, Iroh fixed the stance of the thief, taught him how to strike, and listened to his problems just because he could) Please give me feedback on the concept and any faults it may have with the server. On a side note, I think it would be amazing if [The Tale Weaver] could take part in creating some actual Lore for the server ^ Like the tales he tells could one day become real and so people will actively seek him out to get hints to incoming patches/additions. Or you could MSG me when an incoming patch/addition is inbound and I'll drop subtle hints to it in tales he tells. It'll be funny seeing tonnes of people paying close attention to my words to find that needle in the haystack of stories I'll be telling. Thank you~ Hmm. To clarify things I'll just write a short bio here not told from his perspective. Born to a kind, but rather busy wench, Young Y'Fantis was not destined a stagnant life. From one household to another he was passed. Each one different and unique. Unable to care for him, the large ranges of friends and family passed him around to one another constantly. By some miracle, the young Y'Fantis would never be thrown away, but instead passed along as though it was his destiny to travel. Finally, at the age of 12, he had arrived upon a home that was willing to keep him and had funds to do so. Without the constant traveling to see new sights, new customs, and new tales, he felt empty. Each village the same, but unique. Each town bustling with vigor unseen. Each city grand but never the same. He had grown far too accustomed to an ever evolving lifestyle. He was now stoic, like stagnant air. He seemed to have lost the light that so many had seen within his eyes until one day, the small town that was his "permanent" abode received a visitor. A man walked into the town with a spring in his step and a gentle moon on his face. Carrying a beautiful lute emphasized by the scratches of use, he begun telling a tale. Among the crowd was a young man with a tender face. Like the wind the bard came, and like the wind the bard left. He had done not much more than tell a few stories to the young ones but it was enough. And so, the young Y'Fantis emulated his nameless hero and left like the wind with nothing more than the family's old lute, the cloths on his back, and the head on his shoulders. Using the tales he had heard from villages and lives past, he wove his own tale. From city to town, from town to village, and from village to royal capitol he traveled. Never long to stay, he kept adrift but always had time to stop and tell a few stories. Of course, for a lone man wandering the vast mainland, trouble was always abound. To fend for himself, he had practiced all sorts of trades. From swordsmanship to crafting, he at least knew the basics. As time continued however, the tales seemed to cease. Gone was the constant flow of new stories to tell and the audience to listen. - So he took maters into his own hands. Dangerously weaving his way into the lives of others, he incited legends. While having a general gist of what would happen, he set about, pushing pebbles off cliffs in hopes of an avalanche But soon, the stories and tales ceased once more. The mainland harbored little room for mysticism or adventure as politics grew far more complicated. It was a stalemate of grand proportions. When lost on what to do, Y'Fantis had picked up on knowledge unknown to many at the time. He was quite good at that. Tales are but knowledge with a story. The tidbit of knowledge spoke of a new land. A land filled with it's own tales and opportunities sure to birth new wonders. Over the years, despite charging nothing, he had collected a hefty sum whether through gifts or random donations. With said money he had bought his place upon the ship to the new land, Elpida, And so he set off towards the new land in search of new and exciting stories to tell and tales to forge.
That poem is really impressive! There was this suggestion for an event with a traveler that will come to Elpida and he gives you stuff if you tell him about your adventures =3 I dont know whether this got accepted or not but it's probably your best shot since the lore writers spent a lot of time on the current lore.
The individual for that will have to be carefully selected, and will most probably be a member of staff, unless someone suitable is chosen. Hi. It looks good so far, and I really enjoyed the poem, however it's not really a bio per se. You need to write a bit more about your characters past, and their decision to move to Elpida. This should be written in a fairly "story-mode" way, not just you saying that your character is like this. Please try and improve on this as it has potential. Good luck.
This is a really unique start to a bio, and one of my favorites! Please just clarify on your character's true origin and his journey to Elpida, and you'll be good to go. Thanks for the great read!