Approved Icarus Invictus Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Icarus Invictus, Dec 27, 2019.

  1. Icarus Invictus

    Icarus Invictus Verified Traveler

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    Username: fmlstudios
    Discord Username (only if you want to be verified in the Discord group): fmlstudios #5202
    Full Name: Icarus Invictus
    Nickname(s): Victor
    Gender: [Male
    Age: 23
    Date of birth: August 29th, 2382S
    Place of birth: Mainland
    Job: Farmer
    Interests and hobbies: stargazing, exploring
    Religious Belief: worships Marventa
    Signature Item (s):
    "Father's Amulet of Marventa" Given to Icarus by his father just before his expedition to Elpida with the belief that it would bring him a safe journey

    Before leaving for Elpida, Icarus lived on his family farm with his father, who was left alone after complications during birth took his wife. As a boy, he would find himself gazing at the stars come night after a hard days work on the farm. Icarus enjoyed working on the farm and took solace in his father's company, but he always found himself dreaming of more. While on rides to town, he often dreamed himself to be going on a great adventure.
    At the age of 15, trouble struck Icarus' farm. A blight had stricken their crops. There was nothing to bring to market. No food to give to the animals. With no other option to keep the farm, Icarus' father took out a hefty loan to put food on the table for the rest of the year and to replant and restart in the next, though much poorer. This further drove Icarus' sense of adventure. He feels that he can leave the farm in order to make the money necessary to pay off the debt. Icarus quickly took the initiative to plant his own plot on the farm and took the profit for himself, saving it to pay for his adventure. Icarus' father partly resented him for wanting to leave but held him in high regards overall due to his reasoning. Once Elpida was founded, Icarus knew that it was where his adventure would take him, He took his money and spoke to the nearest fleet master that would take him to the new colony. The amulet of Marventa changed hands as soon as Icarus announced that he had saved enough. His father wished him well and sent him off with blessing.
    Icarus plans to run a farm in Elpida, getting into the trade to become the best and send money home in order to pay off his father's farm's debt.
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Hello and welcome!

    A good bio so far, however two points need to be made. 1) Your bio needs at least 1 more paragraph about your character before it can be approved. 2) Can you please elaborate the Amulet of Marventa for me?
  3. Icarus Invictus

    Icarus Invictus Verified Traveler

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    Is the length okay? I had it in two paragraphs... it just didnt translate into the actual post. And ill get on the amulet
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Yup it’s better now.

    For the amulet, you can just reply here as to what exactly it means and what it does. You don’t need to add anything else to your bio.
  5. Icarus Invictus

    Icarus Invictus Verified Traveler

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    It doesn't really do anything... its really just a trinket that Icarus' father procured at their local temple and had blessed by the priest in the hope that it would give his son a safe journey. Icarus worships Marventa, but that's only half the reason he hold it so dear. It reminds him of his home and his father. And why he came to Elpida
  6. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Alrighty thanks!

    Just wanted to make sure it doesn’t conflict with the lore.

    Consider your bio approved :D
  7. Icarus Invictus

    Icarus Invictus Verified Traveler

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    Thank you!
    Alir99 likes this.

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