Approved Zombie_Striker's Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Zombie_Striker, Feb 14, 2016.

  1. Zombie_Striker

    Zombie_Striker Citizen

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    Full Name: Danielle Grey
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Date of birth: 22th of October, 2366S
    Place of birth: Inside her home, in the town of RainMill
    Current residence: Elpida
    Job: No current job, tries to take on any job when they arrive.
    Interests and hobbies: Contemplating and exploring the world around her.
    Religious Belief: Aestheria
    Signature Item (s): A large pouch that she uses to store all her possessions.


    Danielle Grey was born on 22th of October, 2364S. Born from a long line of philosophers, she was raised to study the world around her. Although she received a great education from her father and came from a well-off family, at an early age she had an interest in thieving. As a young child, while going through the markets with her parents, she would occasionally nab whatever she could, whether it be small fruits or other knickknacks. Although she would be scolded by her parents when they found out, this behavior stayed with her for all her life, and because of those scoldings she learned how to hide what she had done. For instance, she would quickly scoff any food that she could take. But she has not only practiced her skills at just being able to swipe food from baskets. Around the age of 12, she had started practicing sneaking into homes and shops in the middle of the night, taking whatever she wanted and leaving without a trace. As the years past and her skills increased, she always looked for new skills, whether it be pick-pocketing or using rope and string to climb up or across buildings. By some luck, she only ever had a few close calls and was never caught. This changed however when she was 18.

    During one of her attempts to break into a winery across town from a family she never knew, she tried looking for anything valuable laying around. While looking around, she leaned over a table with a few bottles and glasses scattered around. Evidently, this table had weak support in one of the legs and with a simple bump the table and everything on it collapsed onto the floor. Almost directly after as she heard the clash of everything hit the floor, she heard a loud boom from someone charging through one of the adjacent rooms. She looked where the sound came from and locked eyes with a large, burly man. Even though she immediately tried to escape from the house, she only managed to get through the door before being tackled to the ground. Her luck had caught up to her. In a fit of rage, she was beaten until she knocked out cold.

    She woke up the next morning with a black eye, hardly being able to breathe. Her parents were told what happened, and when she was approached by her parents, she was deeply ashamed for them to find out. She had no explanation for her actions, and they had realized that this was most likely not her first attempt. She was disowned by her family. Being in their position in society, her family could not let such events damage their reputation. Since Danielle had no other connections to anyone else who would be willing to overlook these misdemeanors, she grabbed whatever money she kept hidden and decided to travel to Elpida, to start a new life. A clean slate.

    (*Updated backstory. Fixed typos.)
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2019
  2. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    @Alir99 is a little busy, so he has asked me to give feedback for you since, he cannot at this time.

    First off, great grammar. It flows wonderful also. I found your bio fun and very interesting to read. It has detail, all of the requirements. One thing that you may want to add is your current residence. If you don't know a good place since you haven't joined the server, maybe just put Elpida.

    If you make these changes, please update this thread, and maybe @Alir99 will be back to give his thoughts, and hopefully give you prototype access to the server.
  3. Zombie_Striker

    Zombie_Striker Citizen

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    I have made the change that you noted and I have added more detail to the story to add more reason for my new travel. I just had one question.

    "If you don't know a good place since you haven't joined the server, maybe just put Elpida."

    Does this mean that I could join the server before being approved, or that there is a map of what the world currently looks like, or did you just simply mean to guess or make up where I live?
  4. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    I simply mean't guess or makeup where you live. I honestly don't see why that question exists since you haven't joined the server yet.
  5. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Sorry about the late reply, I was busy setting up some stuff on the server.
    I really like the story your character brings. Very nicely written. There were a few grammar and spelling mistakes but I corrected it for you.
    I have 2 questions.
    1) Your signature item. As you know, your signature item must have a special property or quality for you, otherwise it would just be a regular item. What's so different about that rope compared to another rope? Could it be maybe this was the first rope he used to climb buildings? Or maybe it was a present from a very close friend?
    2) At the end, you said when he was confronted with his parents, he was ashamed since they knew he was stealing from a young age and that this wasn't his first break-in. How did they know, and why didn't they stop or mention it to him? If you could explain to me, that would be great.
  6. Zombie_Striker

    Zombie_Striker Citizen

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    1) I have changed it to "His father's compass and sextant" because I really could not think of anything else (hence why I chose a piece of rope) or even if having no signature item is allowed.

    2) I have added more to the last paragraph and noted that the they had at that point figured that he must have been doing this behind their backs for some time because of what he used to do at the marketplace. A phrase that might have also come across the wrong way might have been "figured out", has now been changed.
  7. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Thank you for listening and improving your bio.
    You are now approved. You can contact @tcvs for access to the server.
    Hope you enjoy your time here :)

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