Approved JackDeaniels's Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Dean Ayalon, Jun 4, 2016.

  1. Dean Ayalon

    Dean Ayalon Citizen

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    Sorry for the wait, there it is:
    (Yes, I know it's horrible, sorry)

    Name: Unknown
    Nickname: Currently disguised with the alias of Sean Void.
    Gender: Male
    Birthdate: 2381S (What's the S though?)
    Birthplace: The town of Kyn to the north of the mainlands.
    Current Residence: Somewhere in Elpida?
    Job: Assassin, disguised as a student.
    Interests and hobbies: Human biology and chemistry, mainly toxicology (the study of poisons).
    Dislikes: Stupidity is something he can't stand, and cruelty disgusts him, although being a part of his job.
    Religious beliefs: He is not very connected to the gods, but believes and acknowledges them and will pray for help from Phaedron when needed. His parents prayed to Legaros and had a small ritual place for him, but he follows Phaedron and owns a small emblem of his. He prays to him before every mission and asks for forgiveness after each kill.
    Signature items: A hidden poisoned rope-dart he has gotten upon "graduating" and receiving his clan's assassination permissions, although when assassinating, he usually uses poisoned needles so that the body doesn't show any wound.
    Also has a notebook in which he keeps all information (encrypted) about his missions and victims, for moral reasons.
    Physical appearance: A thin and tall person, with pale skin and brown eyes. His hair is brown and his body features multiple scars from previous events.
    Personality: mostly dark and quiet, but under his current disguise he is a friendly, happy face. Most loyal to the people he likes and is closed to, although all are currently dead due to unfortunate 'accidents'. He is generally polite, but he also swears quite a lot.
    Fitness statistics? He is fast and intelligent, and he is good at hiding himself from an enemy, but he is not too strong and sturdy, so lending a heavy hit may be critical. Although as an assassin he usually avoids that and doesn't fight, instead he.. Well.. Assassinates :p

    Born in Kyn, a small town to the north of Patraeia, and raised in a hidden village at the snowy mountains above, NAME has been training as an assassin since childhood. Kyn is a small, brown town, resting at the foot of Blizzard mountain, where the village he is a part of is placed, since no sane, regular person would even think of exploring the mountain.
    NAME's parents, wealthy politicians who had a lot of enemies, were killed in his early childhood by the very assassins that took him in. Although the act was against their code, instead of killing the boy, they found potential in him and made them one of their own.
    Ever since, he's been training in the arts of assassination, infiltration and torture..tion.... And improving his physical and mental stability, as well as his resistance to poison, a trait he has found quite lovely, considering his liking to it and his frequent use of a variety of toxins to kill, paralyze or torture.
    During his training, NAME proved especially skilled with the hidden rope-dart, a quick slashing weapon built as a sharp blade connected to a rope, hidden in a small gap between a cloth and his arm.
    His cooking skills were unmatched in his village and he served the best meals around, a thing that saddened his people since he left to go on his long termed mission in Elpida. His navigation skills are awful though.
    NAME's current mission is to infiltrate Elpida under the cover of a medical student and wait for further instructions. He does not know why or what he has to do there, so currently he's building up a 'normal' made-up life, while also slowly basing himself in the political side of the city. To pay for his studies, he uses the money he has gotten from his clan and a part time job he has taken as a potion brewer, also helping extend his chemistry knowledge.
    Currently, NAME stands with an almost flawless record of victims, apart from the exception of a little girl he had to take out a few years back, she was killed later by another assassin, resulting in disappointment from his master, something NAME didn't take lightly.

    Now a small note from me
    Hi! My name is Dean and I'm a 17 year old (almost but let it slide ;)) nerd studying programming and also using it to earn a bit of cash.
    I like RPG games, yes I'm a gamer, an unskilled one, but I am. I don't like minecraft too much, but fuck it, it's not even minecraft anymore.
    I am a horrible writer with an imagination of a robot (see above bio), but I try my best.
    To be honest, most of the character info is like me, just cooler ._.
    AAAANYWAY.... I Hope I get access to this thingy, and if you need any help I'd love to try.
    Oh yeah, thank you for wasting your time on my post, much appreciated)
    Have a nice day,
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2016
  2. QuannTan

    QuannTan Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    I know how you feel, I had to run through my, first, Bio 5 times before I thought it was good enough! :laughing:
  3. Dean Ayalon

    Dean Ayalon Citizen

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    Yeah, posted this so stupidly without noticing the guide, had to rewrite everything, a whole other character now XD
    I guess the previous one would just turn into my fuck-it books and then be dumped somewhere between the trash and life - my drawer.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2016
  4. QuannTan

    QuannTan Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    Post your old one as well as your new one! It can't be that bad, and besides it's neat to see what everyone thinks up for characters! :D

    *Also to note, the background of said character has to be a bit long! Otherwise they won't give you the prototype access! (Which I believe to be "Access" to the server.. But that's a guess.)
  5. tcvs

    tcvs Administrator Administrator Developer

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    You are correct, Prototype Access is what you receive when you are officially on our server whitelist. Once a prototype phase is active (phase 2 is coming up) then you will be able to join the server.
  6. GiantLion11

    GiantLion11 Citizen

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    As @QuannTann said, you're probably going to have to have a lot longer background. Trust me, all the bones for your story are already there, your just have to add some meat. What you have now as your bio is a nice outline. Add filler and details to it, and explain what happened during his training, and how he got into the colonies. You don't have to, but try skimming over a few pages of the wikia's history lesson ( page if you're having trouble with any lore, and looking at other people's bios. It gets easier as you build momentum, just don't stop pushing out ideas.

    P.S. : oops, sorry, didn't see the entire new application you made... it looks good! I'll be more careful in the future :sweat:
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
  7. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Bios coming along nicely so far.

    First things first, your character needs a full name. This is important as it will be bound to your character. You can maybe put his alias name as his nickname?

    The current year in Elpida is 2405S, so if your characters 24 years old, the date of birth will be 2381S.

    It is a bit short however, so maybe try adding a bit more to it. We don't have a limit on how long it should be, but we do require at least 1-2 paragraphs on your characters life before moving Elpida and 1 paragraph about their decision to move to Elpida.

    Good luck!
  8. Dean Ayalon

    Dean Ayalon Citizen

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    Lol damn, it looked a lot longer on my phone's notes, editing.
  9. Dean Ayalon

    Dean Ayalon Citizen

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    Done, I hope it's ok now
  10. QuannTan

    QuannTan Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    Although still needing a name, it seems good! :D

    If I may give some suggesstions for a name good Sir, try: "Don Ayleon" "Anaheim Auditore (Aw-Di-Torey)" "Jean Va Lancled" or "Den Winchezer"

    Reading back through them they all should sound very French, but I just wanted to give suggesstions for name! :)
  11. Dean Ayalon

    Dean Ayalon Citizen

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    Since he's an assassin with a hidden background, I wanted to keep his name secretive and just use his alias, wouldn't that suffice? I guess I could make a name, but it'd feel like it takes a part of my character away
  12. QuannTan

    QuannTan Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    You could put his character name, but then put in quotes his alias! :D

    Ex: Don Ayleon "Sean Void"
    or vice versa depending!

    But I'm just thinking that the Mods want you to have your "Real" name at least! Then have whatever you go by after! :)
    I don't know, I'd ask one of 'em to see how they want it. Good luck mate!
    Dean Ayalon likes this.
  13. Xalveris

    Xalveris Known Citizen

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    Welcome to the community! I agree the bio wasn't too good to begin with, but it looks like you're making good progress towards making it better. Keep up the good work!

    P.S. When is your birthday? I'm almost 16 and I'm curious to see whether you are more or less than a full year older than me (As in, will we both be 16 for a few days before you turn 17?) Mine is the 13th, so a week from today.
  14. Dean Ayalon

    Dean Ayalon Citizen

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    @Xalveris I'm not, I actually have two more months, August 7th :/
  15. Xalveris

    Xalveris Known Citizen

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    Wow, two months? I thought you meant like a week, maybe two. Now I'm not gonna let the "almost 17" slide >:C

    (No hard feelings :))
  16. QuannTan

    QuannTan Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    Two months... Grumble. Grumble...
  17. Dean Ayalon

    Dean Ayalon Citizen

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    I cri evrytim
    QuannTan likes this.
  18. QuannTan

    QuannTan Retired Staff Retired Staff

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  19. Xalveris

    Xalveris Known Citizen

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    Stahp changing your profile picture, it's confusing D:
    Also, stahp replying to my stuff a ton, it's spamming my email notifications at me and it's really annoying >.<
    Saphiria likes this.
  20. QuannTan

    QuannTan Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    I couldn't find one I liked!

    Never! You shall look at this face and love it!! :laughing:

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