Approved Ricius de Magnolia

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by RiceWonder, Dec 23, 2019.

  1. RiceWonder

    RiceWonder Verified Traveler

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    Username: RiceWonder
    Discord Username (only if you want to be verified in the Discord group): RiceWonder#1749
    Full Name: Ricius de Magnolia
    Nickname(s): Rice
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Date of birth: January 24 2386S (He saw that date on his coat so he's assuming thats his birthday)
    Place of birth: Mainland Coast
    Job: Jobless
    Interests and hobbies: Has interests in craftmanship and studying machines and how they work
    Religious Belief: Unsure of his own beliefs
    Signature Item (s): Blade with the Name Ricius de Magnolia engraved into it, leather goggles
    On his way to the colony a storm had struck suddenly causing heavy damage to the vessel that Ricius was on causing the it to start to sink and break apart. Some debris from the ship had struck Ricius in the head causing him to not remember much of his life on the mainland.

    From what Ricius does remember he grew up along the coast of the mainland. His father he believed worked with tools perhaps weapons or tools to supply the army or the labor force. His mother is nowhere in his memories nor can he make out anything of her, making him believe she was absent in his life leaving him alone with his father. Another memory that comes to mind is Ricius being surrounded by darkness and hearing only the slamming of metal against more metal all around him. The metal sound surrounded by darkness comes to him a lot when he tries to think of his past from trying to remember his hobbies to what he did to make money, if he worked for his blacksmith father or if he did something else. One of these metal slamming memories had sounded different to him in that instead of just metal slamming against each other there were mixes f what sounded like it was cutting through something and heavy grunts. After trying to divulge further into this all Ricius can see is himself on the boat to the colony holding a metal sword with Ricius de Magnolia in it which he can only assume is his name. After this the broken apart memories stop. From here on he remembers being picked up on another ship looking for survivors and being dropped off at the dock in the colony clueless as to who he is and what his purpose is.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2019
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

    Likes Received:
    Interesting bio.

    Can you add a full date of birth for your character (as in day and month).

    Thank you!
  3. RiceWonder

    RiceWonder Verified Traveler

    Likes Received:
    Added the full birthday
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Welcome to the server :D
    RiceWonder likes this.

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