Approved My Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Taylorc3, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. Taylorc3

    Taylorc3 Verified Traveler

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    Username: KooLcATCamZ
    Discord Username (only if you want to be verified in the Discord group): Koolza #0862
    Full Name: Calisto Tadros
    Nickname(s): Calisto
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Date of birth: 3/11/2386S
    Place of birth: Mainland of Patraeia
    Job: Miner
    Interests and hobbies: Swordsmithing, Music, and Exploring Faraway Lands
    Religious Belief: The Temple of Marventa
    Signature Item (s): The Sword of Tadros - This sword is a family heirloom passed down from generation to generation within the family name of Tadros. The sword is a relic, and the hilt is encrusted with Luminescent Rubies, an extremely rare type of crystal that glows a faint red in the moonlight. Whilst the Tadros family is considered a poor one, this relic from previous generations has maintained an honour and loyalty to tradition. When Calisto's father, Ipthidea died, this sword was passed down to him, entrusting the family's legacy onto Ipthidea's eldest child for safe keeping.

    (Another signature item) Calisto's Lucky Emerald - This emerald was part of the deposit Calisto found whilst coal mining (See below for story) This is the one and only emerald he still has possession of after buying the extremely expensive ticket to Elpida. Calisto holds onto this emerald as a lucky charm, as it represents his long struggle, and the luck he was granted by the Gods to create a new life for himself.

    Story Paragraphs: Calisto Tadros was born in 2386S into a poor coal mining family. His father Ipthidea, was a prominent miner within the region of Patraeia and was renowned for his skill in blacksmithing as well. Calisto is the eldest of three children, with his brother and sister, who still live awaiting his return on the Mainland. When Calisto was 14, his father was killed in a mining tunnel collapse that shattered his family into emotional ruin. With Calisto's mother in ruin, he took up the mantle of mining for his mother and two younger siblings. Calisto entered the mining tunnels, and instantly became entranced in the exploration of the long, winding tunnels. He is now well known in the community for his explorative tendencies and his curiosity, whilst sometimes reckless in nature. In this same year, the city of Elpida was founded, and Calisto dreamed of one day exploring the new dangerous land and making a new life for himself and his family.

    Calisto also enjoys exploring previously unexplored areas where most dare not to go, a hint to his family's courageousness. It is because of this tendency that when Calisto was 19 years of age, he stumbled upon a large emerald deposit deep below the surface. He quickly realised that these emeralds would be just enough to buy a ticket to Elpida for only himself. Knowing this, he bought a ticket to Elpida, in hope of a new life for himself and to one day come back to his family on the mainland. He still holds onto one singular emerald that is all that is left of the emerald deposit as a sentimental reminder of why he came to Elpida in the first place and his extreme luck in even being there at all.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2019
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    A really nice bio but 2 things to note: 1) Your character needs a full date of birth. 2) Please refrain from having any items that are "affiliated" with character's or locations in the official lore. For example, your signature items needs to be changed or edited.

    Let us know when you've made the changes.
  3. Taylorc3

    Taylorc3 Verified Traveler

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    Hi thank you for that!
    I've made some changes and I was just wondering are they ok? Or is there anything else I need to change?

    Alir99 likes this.
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Much better!

    Welcome to the community :D

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