Approved Riku Hatsune

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by MajorPearz, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. MajorPearz

    MajorPearz Verified Traveler

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    Username: Major_pearz
    Discord Username : Major Pears #2955
    Full Name: Riku Hatsune
    Nickname(s): Rick
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Date of birth: January 18th 2388S
    Place of birth: Mainland slums
    Job: Theif
    Interests and hobbies: Stealing, Writing,
    Religious Belief: The house of Phaedron
    Signature Item (s): His lockpick set he recieved from his dad
    Story Paragraphs: Explain and describe your character's background, specifically
    their life story before they moved to Elpida.
    Riku was born to a poor family, his mother died when he was born as they didn't have access to a lot of medical supplies and his father was nothing but an abusivedrunk. Riku and his father lived in the slums of Mainland, his father made money where he could and stole a lot more. When Riku turned 7 the only gift he got fromhis father was a lock pick set this was because his father wanted to teach him how to steal so he could start contributing. Riku didn't enjoy theivery at first as he always got caught and when he did his dad would hit him, he also just wanted to go to school like other kids or play in the parks. Around the time he turnt 9 Riku had gotten exponentially better at stealing to the point where it was possibly the only time his father was proud of him. A few years later his father got sick and Riku tried to steal medicine for his father but never knew which one was the right one, eventually his father succumb to the illness.
    At this point Riku was parentless and didn't own anything, the young boy didn't see his life going anywhere until he met a man by the name of Kayde. Kayde ran a small thieves group and he's had his eye on Riku for a short amount of time knowing whats happened he took Riku in and trained him in more refined ways of theivery, he also taught him about the god Phaedron and how to pray to him. The group made a number of small robberies on royals and stores never going for anyone to big so as to not make a name for themselves.
    Around the time Riku turned 17 the group finally decided to make a name for itself they picked out a target and spent man weeks planning the heist, things weren't looking too good from the start though as multiple men had been caught in fights and were going to be in jails for the time of the heist. Arguements and feuds startedin the group and things were going south but everyone agreed to stay together until they complete the job. On the niht of the heist things seemed to run smoothly until one of them sounded an alarm on purpose to get people caught so he could take more loot but it backfired and he was caught, although this led to the guards beingon extra precaution. Once they got to the treasure room they sent Riku in to get as much as he could whilst the others watched the area this though led to them all being caught out easily Riku waited inside watching for the right time to make his own getaway. Riku snuck away with as much gold as he could carry leaving the gang to get captured and act as his diversion. Riku took the earliest boat he could Elpidia hoping to never see the gang again.
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    A pretty good bio, consider it approved!
    MajorPearz likes this.
  3. MajorPearz

    MajorPearz Verified Traveler

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    Thanks I’m not very good at writing bios I’ve only done it a few times

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