Full Name: Eric Gladias Nickname(s): Rico Gender: Male Age: 19 Date of birth: August 24th 2365S Place of birth: Mainland Current residence: A Small Little House Job: Thief Interests and hobbies: Trading, Exploring Religious Belief: Phaedron Signature Item (s): Dagger, Bow My Story My name is Eric Gladias, I was born on August 24th 2365S, in Patraeia. I am 19 years old. I live in a small house, I enjoy trading, exploring, and stealing. The reason for myself needing to steal is because I barely get by day to day. I don't have enough money to buy any food, and it's really hard for me to go on expedition while I have no food. To trade I need to have something of value, the only problem is that my only belongings are a dagger and a bow. These items are very special to me, my father gave them to me and he told me I might need them later on in my life. My father was killed 5 years ago, the same time the city of Elpida was founded. I became an orphan when I was only 14 years old. I had no money and no house, my life was ruined. I decided to put my father's gifts to use, I became a thief. It was the only way I could keep myself alive. Being a thief has many benefits, you have no rules and you can do whatever you want. I don't usually hurt anybody while I'm stealing but there were instances where I have taken a couple of guys out because they pulled out knives. Being a thief is the one thing that is keeping me alive, and it is also one thing that I am starting to enjoy. My father always told me that the dagger and the bow will come handy some day, and he was right. I just hoped that he could be here with me, but that would never happen. My mother, she was also killed, but it happened when I was really young. To be precise, 14 years ago. For the larger portion of my life, I have been raised by my father. This makes me so angry that he had to be also taken away from me! I decided that I would get back at the people that have killed my father and mother. I will find them and I will kill them! The one thing I remember from my father's death was hearing my father say "Son, I love you, go to Elpida..." and that was it, he was dead. I wondered why but if there is one thing that I do for sure, it's listening to my father, as he has been everything to me my whole life. I have thought about getting into the assassination business, but I will make sure the people I am killing are people that deserved to be killed, not innocent parents. An example of which would be the killers of my family, they deserve to die! I have saved up enough money to be able to buy a ride to Elpida, my new life awaits me! My boat goes out tomorrow, I hope that my father has had a purpose in saying those last words, and not that they have been a waste of his last sentence. One thing's for sure, the killers of my family will be brought to justice no matter what I have to do!
Hello, First off, I love to see another Phaedron follower! I love the whole story, good job. I am not the "final say", but I have to say, its really good. Its better than mine, thats for sure. Good luck getting it approved, Saphiria
I forgot to let you know, Phase 1 has ended, and that means you will be unable to join the server. So, you will have to wait for Phase 2 to begin.
When we get the next set of features in. We might also wait for 1.9 and update everything first, then start with the next phase of testing. That way we won't have to take the server down in the middle of the testing period. About 1-2 months from now is my best guess.
How do I subscibe? Also is this going to become a server that you d'ont need to apply for or stay how it is now? Question For Tomas: Could you tell me if my biography is good enough to become whitelisted? So that I know if I have to improve it Thanks, Eric
Sorry for my late response. The bio is really good. I enjoyed reading it. The only small problem I may have is your characters role. Stealing and killing are not really appreciated in this server. However, after talking to you and reading your characters bio, I'm sure that your character will do more good than harm, and will not kill or steal from innocent people, ruining their fun and enjoyment. Your character is approved, but please remember not to ruin other people's gaming experience. Contact @tcvs in order to gain access to the server. Have a great time! =)