Approved LtCrazyman's Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by LtCrazyman, May 31, 2016.

  1. LtCrazyman

    LtCrazyman Verified Traveler

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    name: LtCrazyman
    age: 32
    gender: male
    place of birth: Mainland
    Current residence: on the side of a hill
    jobs: none
    interests: combat
    religion: Marventa
    signature item: Sword of darkness

    Born to a poor family in the heart of patraeia, LtCrazyman was left hungry day after day, fighting for the few scraps he was able to find.
    When he turned 18 he met a man at the local tavern who told him tales of great wealth and adventure on his ship, called "the darkness." Instantly drawn to this Ltcrazyman agreed to join him as a deckhand on the ship, simply to get away from his life of poverty and hunger.

    After a few years and hard fought battles sailing on the ship, Ltcrazyman found himself in a unique position, after one especially hard fought battle the captain of "the darkness" died. without a captain and no one to stand up to take his place, Ltcrazyman pushed his way to the front, pronouncing "i will lead you, i will bring you riches that are beyond your wildest dreams."

    From then on, Ltcrazyman lead the crew in countless battles, fighting and defeating even the worthiest opponents. One such day after a battle, he was looking about the ruined ship they just captured and saw a glint in the corner of his eye, from the body of the captain there was a sword like no other, the hilt made of ebony and ivory, curved to perfection and detailed like no other. the blade was so sharp, that just it resting on the deck was slowly cutting through the timber planks. instantly Ltcrazyman knew he would never leave that sword from his sight.

    The following years he remained undefeated sailing from town to town, capturing ships and drinking ale in the taverns. untill fatefull day, where he came across a galleon, attacking it without hesitation he found a man, butch and wild. like nothing he had ever seen. but proud and headstrong Ltcrazyman pushed the advance. after a fearsum battle things did not look good, bloodied on one arm and struggling to keep up, the warrior with one foul swoop flicked his sword out of Ltcrazyman's hands, flinging it into the mast pole so hard it collapsed. hitting the deck it threw Ltcrazyman into the water, knocking him out.

    When he awoke, he was washed upon the shores of patraeia, without his sword, he felt lifeless and empty again, like he was without a soul. only his faith in Marventa kept him from giving up.

    knowing he could never return to his ship because of his loss, he walked to where he had hidden his bounty taking only what he needed, he knew he needed to leave for another land to make a new name for himself, and bring himself to the greatness he once felt.

    he found a merchant who was selling tickets to a land named elpida and decided to take it, hoping that this new land would bring him what he wanted, and sorely needed. a new hope.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2016
  2. Nico

    Nico Known Citizen

    Likes Received:
    However the recommended layout found below is not required, I believe the information you would have to put into that format is, and I dont see that anywhere in your bio.
    However I dont actually any of these things for sure, since I'm kinda new myself. Just friendly advice I guess :)
    Recommended layout:
  3. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    It's a nice start to the bio, but we really do require some background information as @Nico mentioned. This includes your characters name, age, job and so on.
    The character history seems fine, although there are a few mistakes in some places.
    Good luck!
  4. LtCrazyman

    LtCrazyman Verified Traveler

    Likes Received:
    edited with a few extra things. bio should have included most things and explained everything but for ease of reference added a few things to the top. @Alir99 what mistakes we made? trying to write it out late at night and work on stuff at the same time :p plus remembering how i used to do bio's for d&d :D
  5. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    The date of birth is a bit confusing, is 27:06:85 his date of birth?
  6. LtCrazyman

    LtCrazyman Verified Traveler

    Likes Received:
    @Alir99 yes, proper time format day, month, year. not month day year :D
  7. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

    Likes Received:
    I see.
    However this still doesn't make sense with the age of your character. Since the current year is 2405S, your characters year of birth should be 2373S, so 27:06:2373S.
  8. LtCrazyman

    LtCrazyman Verified Traveler

    Likes Received:
    oh, never noticed any year, will change it. been distracted with getting ready for whats basicly nz comiccon tomorrow.
  9. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Thanks for cooperating.
    Message @tcvs so he gives you access to the server and your prototype badge.
    Good luck!
  10. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    Congratulations! I hope you enjoy the server.
  11. Xalveris

    Xalveris Known Citizen

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    Welcome to the community! Bio is ok-ish in my opinion, the grammar is bugging me, and I think you should choose a different character name or at least give him a sensible nickname because "LtCrazyman" just sounds out of place in a medieval setting. However, I think this can turn into a good bio if you work on fixing mistakes and polishing it up.
  12. LtCrazyman

    LtCrazyman Verified Traveler

    Likes Received:
    when i have time i will look through it. wrote it a day before nz comic con, and havnt had time to do much anything else. grammar... its a character bio, not an essay for 30% of my grades. way i see it, we arent in school, as long as people can understand it, then its fine.
    i would like to mention for those that have issues with grammar, some people have learning disabilities and other issues. being the internet you would have no idea. please understand this before commenting about that.
    the nickname obviously, when i come up with a decent name that isnt "jim" or "malkyra" (old elvish, D&D 4th ed) i will change it.
  13. QuannTan

    QuannTan Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    If you need a name I got a few 5th Edition D&D books if you need a name? :D
  14. LtCrazyman

    LtCrazyman Verified Traveler

    Likes Received:
    ill sort one out, pirate like suggestions are appreciated, just so busy atm i dont have time to do much of anything right now :D
  15. QuannTan

    QuannTan Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    I got you broh:
    "Left-tennant Jargon"
    "Patrick O' Malley"
    "Sir Edward Pollock"

    Just a few suggestions, but do try and make a name yourself! Also good luck with whatever you're busy at! :)
  16. LtCrazyman

    LtCrazyman Verified Traveler

    Likes Received:
    winding down from nz comic con... 3 days of networking left me exhausted. flat inspection and building spawns for people, making websites for people. oh and working on my network. going to take a few days off this weekend, relax and have a read over this see if i cant clean it up a little. but yea. also working with a guy who is bringing native new zealand language into minecraft for schools ($500k project) i dont get much time for myself lol
  17. QuannTan

    QuannTan Retired Staff Retired Staff

    Likes Received:
    Wow! Busy man now aren't ya'! Good luck with those projects!! :D
  18. LtCrazyman

    LtCrazyman Verified Traveler

    Likes Received:
    urg, all i want to do is play minecraft :D but eh, keeps me busy :p
  19. QuannTan

    QuannTan Retired Staff Retired Staff

    Likes Received:
    Better to be busy than bored, I always say!! :D

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