Approved Tybalt Clouderian

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by TheAirborneGamer, Jan 25, 2016.

  1. TheAirborneGamer

    TheAirborneGamer Verified Traveler

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    : Tybalt Clouderian
    Nickname(s): Airborne
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Date of birth: June 3, 2368S
    Place of birth: Tybalt was born in the darkest corner of the Mainland
    Current residence: the Mainland
    Job: Explorer
    Interests and hobbies: Sailing and Exploring
    Religious Belief: Tybalt believes strongly in the goddess Marventa
    Signature Item (s): The dagger he used to kill his father. he named it "regret."

    Tybalt was raised in a family of highly wanted and skilled assassins, but didn't know this for a long time. He spent his life blindly learning to use different assassination techniques but never wanted to follow his parents path. Tybalt grew up confined because his parents couldn't, and wouldn't let him out which drove him to his rage a little more every day.Tybalt's parents were both strong believers of Phaedron, but he secretly believed in Marventa, loving exploration. He always dreamed of the ocean, and the world outside, but never was able to explore. One day, his dad came in to check on his progress on his newest technique, and quickly learned that Tybalt had not been practicing, or ever had for that matter!!! His father was ENRAGED and started running at Tybalt wanting him DEAD!!! Tybalt swiftly picked up his dagger and shaking ferociously he lunged his dagger forward killing his father. With tears streaming down his face, he sat down cried himself to sleep.
    He woke up hitting his head hard on wood. He sat up only to fall over again, and he realized he was in a cart being taken somewhere, but where! Tybalt quickly looked around and realized there was no way out, but they hadn't taken his dagger!
    Quietly Tybalt took out his dagger and started cutting a hole in the wood. As he finished cutting the hole, he felt the cart starting to slow and he quickly lowered himself out the hole and tumbled onto the ground. Luckily, the cart kept going and he escaped to the nearest town. He had no idea what town he was in, but he needed to get back to the Mainland quickly! Relieved, Tybalt realized that the mainland was near!!! He headed back and never went near his home!!! He is currently pursuing his dreams to be an explorer after he got a job as a cabin boy, made money, then bought a small boat which he uses to travel and deliver messages and letters over the ocean! He earned the nickname Airborne, because he dreams big and loves the blue sky and ocean!
    Tybalt never had it easy after his father's death though, after the death, he was forced to move away from his home in fear of his mother discovering that he killed him. In desperate need of a home, he looked twords mainland settled islands, which would have mainland heritage, but no trace of hatred. He was stunned when he saw how perfect Insulera was! A island populated by former mainland settlers all looking for a place in the world. He quickly made his way around the Mainland looking for possible money. After two weeks, he didn't have enough money and got desperate. He challenged amateurs to duels for money and won every one because of their lack of experience. When Tybalt finally raised enough money to get to Insulera he bought a decent sized boat because he dreamed of sailing far after he had settled in Insulera. Once he arrived, he quickly noticed the size of the island. It was far larger in size than he had imagined! He purchased a home just off the shore and built a dock for his boat. After that, he earned his living by discovering things and doing minor fighting for money. He is by no means wealthy, but he is happy and for filling his dreams!
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2016
    BobTheMan1110 and Tomas like this.
  2. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    @Tomas will review your bio, and if approved @tcvs will PM you details on how to join.

    I am not the person who approves bios, but there is one thing to need.... Upload an avatar to your account.
  3. TheAirborneGamer

    TheAirborneGamer Verified Traveler

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    ok i will thanks Saphiria!
    BobTheMan1110 likes this.
  4. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    I love the avatar! I look forward to seeing you in-game (if you are granted access).
  5. TheAirborneGamer

    TheAirborneGamer Verified Traveler

    Likes Received:
    thanks!!! I'll try my best to get in!
    BobTheMan1110 likes this.
  6. tcvs

    tcvs Administrator Administrator Developer

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    We will process your bio in the coming days. Stick with us, while we get everything sorted.
  7. TheAirborneGamer

    TheAirborneGamer Verified Traveler

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    Ok thanks tcvs!!!
    BobTheMan1110 likes this.
  8. tcvs

    tcvs Administrator Administrator Developer

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    @TheAirborneGamer Once again, sorry for the long wait. @Tomas is currently super busy with school. Hopefully he can get to it soon.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2016
  9. TheAirborneGamer

    TheAirborneGamer Verified Traveler

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    ok i understand thanks!
    BobTheMan1110 likes this.
  10. Tomas

    Tomas Owner Owner Administrator

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    The biography is quite nice.

    Our server actually takes place on Insulera - a colony island settled by the people from Mainalnd. It is self governed and has all sorts of people there.

    Do you think you could add a passage in your biography on how your character got to Elpida? Most biographies do that. Once that is in, I am happy to accept it. :)
  11. TheAirborneGamer

    TheAirborneGamer Verified Traveler

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    ok Tomas!!! I will get on to that soon

    Ok, I added the paragraph!!! I hope you like it!
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2016
    BobTheMan1110 likes this.
  12. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Great bio!
    Thanks for adding the final paragraph on your character's travel to Elpida. We like people who can take feedback and improve their work. I can't give you access to the server, but I can bump @Tomas in order to speed up the result if your bio is suitable.
    Good luck!
    BobTheMan1110 likes this.
  13. TheAirborneGamer

    TheAirborneGamer Verified Traveler

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    Thanks a lot Alir99!!!
  14. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Anytime =)
    I'm here to help.
  15. Tomas

    Tomas Owner Owner Administrator

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    The biography is really nice overall. Consider yourself part of the family! :)
  16. llyrios

    llyrios Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    Love it!!
  17. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    BobTheMan1110 likes this.
  18. TheAirborneGamer

    TheAirborneGamer Verified Traveler

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    Thanks so much!!!! (Sorry I couldn't read the approval till now!)
  19. hastearms

    hastearms Disciple of the Krispy Kreme Donut Gods Moderator Wiki

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    Welcome, Airborne! It's truly a pleasure to have you on board with us.

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