Approved Wulfric Whitmore Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Jay, May 1, 2016.

  1. Jay

    Jay Verified Traveler

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    Full Name: Wulfric Whitmore
    Nickname(s): Zealot
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Date of birth: Setember, 14th, 2386S
    Place of birth: Somewhere in the Northern Part of the Mainland.
    Current residence: No permanent residence. Usually rest at inns and other places with a warm bed and some food. Or even the animal shed if needed.
    Job: Adventurer
    Interests and hobbies: Explore the unknown, loves to read inspiring poems and has a dream of having an epic adventure one day.
    Religious Belief: Strongly worships Marventa for her divine guidance durings his adventures, approves of Ignarus to grant him enough courage overcome difficult foes and shows blind loyalty to Legaros to aid him in making the right decisions and always walk the righteous path.
    Signature Item (s): A really old bracelet.


    -Brown Hair
    -Black eyes
    -Usually wears a black-grey vestiment with white clothing inside. Also wears a blue muffler all the time.


    [Somewhere in the Northern Part of the Maindland. There is a small yet humble place where people would gather every day to pay their respects and occasionally worship Legaros.]

    On a certain night, in the middle of a small meeting with Legaros worshippers, someone knocked on the door twice.
    The head of the establishment, quickly headed to the door. Suprised, the man didn't find a single soul.
    Upon closing the door, he noticed a small baby wrapped up in a blue muffler with a note on it. The man couldn't leave a small fragile baby in the cold harsh night and brought him inside.

    The man adjourned the meeting and politely asked if they could leave for today.

    The following day, the man read the note and although a bit suprised about it's true meaning, since the note was in rather complex languague that he couldn't manage to phantom it's contents. The man, after a deep breath and with a more calm expression looked at the baby and said.. "Well, i can't have you nameless.. How about Wulfric Whitmore? Do you like it, lil' explorer?"
    The baby smiles at the man with such dignity that could even melt the coldest heart.

    Years passed by while young Wulfric learned the ways of Legaros and from other Godly entities..
    Although during this years Wulfric would show a great interest for exploring the town and dark places and practising with a small stick making clumsy swings with it and trying to make it look like a bow.
    Father Whitmore noticed young Wulfric behaviour and asked some old friends, who occasionally visited Whitmore every last day of a month, if they could spare some time to teach Wulfric the basics of Swordplay and Archery.
    Whitmore's friends agreed that every time they would visit Whitmore, they would show young Wulfric what to do and what to practise with and how.

    [Many years come by yet again, and many bruises and small adventures later..]

    During Wulfric's eighteenth birthday, Father Whitmore offered a rusty old bracelet to Wulfric, a note and an apology for not telling him over the years his true origin.

    Wulfric really angry and almost bursting in tears while hearing the only person who considered his Father, who treated him and feed him.
    Whitmore didn´t expect forgiveness from Wulfric and said to him: " I don't expect you to forgive me for my cruel action of keeping you in the dark about your true origins, but that note maybe could show you the way. Sadly over the years i tried to decipher it's contents but with no avail. If you are willing to it, you could set on your very own journey to find who you are and why where you abandoned..:"
    Wulfric look to the old man's face and after some deep breaths said to him: "Even if you aren't my real father, you helped me and took me in like i was your son. You don't need to feel guilty about anything, you are like a father and nothing will change that..."

    After that day, Wulfric gathered all his belongings and followed his father advice, to journey across the lands to find clues about the note and his fate.. Leaving behind the house he lived in to different villages,towns and cities. Taking jobs to explore or recover items that could pay for his food and a bed.

    [After a year and so...]

    Wulfric decides that perphaps Elpida would be the most reasonable to look for clues and gets a free spot near the cargo in a ship heading to Elpida. Wulfric rests his head for a while and waits for the time being..
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

    Likes Received:
    Nice bio!
    Very well set out and I couldn't find any problems with it.
    Contact @tcvs for server access and your prototype badge.
    Good luck!
  3. Jay

    Jay Verified Traveler

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    Thank you c:!
  4. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    Amazing! I hope to see you in-game.
  5. Jay

    Jay Verified Traveler

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    And the same goes for you and everybody c:
  6. Xalveris

    Xalveris Known Citizen

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    Welcome to the Minecleft Frontears placething! I like the format of you bio. FOR AIUR! (+238% like points if you get the reference)
    Jay likes this.

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