Approved My Character Bio :P

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by TheGuyNamedDerp, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. TheGuyNamedDerp

    TheGuyNamedDerp Verified Traveler

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    Full name: Mendron Blacter
    Nickname: "Tinkur"
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    DOB: 2364S
    POB: Mainland
    Residence: Small wooden home.
    Job: Shopkeeper/Part-time Tinkerer
    interests and Hobbys: Tinkering (of course), Building statues.
    Religious beliefs: Metus
    Signature item: An Iron sword named "Sun's Will"

    Hello. My full name is Mendron "Tinkur" Blacter. People have always teased me because of my admittedly weird name, But I do have some good friends. As a kid, I always kind of hid away in my home, working with metals and making weird little knickknacks, like metal goggles and anything metal really. I sold these in the shop I owned at the time. That's why my friends call me "Tinkur". I told them it was misspelled, but they said "That's what nicknames usually are." so I went with it. I only ever had a mother, My father died defending a caravan from a raider tribe, and that gave me the family sword. "Sun's Will". It was only an iron sword, but its been with the family since my great great grandfather forged it long ago. I was always the smartest one in school. always the goody-two shoes.

    When I took over the family shop, I made quite a bit of money since there weren't many people who sold metal supplies in my town. I was never out of stock, since when I wasn't working I made more tools and armor.

    I decided to go to Elpida because I heard from a bartender that the entire place was "Paved with gold" and merchants were really wealthy there. I went with one of my older friends who was a wealthy mercenary who had a client paying him good money to kill somebody.
    The journey was quite rough, I had gone during a storm, and the boat almost sunk, but the crew worked really hard and we made it there in a good amount of time.

    In Elpida, It started out rough, but eventually I was able to by a house and rent out an area to put a trading stand up and sell my tools & supplies.

    Hope you guys like it :D
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2016
  2. nidoranz

    nidoranz Citizen

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    If your 19 you should minus 19 from 2385S

    And also you can write more detail,your lacking the following:
    1)How you heard Elpida?
    2)more detail about your background, the first paragraph is only telling us how you get your nickname and your hobby.
    3)The length of the story is kind of too short

    It's quite a great story but its too short,you need to improve in these.
    Good Luck
  3. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Hello and welcome.
    Your bio is building up to be very promising, however it is a tad bit short. Try and include around 1-2 paragraphs about your life before Elpida, and 1 paragraph about your journey and life in Elpida, although more is always appreciated :)
    Good luck!
  4. TheGuyNamedDerp

    TheGuyNamedDerp Verified Traveler

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    I think it's much better now I expanded it! Thanks for the tips! (I only really have done roleplaying like twice so Im not good at bio's)
  5. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Much better :D
    Thank you for your cooperation.
    @tcvs should ask you for your MC details soon.
    Good luck!
  6. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    Congratulations, and welcome to the Minecraft Frontiers Prototype Community (what a mouthful)!
  7. Xalveris

    Xalveris Known Citizen

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