Approved Astra Tenebris' Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by FloThePony, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. FloThePony

    FloThePony Citizen

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    General Information:

    Full Name: Astra Tenebris
    Nickname(s): Shadow
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Date of birth: 4th of December 2357S
    Place of birth: A wealthy city in Patraeia
    Current residence: The small village in the mainland
    Job: Hunter
    Interests and hobbies: Sewing and knitting, and archery/hunting.
    Religious Belief: Phaedron
    Signature Item (s): A black hooded cloak that her mother sewed for her before she died. A bow and quiver that she had made with her family that she uses to hunt with.


    Eye Colour: Blue
    Hair Colour: Brown
    Hair Length: Medium, reaches just past her shoulders.
    Hair Style: Not brushed. Quite dirty, because living in the forest does come with some downsides.
    Shape: Fairy skinny
    Usual Clothing: Usually wears her black hooded cloak
    Other: Pale white skin


    Astra Tenebris was born on the fourth of December 2357S, in a wealthy city in the Mainland, with her father and her mother who were strong belivers in Aestheria. She and her parents had a good relationship, and would often sit outside their house and talked, played, or taght her about the true god, Aestheria.. Her dad was a tough hunter who would walk in the forests at night time, and slay wild animals, then take the meat back and sell it, and gave the hide and fur to her mother, who would use them to make clothes and cloaks to sell them to keep travellers warm in the winter.

    A couple of nights later, when Astra was eleven years old, a gang of thieves picked the lock to their front door, and started putting all of the gold and coins into their bags. They had nearly taken all of it, when Astra's father woke up and saw them in his treasure room. He tried to fight them off, but all nine of the thieves were too good for him. All he had left were a couple of coins, which wouldn't get him anywhere. He would never be able to pay the taxes or the debts that he owed.

    On Astra's twelfth birthday while she was sleeping, her dad crept out of the house with her mum, and walked down to the tax collectors house. He pleaded for him to show some mercy, and next time he could pay both the tax and all of his debts, but he refused. He then forced Astra's dad to give his house to him, in exchange for some money. Even then, he couldn't pay a quarter of his debts. The tax collector called the guards, and he was forced to leave the city.

    Astra's father slowly walked back to the house that he no longer owned, and explained what had happened to his wife. Trying to stay positive, she comforted him and told him that they could easily make up a story for Astra to believe. In the morning they told Astra about their plans to go camping in the forest for a couple of weeks. She agreed. When they arrived, her parents couldn't keep it a secret for much longer, so they finally told her the truth.

    Astra didn't know what to say. She wasn't sure if she should be mad that they lied to her, sad that they couldn't live in the city anymore, or happy that they were safe in the forest, and nothing could harm them there anymore. She climbed up one of the nearby trees and climbed up it, and took one last look at the city, where she had lived for twelve years, then set off with her family, to find somewhere else to stay.

    They eventually got lost in the forest, and decided to put down their things and stay there. Astra still loved her parents, but her hatred for the city, and the Senator only grew stronger as she got older. Some nights she couldn't sleep, thinking about how much she hated the city.

    It wasn't just Astra who hated the city, her parents also did, so she thought of a quest. So she crafted herself a bow, with some leftover string that her mother hadn't used for her sewing, and broke some sticks and wood of a nearby tree, and her dad help her put it together. He found some spare animal hide, and asked his husband to help him make a quiver, so it could go with her bow. Astra and her father then made some arrows with some sharp animal teeth and sticks.

    When she turned 16, she set out on an adventure to go back and get her revenge on the Senator and tax collector, so she said goodbye to her parents, and started to leave. As she was walking away from her home in the forest, her mother called out to her. She ran back to her and asked her what was wrong. She walked up to her and handed her a black hooded cloak, then wished her good luck. Astra travelled for many days, and when she finally arrived at the city that she despised so much, she put on her cloak, and stormed into the city with her bow in her hand and her quiver on her back.

    After a couple of minutes, she had found the building in which the Senator had lived, and demanded to see him. The guard told her that he had been assassinated about three years ago, so she demanded to see the tax collector. When he refused, she pushed him out of the way and silently crept in. When she saw him scamming a small family of sick, poor people, she aimed the bow at him, and shot him. Satisfied, she left.

    Once he was sure she had left, the tax collector sat back up and laughed. She had missed. The homeless family looked very disappointed. He then ordered the guards to follow her, and not to let them be seen by her, or anyone along the way. He lent them weapons, chariots, and the fastest, and most powerful steeds in the city. Then they set off.

    When Astra returned home, she called for her parents. They didn't reply. She smiled, they were probably taking a nap. They were getting a bit old. She poked her head into their room, then she instantly stopped smiling. Both of them had been murdered. In a rage, she ran deeper into the forest and saw an army. Astra thought she had seen that flag and those colours before. She realised. The tax collector wasn't dead, and that was his army.

    In a murderous rage, Astra put on her cloak to cover her face, and found a small village. She found a temple for Aestheria, and bent down and sobbed. "Why have you forgotted me, Aestheria?" she cried. "I do not deserve this!" She ran out of the temple, with tears dripping down her face. As she was leaving the village, she saw a shrine. A shrine for another god. A god what would understand her hatred. Phaedron.

    Astra found her way back to the city, and set up her home in the forest, disguising herself as a old lady who sold clothes. She had kept her mother's sewing and knitting tools and needles, and made some fancy, expensive blankets, and some togas, which she recommended people to wash in the water. Not their urine. She became known as the best sewer and knitting in the city.

    One morning, the moment she had been waiting for, for months, was finally here. The tax collector came to her. He offered her a place in his home, and asked if she wanted to knit and sew for him, and he would pay her a decent price every day. She gladly agreed, wanting to get as close to the tax collector as possible. She made quite a lot of profit there. Then she finally decided she had to have her revenge.

    While the tax collector was asleep, she crept into his room with one of his own knives. As soon as she was about to stab him, he put up his hand and blocked it. "I know who you are, Astra," Astra suddenly stopped, her heart skipped a beat. She had feared that he had known who she was. She punched him, and knocked him out, then ran downstairs, grabbed her money, and a bit of extras from the tax collector's collection, and bolted out of the city.

    When Astra arrived at her shop in the forest, and packed everything she could, and stuffed it into her bags. She looked up, and saw the army following her. She picked up her bags, and left. She found a hiding spot in the forest, away from the city, and hid there. After a while she found a new city, and became a hunter, like her father, and shot her prey with her bow. She still kept her cloak with her at all times, and wore it everywhere with her.

    One day, while walking around in the village, she overheard someone talking about a place called Elpida. It sounded like a lovely place, somewhere like her old city could have been. She wasn't sure if she could trust the people there. She didn't even know if it was real yet. So she started going around to people, asking them if they had heard of this perfect city.

    After a couple of days of asking around, Astra had decided she would go to live in Elpida. She knew that she had had all of her adventures where she was. It was time to have a new adventure. She packed all of her bags and bid farewell to all of her new friends in the village, and set off for Elpida.

    Last edited: Jan 7, 2016
    BobTheMan1110 and Cldfire like this.
  2. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    Nice to see your interested in Minecraft Frontiers Flo! I didn't know you still checked back here.
  3. FloThePony

    FloThePony Citizen

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    Oh my... I finished it :p
    I think I made it a bit long xD
  4. Euvrounin

    Euvrounin Citizen

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    Murdeeerrr weeellpp...

    Hello fellow hunter, survivor of the wilds.

    Nice bio.
    Forest has been both our home.
  5. FloThePony

    FloThePony Citizen

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    Thanks. I hope I get accepted :/
  6. FloThePony

    FloThePony Citizen

    Likes Received:
    Whoops. I just read through the rules a bit more, and I had to change a few bits in it. I only had about one sentence about her deciding that she would go to Elpida. I now have a bit more. I also added some reasoning behind her religion, as if she and her family were Phaedron followers, I doubt they would be the kind, caring family that I wrote about.
  7. llyrios

    llyrios Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    Paha, yeah i doubt they would be phaedron followers if they were so nice, unless they were all psychopaths,
    Nice bio
  8. FloThePony

    FloThePony Citizen

    Likes Received:
    Thanks. I hope I get accepted :D
  9. tcvs

    tcvs Administrator Administrator Developer

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    @Tomas should get to your bio soon!
  10. FloThePony

    FloThePony Citizen

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    Alright :)
  11. FloThePony

    FloThePony Citizen

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    I guess it was rejected? It would be better if Tomas actually told you, instead of just making you figure it out yourself.
  12. Tomas

    Tomas Owner Owner Administrator

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    It just hasn't been processed. Thank you for reminding me.

    It is a great bio, very detailed and well written. Consider it approved. :)
    You may contact @tcvs about server access now.
    FloThePony likes this.
  13. Zhalo Aurn

    Zhalo Aurn Citizen Retired Staff

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    This has to be one of the best Bios I've read while I've been here being a beta.:D
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2016
    FloThePony likes this.
  14. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Nice to see you join us. I thought you got accepted before but I guess I was mistaken. Although now that Tomas has replied, I'd like to welcome you to the server and hope we can play alongside each other sometimes.
    BobTheMan1110 and FloThePony like this.
  15. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    Congrats, wonderful biography.
    FloThePony likes this.
  16. FloThePony

    FloThePony Citizen

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    *screams* OHMIGOODNESS
    Sorry for being impatient, I was just being selfish. You have other things to do in your life that read my bio.
    Thank you! <3
    Thanks Saph! You're still not moderator though :(
  17. tcvs

    tcvs Administrator Administrator Developer

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    What will occasionally occur is the bio will get lost within our team. So thanks for reminding us!
  18. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    Haha, I know. They just don't need any as of right now. But just wait, someday they will and hopefully I can help out... @Tomas did say I can help guide players, so that can occupy me.
    FloThePony likes this.
  19. Zhalo Aurn

    Zhalo Aurn Citizen Retired Staff

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    :pI'm loving it:p
  20. FloThePony

    FloThePony Citizen

    Likes Received:
    Was that really a 3 month bump? :(

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