Approved Mr. Garden

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by garden Boi, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. garden Boi

    garden Boi Verified Traveler

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    Discord Username: Fun For One#0001
    Full Name: Klyne Hortus
    Nickname(s): Gardener
    Gender: Male
    Age: 26
    Date of birth: Augusto 20, 2379S
    Place of birth: Mainland
    Job: Farmer
    Interests and hobbies: Woodcraft, Smithing, archery, Weaving, knitting, Exercise
    Religious Belief: Follower of Metus
    Signature Item (s): A pendent that has a cross with a red ruby in it's center; aka "The Hortus Family Cross"

    Story Paragraphs: Klyne was a raised to be a simple yet fiurm man, makjinjg decisions based on how well people handled it. He spends his days tending to his farm and his parents house, left to him by their will and he decided to make more of their farm. His father was a noble warrior fighting for honor and country like most did, however he achgieved this tasked with tactics from the an older time. His mother was fierce woman and kept to her family putting the family even before the gods, nothing was above her family.

    Klyne raised by his mother and tought the ways of farming and fighting by his father, grew to be a softer man but placing high devotion to friends and family. What really stuck with him was his fathers Holy Cross, he said it was a relic from a land long forgotten. He's been searching for it wheneveer he could find it, hoping one day to bring home his fathers lost glory and protection back to the house it came from.

    When Klyne grew to go to school, he was a very adept hands on learner, he enjoyed physical sports and even weaving, however he wanted to follow in his fathers footsteps. So with his fathers memory in hand he trained with the local militia and became stronger and stronger until he could wonder battlefields of his fathers fights. He prays that this island, witch his father frequented for training, could harbor his fathers long lost relic.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2019
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    garden Boi likes this.
  3. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Your place of birth needs to be the Mainland, it cannot be Germany.
    garden Boi likes this.
  4. garden Boi

    garden Boi Verified Traveler

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    Fixed it hope it's up to code
    Alir99 likes this.
  5. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Thank you for your cooperation.
    garden Boi likes this.

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