Approved Backstory: Arthur Coldwater

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Jacob Elmore, Dec 26, 2019.

  1. Jacob Elmore

    Jacob Elmore Verified Traveler

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    Username: Rune_Leader
    Discord Username: RuneLeader#5372
    Full Name: Arthur Coldwater
    Nickname(s): Hunter,Butcher Of Bandits,Water,Cold (Prefers Cold or Hunter)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 22
    Date of birth: February 2nd 2383S
    Place of birth: Small village in the Mainland
    Job: Bounty Hunter/Mercenary
    Interests and hobbies: Hunting, getting into fights and protecting the weak and innocent from harm.
    Religious Belief: Mix between Phaedron and Ignarus.
    Signature Item (s):
    A small raven attached to a chain around his neck.

    Worn by his brother.
    Arthur's brother was the only family he had as his parents died when Arthur was young, His brother was a solider for the mainland but died in battle against a bandit tribe and his body was never recovered only the necklace, Arthur was 7 at the time. Arthur received it as a gift from a solider who served with his brother for his 10th birthday and has never taken it off.

    Arthur spent most of his life on the mainland alone after the death of his brother, He was taught everything he knows by his brother. Younger Arthur always wanted to grow up and become a solider but that changed with the death of his brother. After the death of his brother Arthur would go on hunts with friends and sell whatever he would get, later in life he would use the swordsmanship ability to be a mercenary for anyone wanting to keep their hands clean but also wanted someone dead. The rest of the time he didn't spend hunting or killing a group of bandits or any wild animals he was off hunting bounties. Bounty hunting was where most of his money came from, when he made enough money he deiced to go to Elpida

    Arthur learned to only care for himself and to always except the worst of people when he was eleven. Arthur lost his family home at the age of fifth-teen as he wasn't able to make enough money to keep it which was another influence for moving to Elpida but he also tried to learn and still trying to trust new people but will usually stay closed off to avoid being hurt or disappointing by them later down the line. Arthur has never understood the whole diplomatic things in life but will always try to give any advice towards people he can weather it be terrible advice for his own gain or good advice which might even lead to his death.

    Arthur deiced to go Elpida to escape his old life and the guilt he has from the death of his brother and possibly make more money from bounty hunting over at Elpida than he did at the main land. Over at the main land he was considered a butcher of bandits as both an insult and a compliment. Arthur understands the nature of men and women are to evil things onto each other if given the chance.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2019
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    A pretty good start to your bio, however unfortunately we do require a bit more writing to accept bios. Please consider adding maybe 1-2 more paragraphs about your character's backstory.

  3. Jacob Elmore

    Jacob Elmore Verified Traveler

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    Thank you I will get to that right away.
  4. Jacob Elmore

    Jacob Elmore Verified Traveler

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    I have added another paragraph but it might be bad as I didn't really know what to put down for it, I also spaced out the paragraphs better.
  5. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    It’s perfect now :D

    Thank you for listening to criticism and acting on it.

    Welcome to the community!

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