Approved Renard Polyolbos

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by RenegadeM_O_D97, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. RenegadeM_O_D97

    RenegadeM_O_D97 Verified Traveler

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    Username: M_O_D97
    Full Name: Renard Polyolbos
    Nickname: Ren
    Gender: Male
    Age: 23
    Date of birth: 11, August 2382S
    Place of birth: A city near the heart of the mainland.
    Job: Soldier(Former), Adventurer/Explorer.
    Interests and hobbies: Learning, Blacksmithing.
    Religious Belief: Legaros, Ignarus, and Aestheria.
    Signature Item(s): A sword that belonged to my father(in which has my family's Crest engraved in pommel of the sword). And a letter from my mother.

    I was born into a wealthy family who lived near the heart of the mainland. My father was a former royal guard who upon earning the trust and respect of many powerful families, was granted a large plot of land and a sizable fortune. He would later be granted a title and thus granting him a life of nobility. My father was married to a woman who he loved with all his being, but she was unable to grant him any children. Upon the two of them discovering this, they used a servant girl to grant them a child(me). The servant girl would later die while giving birth. My father's wife raised me as her own and never told me about my real mother until her death. My father died before I even reached 5 years old, so most of my upbringing was done by my mother and the servants who were loyal to our family.

    I spent most of my childhood playing with the children of the servants and the younger servants, as I was an only child. Just a couple of months after turning 8 my mother remarried, a horrible man who had just become a senator. Shortly after they had been married and he had moved into our house, he decided that I was undisciplined and weak. So right before turning 9 he sent me to a military training school, where I would spend the next 5 years of my life having no contact with my mother. After learning all that I could from the school, I was assigned to guard the boarder around the heart of the mainland at the age of 14. For almost 4 years I would stand guard and protect the heart of the mainland and all the citizens who lived there, I would get a letter informing me my stepfather had been imprisoned for the murder of my mother.

    After learning of the fate of my mother, I left the military and returned home to take over the family affairs.On my journey home I heard rumours of a land that was a paradise called Eldipa. While awaiting the trial of my stepfather I sold all of his and my family's belongings other then my father's sword and a box that belonged to my mother. After 6 grueling months the trial ended and my stepfather was found not guilty and released from prison, upon his release he left the city. For over the next 6 years I would hunt him all over the mainland. Once I found him I killed him, with the sword that had belonged to my father, for what he had done to my mother.

    After losing my only family and having nothing left for me on the mainland I decided to board the next available boat to Elpida, to begin a new life and to ensure no one would ever know me. While on the boat to Elpida I opened the box that belonged to my mother, in which she left me a letter telling me that in the event of her death, which she feared would be at the hands of my stepfather, that I should leave that land and never return. She would later write towards the end of the letter about my birth mother. As I finished reading the letter, learning of my past, I cast my gaze upon the wide open ocean and I prayed to that gods to grant my wishes and let life in Elpida be the paradise that it is said to be.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2019
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Hello and welcome!

    Your characters age and date of birth don’t seem to match, can you change that? The current year in Elpida is 2405S, so please change accordingly. The part about your step father being a senator is kind of colliding with the official lore, but since you haven’t named him, I’ll allow it.

    Let me know when you’ve updated it!
  3. RenegadeM_O_D97

    RenegadeM_O_D97 Verified Traveler

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    Okay I fixed it.
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Welcome to the community!

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