Approved The Biography of Phoebe Aetós

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by TheJeweledWolf, Dec 21, 2019.

  1. TheJeweledWolf

    TheJeweledWolf Verified Traveler

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    TheJeweledWolf's Character Bio


    Username: DJewelWolf

    Discord Username: TheJeweledWolf#6796

    Full Name: Phoebe Aetós

    Nickname: Phoe

    Gender: Female

    Age: 19

    Date of birth: September 11th, 2386S

    Place of birth: “Moonlit Grotto” – her parents home, Mainland

    Job: Painter

    Interests and hobbies: Like her family before her, Phoebe enjoys painting, especially the moon. Painting the night sky is her little way of honoring Aestheira. She also likes to sing, and often sings hymns of praise while she paints.

    Religious Belief: Follower of Aestheria, Goddess of Beauty and the Moon.

    Signature Item: A paintbrush encrusted with diamonds in the shape of a crescent moon, a gift from her grandfather.



    Phoebe, named after the first woman, was born into a family of talented artists and devout followers of Aestheria (which is another reason for her name). Her father taught her how to paint, and she loved every second. She was soon able to give her paintings to her parents to sell at the docks.

    Her mother often sang hymns while Phoebe was painting or lullabies as she went to bed. As she got older, she sang with her mother. They went to the temple often to sing with other followers, though her favorite rooms were the Moon Rooms. She’d stay up late, spending hours gazing at the moon and basking in its serenity.

    Phoebe drew inspiration from the moon, and soon became known in the temple for her detailed paintings of the night sky. Several of her artworks can be found hanging on the walls of the temple closest to Moonlit Grotto.

    While her family is very proud of their young, artistic prodigy, Phoebe remains humble giving thanks to the Goddess for the talent she’d been blessed with it. Her grandfather had a paintbrush custom made for his granddaughter. He gave it to her on her sixteenth birthday, the month before he passed.

    Grief stricken at the loss of her grandfather, Phoebe locked herself in her room and painted her sorrows in a complicated mural on the wall. After calming down, she turned to her grandfather's last gift. Drawing inspiration from her new paintbrush, Phoebe started painting prosperous cities guarded by the moon. As her imagination grew, she started imagining what it would be like to live in such a place.

    As she got older, rumors of a prosperous land far from the mainland reached her. As she looked for more information, she discovered that this land was real. Yearning to see this new land and live in the beauty it entails, Phoebe stayed up long into the night, almost until dawn, painting and selling. She did this for months, before she finally had enough to pay for passage to Elpida. She will soon board a ship and begin her journey, and life, in the new land.

    Her parents only request was that she remain in contact with them, and never stop doing what she loves.


    Find beauty in everything and you’ll always be content...

    (Thanks to Mia for her help with my biography)
    (I may be awhile before I can actually play as I’m trying to fix my laptop)​
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2019
    Alir99 likes this.
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Amazing bio!

    While reading through it, it seemed a lot like Mia's work which you mentioned at the end. I didn't find any faults with it so congratulations on getting it approved :D
    TheJeweledWolf likes this.
  3. TheJeweledWolf

    TheJeweledWolf Verified Traveler

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    Thanks! Mia is a friend of mine, and our writing styles are similar.
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Oh sweet :D

    I hope you have a great time on the server.
    TheJeweledWolf likes this.

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