Full Name: Tonn Ecsiu [Derived from Irish, Tonn meaning wave, Ecsiu is Uisce backwards, meaning water.] Nickname(s): Tonn Gender: Male Age: 54 Date of birth: 2331S Place of birth: Guyra Current residence: Docks Job: Fishmonger Interests and hobbies: Fishing, and cooking, sailing, and an interest in religious tomes. Religious Belief: Tonn follows the Goddess Marventa, as he shares an affinity with water. Signature Item (s): The Ecsiu Family Rod. Passed down from each Ecsiu fisherman to the next, the rod no longer is used for fishing but is an heirloom of the family. Family History The Ecsiu family are well known outside of the confides of Elpida, always having lived along a coastal strip many miles away from Elpida, it is safe to assume their name as the best fishing family to greet the waves has not traveled as far as Elpida. The history books and charters of the Ecsiu family and their many homes along the coastal strip can go as far back to find the Ecsiu family living in Halcyone. A census of the small town show a couple owning a small fishing stall in the town, and their home to be a small, cramped room atop a pub in the center of the town. It is safe to say that in this charter we can assume the Ecsiu family was poor at this stage. This did not stop them from making a profit to support a family though, as the Mother and Father (named Gelsey and Arundel Ecsiu respectively, the wife being Arundel before her marriage) had five children, yet only one of these were a boy to continue the family name. There is nothing of interest in this family, the information only serves to show how old the Ecsiu family name is (with the dating system being different in the far away coastal strip, it is now difficult to know just how old this is.) Interest sparks as the young boy aged into a man, and inherited the fishing stall from his parents, who had died from substance abuse. The interest though is not in the parents death, but how much the fishing stall excelled in the boys hands. What once could only offer a family a small room atop a pub, now gave the boy enough profit to live in a two bedroom terrace, with a wife and three children; two of which were boys to carry the Ecsiu family name. 30 years after the census detailing the families success, the two boys crop into another Halcyone census, named Aylmer and Audric, with the fishing stall now owning to them. 40 years of successful trade had now rallied up a hoard of loyal customers, the census now speaks of an Ecsiu fishmongers shop opening in Halcyone town center, showing the growing success of the stall, and the Ecsiu family. Unfortunately, Audric followed in his Grandparents footsteps and fell to substance abuse, bearing a single child in a brothel and drug den. Aylmer, however, wedded and had two children who continued working at the stall until their deaths, but neither bore children. Here is where the Ecsiu name leaves Halcyone, as the child of Audric found himself banished from the town for petty thievery, attempting to find food for his Mother and himself, but from this banishment we have found that his name is Blythe Ecsiu. The next era of the Ecsiu family correlates with Blythe's banishment, as the family had only garnered a name for their fishing in the single town, but it is seen that once banished, Blythe innately looked to the waters to feed himself, thus, Blythe became a fishmonger; showing that the trade is in the families blood, rather than taught by Father to Son. With no stall to call his own though, Blythe traveled along the coastal strip, selling fish to many fiefs and towns. The most notable sales according to the logbooks of the fiefs are the sale of a bag full of fish to a Lord, in exchange for a well crafted oak fishing rod, and a sale three towns from Halcyone, where Blythe had traded for a small caravan for travel, and to house is wife and three children. There are also several purchases Blythe made buying the substance which his family seem to abuse; but the purchases suggest Blythe is using it for medicinal purposes, instead of abuse. Blythe in this era had spread the Ecsiu name, allowing the family to up their prices to a nugget of gold to three nuggets, allowing Blythe to save a great deal of money in his caravan. This continued for 4 generations of Ecsiu, all lived in the caravan bought by Blythe. The last to live in the caravan was a Alston Ecsiu, who began the next era of the Ecsiu family name. Alston had six children, but was widowed as his wife died in labor with the seventh. Alston in a diary extract blamed the constant travelling for their deaths, and hoped to settle down. Having built up a great deal of money with their travelling trade, Alston traveled to a lumberjacks home whom he knew well, and bought enough wood to build himself and his children a home. Still living in the small caravan meant this wood could not easily be moved, so Alston made home next to the Lumberjack. As his six children grew up, Alston saved his money awaiting each one came of age to become a man, he would then spend the money to buy oak from the lumberjack, building each their own home. Within seven generations of Alston living and building homes, a small town had formulated, the town had been aptly named "Guyra" meaning water in a native tongue. Here the Ecsiu family ruled over other fishermen who had come to settle home here; having now sold the caravan and emptied its contents, finding the oak rod Blythe bought many many years ago. The oak rod became known as the scepter of the Lord of Guyra, meaning the Ecsiu which held it governed the town. This continued for many years, and the last Ecsiu Lord of Guyra was aptly named Blythe Ecsiu II. Unfortunately, the Lord did not have the same traits as the original Blythe, as he was a substance abuser alike to many of the Ecsiu ancestors. Squandering much of the towns gold on such. The town held meeting, and the Ecsiu name was finally taken from power in Guyra, and Blythe found himself banished. Blythe left with his child, Tonn Ecsiu, to seek a new home. It is unknown what happened along their journey, but Blythe II died from old age, or substance abuse, and Tonn found Elpida alone, many years later, now an old man. Tonn Ecsiu Background Tonn was brought up well and educated due to his high stature in Guyra. Much of his childhood life focused on fishing methods, and politics to forge how he would one day rule. Learning all of this from his Mother, Tonn grew a resentment for his Father and his substance abuse; having learnt a great deal of the Ecsiu history, Tonn was not happy that his Father was squandering their name. Of course, he could do nothing about this as a Child, so he simply stayed close to his Mother and learnt anything he could, knowing he would forge a better path when he would one day rule Guyra. As a rite of passage in Guyra, fishermen take their child out to sea for their first fishing trip when they come of age, and giving them their first fishing rod, so Tonn of course had to do this with his father. Being an Ecsiu, Tonn was offered the family heirloom, Blythe Ecsiu's Oak rod. Tonn took this with grace, knowing that it forged his way to ruling the town in years to come. His years in Guyra are dull, it only serves to teach Tonn of his family heritage, and to give him his political and fishing skills. Upon being banished from the town with his Father, Tonn was torn with rage. He was not power hungry in anyway, but he wanted to keep the long Ecsiu heritage safe and pristine, and he knew his Father had ruined that. He let his Father squander money on the road for more substances, letting it kill him silently, knowing that it was a fitting end for him. Now travelling along, Tonn had heard Elpida from a fellow fisherman who had traveled there to sell his wares. Deciding it was a fitting home as any, and hearing the fisherman speaking of his business being rather lucrative there, Tonn set in the direction to find the place. Unfortunately, one fateful night Tonn was resting in an inn, and found his drink had been spiked. This led to the downfall of Tonn's trip, explaining why it took him so long to find his way to Elpida, and him now being so old. Tonn, alike to his ancestors and his Father, had inherited the addiction to substance, and found himself for many years stuck in a loop of fishing to buy more. He broke this loop after spending the last coin in his pocket and then some, having made many enemies whom he owed money to, Tonn had to run from the town, and found himself in the middle of nowhere, thus having to go without his substance. The dry period brought Tonn back to his senses, where he remembered his travel to Elpida, and continued eventually finding his way there, vowing to keep clean, to never speak of it again, and to restart the name of Ecsiu in Elpida; To be known there as the greatest fishing family to grace their land. Arriving in the mainland, he took the boat to Elpida, finding himself faced with immersive culture, in order to fit in he decided to do research, finding information of the Gods. This being the first ethereal force he had heard of, and interested in their expanse of power, he decided to pledge allegiance to Marventa, having learnt of her affinity with water.
While I admit I didn't read all of it, its pretty good. I wanted to let you know that @Alir99 will be coming over hear soon to give you an update on your biography. One more thing, I wanted to let you know that, Phase 1 has ended, and that means you will be unable to join the server. So, you will have to wait for Phase 2 too begin.
Hey since you're lore, you're automatically accepted. I just put the approved tag so I can separate you from the rest of the people still waiting to be approved. Enjoy your time here! =)