Approved xBubbyCakes Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Tammy Nguyen, Apr 3, 2016.

  1. Tammy Nguyen

    Tammy Nguyen Verified Traveler

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    Full Name: Bobo Potato
    Nickname(s): xBubbyCakes
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Date of birth: October 3, 2387S
    Place of birth: Outskirts of Patraeia
    Current residence: Countryside farmland
    Job: Potato Merchant
    Interests and hobbies: Traveling and adventuring. playing music
    Religious Belief: Marventa
    Signature Item (s): The Divine Potate (its a potato with any cool and useful stats i suppose) (if i were to get another item, it would be potato themed and hella bad ass)

    My name is Bobo and i harvest the holy potato
    The mainland has become a complete mess after the assassination of the Emperor.
    it has become too dangerous for me and my loved ones so i've decided id sell enough potatoes to travel far and wide to become a better woman. while selling my potatoes, war has spread towards my farm and they've killed off everyone but me. My dream is to explore the world and become a stronger person to live the life my loved ones would want me to live. I've finally sold enough potatoes to make the journey towards Elpida and im hoping to live the life im seeking. Im an ordinary person with ordinary traits but my will and love for traveling may be legendary in a sense. I am in hopes of creating the Devine Potate, something that will remind me where i come friend when i become successful and it will help me lead the way to a better and successful life. I am hoping to meet many new adventurers and i will make the name of my family be remembered. if not , then ill just adventure with my potate thats fine too. I pray to the god of Marventa to help me live an adventurous life until the day i die.
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Hello and welcome. Bios coming along nicely. A few suggestions though.
    1) Can you elaborate on what you mean when you say The Divine Potato has any cool or useful stats. It would be better if you mentioned rather than us just guessing or making up one.
    2) The bio is a bit short, so try adding a bit more about your life before travelling to Elpida (around 1-2 paragraphs will be good) and a bit about your travel and decisions when you are travelling to Elpida (around 1 paragraph).
    Best of luck!
  3. Tammy Nguyen

    Tammy Nguyen Verified Traveler

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    xBubbyCakes' Bio 2.0
    Full Name: Cynthia Starwell
    Nickname(s): xBubbyCakes
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Date of birth: October 3, 2387S
    Place of birth: Outskirts of Patraeia
    Current residence: Countryside farmland
    Job: Potato Merchant
    Interests and hobbies: Traveling and adventuring. playing music
    Religious Belief: Marventa
    Signature Item (s): The Divine Potate (Its a Potato that always regenerates after eaten -> a food source that wont run out and gives regeneration.) Potato Sack (its like a backpack that lets you carry extra stuff size would be a normal chest inventory similar to tekkit backpacks)

    My name is Cynthia and my family used to live a normal life. I used to have normal friends and get a normal education but once the Emperor was slain, Patraeia became a dark place. There was many war and crime and many innocent people were getting hurt. That changed my normal life and made my family and i move to the outskirts of Patraeia. From there, my family and i became farmers and our main crop was potatoes. Growing up, ive always loved potatoes and being able to have them whenever i want was the best. The constant hard work and farming was pretty successful as we started making a decent income. Even though we were kinda poor, i always dreamed of traveling so in hopes of traveling, i've decided to save up to go to a place ive never been to. a place where i can start new. Ive talked to my family about it and they seemed to agree with my idea. from then on, i decided to save up for the great adventure while my family saved up to live a normal life once again. during one of the busy days where potatoes were going out like hot cakes, ive heard a customer talk about a place called Elpida. ive asked them about Elpida but all they can tell me is that its a great place much different than Patraeia. A place for people to start anew and there on out, my heart has been set on this new land.

    Finally, we've been able to buy our way to the new and wonderful land of Elpida. My dreams are going to come true soon and i hope i live an adventurous life. As soon as we get to Elpida, we look for a nice place to stay. After settling down, ive decided to pack up and leave right away. i depart from my family and i head toward the Main Town in Elpida. There i meet many new people and i stay my first night at a hotel. Ive decided to pray to the god Marventa for help in the start of my glorious adventure and i hope i travel, meet new people, and conquer all evil in this world. My goal is to make the world a more peaceful and safe life for those who live here so they never have to go through what i went through. From this day on, i am an adventurer who is willing to make a change in the world with all of those around me.
    Tomas likes this.
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Thank you :)
    Contact @tcvs for server access and your prototype badge.
    Best of luck!
  5. Tomas

    Tomas Owner Owner Administrator

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    This is the best biography I have read yet!
    hastearms and Alir99 like this.
  6. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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  7. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    Congratulations on being accepted! I hope to buy some potatoes from you. ;)
  8. GiantLion11

    GiantLion11 Citizen

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    There may or may not be a really big plot hole in your story... According to the "History Lesson" page on the wiki ( the assassination of Emperor Claudius happened 28 years after the present day, making you -10 years old when he died. So, unless you were born in 2376S (making you 6 at the time of his assassination) and speaking about things that happened nearly three decades ago, it's impossible for you to have been alive during this time...

    Sorry to be a such a downer, but I think this is something you might want to look over @TammyNguyen and @Alir99 and clarify (please tell me if I'm wrong somehow, it was a bit late when I posted this)
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2016
    Alir99 likes this.
  9. Tammy Nguyen

    Tammy Nguyen Verified Traveler

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    its okay . criticism makes people improve . its alright. and Saphiria you'll be my first customer (;
  10. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    Recently the potato farm area was rebuilt, I bet you will like it.
  11. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Very good observation. That slipped past me. :p Since the Emperor was slain before you were born @Tammy Nguyen, the beginning of your bio doesn't make that much sense because you weren't even born to have your life changed. Please correct that whenever you have time, however this won't have an effect on your access to the server.
    Thanks @GiantLion11
  12. Tammy Nguyen

    Tammy Nguyen Verified Traveler

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    xBubbyCakes' Bio 3.0
    Full Name: Cynthia Starwell
    Nickname(s): xBubbyCakes
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Date of birth: October 3, 2387S
    Place of birth: Outskirts of Patraeia
    Current residence: Countryside farmland
    Job: Potato Merchant
    Interests and hobbies: Traveling and adventuring. playing music
    Religious Belief: Marventa
    Signature Item (s): The Divine Potate (Its a Potato that always regenerates after eaten -> a food source that wont run out and gives regeneration.) Potato Sack (its like a backpack that lets you carry extra stuff size would be a normal chest inventory similar to tekkit backpacks)

    My name is Cynthia and my family used to live a normal life. My family lived a simple and normal life such as the kind neighbors and the typical middle class life, but once the Barbarian's attacked , my home was destroyed.. There was many battles and crime and many innocent people were getting hurt. That changed my family's normal life and made my family move to the outskirts of Patraeia. From there, my family became farmers and our main crop was potatoes. Once i was born, my mother told me stories of our past; the struggles they went through when the barbarians destroyed our little town. it was pretty brutal and many of my mother's friends were lost in that event. Even though potatoes are quite a basic crop, ive always loved potatoes and being able to have them whenever i want was the best so i couldnt complain. growing up, i tried my best to help The constant hard work and farming was pretty successful as we started making a decent income. Even though we were kinda poor, i always dreamed of traveling so in hopes of traveling, i've decided to save up to go to a place ive never been to. a place where i can start new. Ive talked to my family about it and they seemed to agree with my idea. from then on, i decided to save up for the great adventure while my family saved up to live a normal life once again. during one of the busy days where potatoes were going out like hot cakes, ive heard a customer talk about a place called Elpida. ive asked them about Elpida but all they can tell me is that its a great place much different than Patraeia. A place for people to start anew and there on out, my heart has been set on this new land.

    Finally, we've been able to buy our way to the new and wonderful land of Elpida. My dreams are going to come true soon and i hope i live an adventurous life. As soon as we get to Elpida, we look for a nice place to stay. After settling down, ive decided to pack up and leave right away. i depart from my family and i head toward the Main Town in Elpida. There i meet many new people and i stay my first night at a hotel. Ive decided to pray to the god Marventa for help in the start of my glorious adventure and i hope i travel, meet new people, and conquer all evil in this world. My goal is to make the world a more peaceful and safe life for those who live here so they never have to go through what i went through. From this day on, i am an adventurer who is willing to make a change in the world with all of those around me.

    does the beginning make more sense now ? i kinda did it without rereading the little wiki information so i completely forgot about the dates but this should be fine i suppose ? and yes im going to love this potato farm and i will do my best to sell the best potatoes ( though traveling is also very important to me ) @Saphiria
  13. Tammy Nguyen

    Tammy Nguyen Verified Traveler

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    sorry , i've been having constant exams in my face so ive been kinda stressed out, but if theres any other things wrong , just tell me and ill fix it up :)
  14. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Thanks for changing it.

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