Yes... I know...I'M LATE. sorry.. ONWARD TO BASIL Behzal was bred for entertainment purposes, born on a secluded pathway on the Mainland by his mother, his life was non stop traveling. His father, who was not much of a father, was the traveling circus’s ringmaster. His mother died by his unyielding hands after she fell sick. When Behzal was 10, he befriended a man who was in their traveling pack, this man, taught Behzal all he knew, and although he never said it, this man was more of a father than the ring leader ever could be. This man had taught Behzal for years on end, and their trust had grew immensely. Being taught how to survive while surviving, was not something new in Behzal’s life. Behzal’s teacher who he had named ‘Sir’,was beginning the end of his years by the time Behzal had reached his 21st birthday. He had always spoken of a place called Elpida, “I never been ‘er but it seems like a better place ‘fer you out ‘der”. Behzal’s decision was made. He used all of his money that he had saved in his 21 years, and a bit from the ring leader’s desk, leaving a descriptive insult behind. Behzal was gone for good, hoping to find something fun in the Mainland.. Besides pleasure.. Behzal’s signature item is his master’s letter which was snuck into his pocket before he left. Inside it says: “Forever lost, never found. Walk with men, but be not a woman, Walk with women, but alas be not a man. Be both, for you are Behzal, My sweet child whom I wish to call my own, May your life be prosperous My knowledge passed alee Your life is your own, Play it well, find a place. Behzal, For this is your life, live it. - Master.” Behzal likes to keep this letter on him at all times, never letting anyone touch it. Behzal has a rather odd personality. He does whatever he feels like doing, although he’s not mean for no reason. He hates sweets but loves anything with pastry. Forever a follower of Phaedron, but he does not express it openly, knowing that he will not get whatever he needs at times if he does. Just some extra stuff! Name: Behzal Lillis Nickname: Basil Gender: Male Race: Human Skin Color: Slightly Tanned Shape of Face: Oblong Distinguishing Features: His hair, it’s rather long. Best Quality: Personality Age: 22 DoB: 23rd October, ---- Hometown: Mainland Current Residence: Elpida ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eyes: Green Hair Color: Strawberry blonde (No. He's not ginger.) Hair Length: Long Height: 6ft 2in Weight: 82kg Body Type: Muscular but skinny ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mental Illnesses?: Alcohol Abuse, Multiple Personality Disorder Weapons: Two short swords, strapped to his thighs for convenience ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Likes: Women, Men, Phaedron, Killing & Pastry Dislikes: Annoying people Hobbies: Sculpting & poetry Introvert or Extrovert?: Extrovert Overall Description Behzal is versatile, impartial and sarcastic. He's a player and enjoys women (and sometimes men too ), to their fullest. When he isn't in the forest, he's in bed, and if he isn’t in bed, he’s in the tavern. Born into a broken group, months away from Elpida, he lived out of trouble until the time came to leave. With a loyal stranger he had to survive in a unkind world. This has turned him into the man he is today. Behzal, powerless to change his past, hopes to become a known guy, but as Behzal does whatever he wants, he'll be known by people for the weird and most likely the bad deeds he does. After working on his alcohol problem that is. Picture I'm using for Basil: