Approved Backstory: Sariel Naïlo

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by MakalaWizard, Dec 26, 2019.

  1. MakalaWizard

    MakalaWizard Verified Traveler

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    Username: makalawizard
    Discord: makala✦wizard#7769 (I joined the MFO Discord server.)
    Full Name: Sariel Naïlo
    Nickname: Sari (Sarry)
    Gender: Female
    Age: 26
    Date of Birth: 7 Oct 2379S
    Place of Birth: Patraeia
    Job: Scholar
    Interests and Hobbies: Studying knowledge, recording histories & lore.
    Religious Beliefs: Worships the Holy Patron Aestheria, believing that the Goddess is constantly guiding her towards higher learning.
    Signature Item: An old tome full of secrets.

    She came from an upper-middle class family, who expected her to marry and become an obedient wife and mother. Instead she pursued books and scrolls as a child, learning much. Eventually, after becoming familiar with an experienced librarian who took her under their wing, she started not only helping organising collections of books, but eventually writing her own as well. She attempted to make a name for herself in the community of learning, however with her family’s reputation and expectations towering over her she couldn’t move forward into the future she really wanted.

    Hearing of a new land, Elpida, a place where anyone could become anything, she saw a chance for a new start without expectations. After weeks of careful planning she stole away in the night with enough of her family’s money to buy passage to this prosperous new land.

    Sariel is known as a scholar foremost, tending to lack in areas of physical strength and athleticism, but surpassing others with her wisdom, cleverness and wit. She especially enjoys conversations with like-minded folk, but isn't opposed to jumping into action if it results in discovering something new or preserving something old. She acknowledges that she by no means knows everything, but instead takes each new experience as an opportunity to learn.

    She is oft cautious around dangerous situations and prefers to extensively prepare before undertaking any potentially harmful adventures. Though logical and rational for the most part, she possesses a love for ethereal interests such as music, art, and philosophy.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2019
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Hello and welcome!

    Unfortunately the bio is too short for me to approve, but what I've read so far is great! Can you add a bit more about your character, especially their personality and background?

    Let us know when you've added it :D
  3. MakalaWizard

    MakalaWizard Verified Traveler

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    I've added a few more paragraphs about her personality and a bit more on backstory. Hope this is enough! :)
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Welcome to the community :D

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