Log Splitting, Hunger/Food, Gathering Logs, Vernos the NPC's Dialogue

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Savster, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. Savster

    Savster Citizen

    Likes Received:
    Brief Outline: No way to split logs.
    Detailed Description: I don't see anyway to split logs. You can put the log on a log, but then unable to do anything after.
    Comments: Maybe add an extra workstation (or similar) to process the logs in the sawmill.
    Screenshots: Screenshot

    Brief Outline: No way to replenish hunger.
    Detailed Description: Hunger depletes and there is no way to fill it up.
    Comments: Maybe add a way to refine wheat into flour, then into dough..., into bread eventually,
    implementing the use of the flour mill.
    Brief Outline: You can just right click the 'table' to gather logs.
    Detailed Description: I don't know if this is how it is meant to be, but you can just right click the table to gather logs, just like right clicking the lever to gather logs.
    Replicable: Replicable, you can just keep right clicking or hold right click to gather logs.
    Location: The sawmill near/in the Mining Village
    Screenshots: Screenshot
    Brief Outline: There is a text issue with an NPC's dialogue, Vernos.
    Detailed Description: Vernos the NPC has some issue with their dialogue. When you say "Hello", this is what is said:
    " Vernos says to you, "Welcome to my humble shop, null ." "
    Replicable: Replicable, you can begin the conversation again (by saying hello) and Vernos will repeat the "null" text.
    Location: Elpida Town
    Screenshots: Screenshot
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2015
  2. Turmen8r

    Turmen8r Citizen

    Likes Received:
    You can split logs, you need an axe to turn it into split logs.
  3. Savster

    Savster Citizen

    Likes Received:
    @Turmen8r Where do you get the axe from?
  4. tcvs

    tcvs Administrator Administrator Developer

    Likes Received:
    Topic #1
    You split logs by using an axe. To create an axe place 3 logs ontop of each other in the crafting table.

    Topic #2
    We are aware of this issue with food. There is a way to make bread, it is just overall complicated. As a result food is hard to come by.

    Topic #3
    Yes, This is a placeholder until we can think about a better process of doing it.

    Topic #4
    Will look into.
  5. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

    Likes Received:
    Until then can we have the chest with free food, axe, dagger, and pick?
  6. Turmen8r

    Turmen8r Citizen

    Likes Received:
    With topic #4, when you say "hi", he says your player name, but when you say "hello", he says null

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